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Archæology of physics: 1890s
equipment preserved by the family of
forgotten electrical pioneer
T. B. Kinraide. The video is a bit long
(8 min 30 sec) but worth the time. [Jeff Behary, Electrotherapy Museum]
- TEN OR SO LATEST BLOG ENTRIES: No, I can't count. See also
Complete list, 2012 Oct 15 - Present
Numerical Chladni figures
by Thomas Müller
[European Journal of Physics 34, 1067 (2013)]
"Chladni patterns of vibrating membranes or thin plates
fascinated people already in the eighteenth century ...
In this paper I present NumChladni, an interactive tool
for studying arbitrary two-dimensional vibrating membranes
based on the Finite Element method."
Exhaustive generation of "Mrs. Perkins's quilt"
square dissections for low orders
by Ed Wynn
[2013/08] And what is "Mrs. Perkins's Quilt", you ask?
And why should serious modern mathematicians bother with
such trivial non-professional works as, for instance,
Amusements in Mathematics
by Henry Ernest Dudeny
[London: Nelson, 1917]? Well ...
Evolution of quasi-history in a Physics Textbook
by Jonas R. Persson
[2013/08] Discusses how the much-used Twentieth Century
physics-textbook Sears & Zemansky presents the blackbody-formula
saga: originally just the results, then anachronically in later
editions. Persson considers this a missed opportunity.
Poweroids revisited - an old symbolic approach
by J. S. Dowker
[2013/07] "Jeffery's 1861 computations using finite difference calculus
are resurrected and extended from forward differences to general delta operators ..."
Einstein as armchair detective: The case of stimulated radiation
by Vasant Natarajan
[Resonance 6, 28 (2001)]
Walks the reader through Einstein's 1917 radiation paper,
the founding document of laser science.
The Giants' Shoulders #61:
Roundup of history-of-science blogs, 2013 July.