Human Resource Practices Development Team

Design Team Report June 1996 - February 1997

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Nine Basic Elements of Human Resource Practices

Planning and Appraisal: How an organization sets goals, plans performance, provides ongoing coaching, and evaluates performance of employees (individuals and/or teams).

Individual and Team Development: How an organization identifies the needs for employee skill development, education, and growth and how they meet those needs.

Career Planning: How an organization strives to help employees to learn their strengths and to match these strengths, aptitudes, preferences, and abilities to future work.

Hiring: How an organization defines and fills positions and roles with qualified people from within and/or outside the organization; how an organization orients these new employees.

Career Pathing: How an organization (for key positions and roles) determines the logical progression of jobs, roles, assignments, and development to provide a sufficient pool of qualified candidates and incumbents.

Succession Planning: How an organization systematically identifies key roles and positions, determines performance requirements and targets a group of people to fill these positions and roles in the future.

Job Design: How an organization determines the best methods for accomplishing a work product or result. The two major types are the individual job and the team.

Classification: The systematic process for evaluating the size and appropriate salary ranges for different jobs and roles in an organization.

Compensation/Recognition/Other Rewards: How an organization pays and rewards employees (individuals and/or teams), through salary, bonuses, benefits and/or non-financial rewards.


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