NON-COMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY: General: Aschieri and Castellani 92/07; Grosse et al. 95/10; Froehlich 97/06; Dimakis and Muller-Hoissen 97/12; Madore 99/06; Connes 2000/03; Bigatti 2000/06; Connes 2000/11; Konechny and Schwarz 2001/07; Gracia-Bondia 2002/06; Varilly 2002/06; Jackiw 2002/12; Non commutative geometry for outsiders: an elementary introduction to motivations and tools by Daniela Bigatti [1998/02] The Structure of Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry by Fedele Lizzi [2008/05] Notes on noncommutative geometry by Igor Nikolaev [2015/03] 309 pp. Noncommutative geometry and physics by Jean Petitot [2015/05] Topics in Noncommutative Geometry by Francesco D'Andrea [2015/10] Noncommutative Geometry: The Spectral Standpoint by Alain Connes [2019/10] Noncommutativity and physics: A non-technical review by A. H. Chamseddine et al. [2022/07] 'Non-technical' in a relative sense only. Types: ALGEBRAIC; BRAIDS; HOPF ALGEBRAS; Type: PROJECTIVE: An introduction to Noncommutative Projective Geometry by Daniel Rogalski [2014/03] Aspects: BAUM-CONNES CONJECTURE: The Baum-Connes Conjecture: An Extended Survey by Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio et al. [2019/05] Aspects: CURVATURE: Curvature in Noncommutative Geometry by Farzad Fathizadeh and Masoud Khalkhali [2019/01] Aspects: SPECTRAL ACTION: Spectral Action in Non-Commutative Geometry by Michał Eckstein and Bruno Iochum [2019/02] 171 pp. Re: FIELD THEORY; HOPF ALGEBRAS; QUANTUM GROUPS; YANGIAN SYMMETRY; Re: BRANES: Harvey 2001/02; Re: DEFORMATION QUANTIZATION: Sternheimer 98/09; Re: FINITE SETS: Dimakis and Muller-Hoissen 97/12; Re: FLUID DYNAMICS: Jackiw 2002/12; Re: GRAVITY: Noncommutative Geometries and Gravity by Folkert Muller-Hoissen [2007/09] Survey of Gravity in Non-Commutative Geometry by Nicolas Franco [2008/05] Re: GRAVITY: QUANTUM GRAVITY: Gervais 92/12; Re: KALUZA-KLEIN THEORY: Castellani 2000/05; Re: LATTICES: TODA: NON-LINEAR: Dimakis and Muller-Hoissen 97/12; Re: M THEORY: Castellani 2000/05; Konechny and Schwarz 2001/07; Re: NUCLEAR STRUCTURE: Bonatsos et al. 95/10; Re: PARTICLE PHYSICS: Chamseddine 94/10; Martinetti 2003/06; Re: RENORMALIZATION: Connes 2000/03; Re: RIEMANN-HILBERT PROBLEM: Connes 2000/03; Re: SOLITONS: Harvey 2001/02; Re: STANDARD MODEL: Martinetti 2003/06; The Structure of Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry by Fedele Lizzi [2008/05] Re: STRING DUALITY: Lizzi and Szabo 99/04; Re: STRING THEORY: Castellani 2000/05; The Structure of Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry by Fedele Lizzi [2008/05] A Course on Noncommutative Geometry in String Theory by Ralph Blumenhagen [2013/09] Re: TACHYONIC CONDENSATION: Harvey 2001/02; Re: TOPOLOGICAL INSULATORS: Topological insulators from the perspective of non-commutative geometry and index theory by Hermann Schulz-Baldes [2016/07] Re: WDVV EQUATION: Carroll 98/02; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS