Rambax MIT
Senegalese Drum Ensemble

co-directed by Lamine Toure and Patricia Tang (pjtang@mit.edu).
Audition Information: Attend first rehearsal.
First Rehearsal: 7:30-9:30pm, Monday, September 11, 2006 @ N52-199,
Endicott World Music Room (265 Mass Ave).
Rehearsal schedule: Mondays 7:30-9:30pm plus a weekly one-hour sectional (dates and times TBA).
Fall performance: Saturday, December 2, 2006 (Lobdell)

A performance ensemble focusing on the sabar drumming tradition of Senegal, West Africa. Study and rehearse Senegalese drumming techniques and spoken word. Drums provided; no previous experience necessary! Space for new members is limited; informal audition will take place during the first rehearsal. May be taken for credit (21M.460). Enrollment is limited to MIT students, faculty, and staff. EVERYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING RAMBAX MUST ATTEND THE FIRST REHEARSAL in order to be considered.