
esisting the urge to indulge your gastronomic palate, you sneak into the Finko’s Internet Café and sit down at a terminal. Your deft hacking skills allows you to skip past the normal log-in and get into your web-based email. Unfolding the paper, you reminisce briefly about the very first Hinton Pagliacci Select-Your-Own-Path Adventure you read, a space exploration mission. On your first trip through, you led your starship into a time paradox that plopped you in a spider nebula where you played parlor games with the blind half-elves of Lexicon 3. With that, you were hooked.

“Um, excuse me?” You hear a nervous voice behind you. “Excuse me, where did–um, are you a fan of Hinton Pagliacci too?”

Turning around you see a very large man with a small nose, white hair and a “Who FAQd?” T-shirt. He’s clutching his hands, and shifting back and forth. The whole scene makes you unbelievably nervous. He seems to want to take the paper out of your hand.

To fold the paper back up, go to 40.
To snicker at the T-shirt, because damn, that is just so clever, go to 9.
To say “Yes” (like a civilized decent human being), go to 72.
To say “No” (like a deceitful scumbag), go to 8.