Rich Hilliard: Papers and Talks
This page provides a partial list of recent papers, talks and
works-in-progress. It is out of date, but will improve with
time. Send me a note if a link is broken, or if something is
missing. At work on how best to use
Google Scholar,
Stay tuned.
On Architecture, Systems and Software
Architecture Modeling for Resource Margin Estimation
with S. Srinivasan, R. Kegley, M. Gerhardt, C. Granger, J. Preston,
S. Drager, M. Anderson, R. Rosa, and A. Charsagua, at High
Confidence Software and Systems Conference, Annapolis, MD
13–17 Sept 2020.
Empirical Bounds of Multicore Cache Interference for Real-Time
Schedulability Analysis with S. Srinivasan, R. Kegley,
M. Gerhardt, J. Preston, C. Granger, S. Drager, M. Anderson,
R. Rosa, A. Charsagua, N. Srinivasan and R. Ha, In IEEE/AIAA
38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), September
2019. (Awarded best paper of session.)
Assessing migration of a 20-year-old system to a micro-service
platform using ATAM with Pablo Cruz, Hernan Astudillo and
Miguel Collado, In Proceedings of International Conference on
Software Architecture (ICSA 2019), Hamburg, Germany, March 2019.
Modeling Context with an Architecture Viewpoint with
Adriatik Bedjeti, Patricia Lago, Grace Lewis and Remco de Boer. In
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Architecture
(ICSA 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017.
Trends in systems and software variability
Guest editor introduction, with Rafael Capilla and Jan Bosch,
Special Issue of IEEE Software, Trends in Systems and
Software Variability, May/June 2015.
Lessons from the fundamental unity of architecting
Software Engineering in the Systems Context,
editors: Ivar Jacobson and Harold 'Bud' Lawson, 2015.
What can BPM learn from Enterprise Architecture?
with Mark von Rosing and Henrik von Scheel
in The Complete Business Process Handbook (volume 2, Extended
Business Process Management)
Towards an Improved Stakeholder Management for Software
Reference Architectures with Samuil Angelov. European
Conference on Software Architecture, Vienna, 2014
Architecting in Networked Organizations with Damian
Andrew Tamburri, Patricia Lago and Christoph Dorn. Working IEEE/IFIP
Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2014), Sydney.
See also: NOVA
Surveying the Twin Peaks
Keynote for 2nd International Workshop on the Twin Peaks of Requirements
and Architecture, at ICSE, 21 May 2013, San Francisco.
Work in progress; comments appreciated.
In search of the Higgs, or What’s wrong with SEMAT?
Work in progress; comments appreciated.
Several of the above items are part of an ongoing investigation
into concerns in architecture and engineering. I hope to
elaborate upon these ideas in full papers sometime soon.
The role of architecture frameworks: Lessons learned from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010
Submission to NATO IST-115 Symposium on Architecture Definition &
Evaluation, May 2013, Toulouse. extended abstract
Guest editors’ Introduction, Special issue: selected
papers from the 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Architecture (WICSA 2011)
with Patricia Lago.
Journal of Systems and Software, 85(9), September 2012.
Guest editors’ Introduction, Special issue:
Framing Stakeholders’ Concerns
with Patricia Lago and Paris Avgeriou.
IEEE Software, November/December 2010.
Forces on Architecture Decisions
with Uwe van Heesch and Paris
Avgeriou. Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture
(WICSA/ECSA 2012).
On the Composition and Reuse of Viewpoints across Architecture
Frameworks with Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini and Patrizio
Pelliccione. Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture
(WICSA/ECSA 2012).
A documentation framework for architecture decisions
with Uwe van Heesch and Paris Avgeriou.
The Journal of Systems & Software, 85(4), April 2012.
Reviewing an architecture document
chapter in Clements et al.,
Documenting Software Architectures: views and beyond, (2nd edition), 2011.
ISO/IEC 42010 neé IEEE Std 1471
chapter in Clements et al.,
Documenting Software Architectures: views and beyond, (2nd edition), 2011.
On representing variation
1st International Workshop on Variability in Software Product Line
Architectures, at 4th European Conference on Software
Architecture, 2010.
Work in progress. annotated version
Realizing architecture frameworks through megamodelling techniques
with Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini and Patrizio Pelliccione.
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated
Software Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 2010.
Architecture description in-the-large
position paper for Workshop on Exploring Enterprise, System of Systems, System, and Software
Architecture at WICSA/ECSA 2009.
Every architecture description needs a framework
with David Emery.
Knowledge mechanisms in IEEE 1471 & ISO/IEC 42010
invited talk for SHARK 2008, at ICSE, Vancouver, May 2009.
A Structured Approach for Reviewing Architecture Documentation
with Robert L. Nord, Paul C. Clements and David Emery.
A Trust Viewpoint
work-in-progress to define an architecture viewpoint for capturing
trust and security concerns in an architecture description.
Comments appreciated.
Characterizing relations between architectural views
with Nelis Boucké, Danny Weyns, Tom Holvoet and Alexander Helleboogh.
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA
2008), Springer, LNCS, volume 5292.
Updating IEEE 1471: Architecture frameworks and other topics
with David Emery.
Proceedings of the Seventh Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Architecture (WICSA 2008).
Aspects in architectural description
with Paul Clements, David Emery and Philippe Kruchten.
Summary of March 2007 workshop at AOSD, in
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, volume 32.
Using Aspects in Architectural Description
Early Aspects @ AOSD. Springer, LNCS 4765.
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 (previously IEEE Std 1471) Bibliography
Updated occasionally.
IEEE 1471 at age 5
Understanding perspectives
response to Woods, Emmerich and Rozanski’s (unpublished)
“Using architectural perspectives” in light of the
conceptual framework of IEEE Std 1471.
ANSI/IEEE 1471 and Systems Engineering
with Mark Maier and David Emery.
Systems Engineering: the Journal of the International
Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 7(3) 2004.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Inference:
architectural views and their interfaces
position paper in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
Living with Inconsistency.
Introducing IEEE 1471
with Mark Maier and David Emery. IEEE Computer, April
Viewpoint modeling
position paper in Proceedings of the 1st ICSE
Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML.
Three Models for the Description of
Architectural Knowledge: Viewpoints, Styles, and Patterns
(Withdrawn — after disappointing a couple folks who
requested it: I'm not happy with current draft. Someday this may
IEEE Std 1471 and Beyond
position paper for SEI’s Workshop on Software Architecture
Representation, 16-17 January 2001.
Views as modules
position paper for the
Fourth International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-4),
4 and 5 June 2000, Limerick, Ireland.
Impact Assessment of IEEE 1471 on The Open Group Architecture Framework
At the request of John Spencer, this note was prepared to assess the
expected im-pact of adopting IEEE 1471, Recommended Practice on
Architectural Description on The Open Group’s Architecture Framework
(TOGAF). 30 March 2000.
Building blocks for extensibility in the UML
response to Object Management Group’s Request for
Information for Unified Modeling Language 2.0. Available from
OMG as:
ad/99-12-12 (see also:
Patterns of Practical Architecting
position paper for OOPSLA’99 Workshop on Patterns in Software
Architecture: The Development Process, 2 November 1999.
Aspects, Concerns, Views, ...
position paper for OOPSLA’99
Workshop on Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns in
Object-oriented Systems, 1 November 1999.
Using the UML for architectural description
Proceedings of «UML»’99 The
Unified Modeling Language, Second International
Conference, Springer, LNCS volume 1723.
Views and viewpoints in software systems architecture
position paper from the First Working IFIP
Conference on Software Architecture, San Antonio,
February 1999.
Expressiveness in Architecture Description Languages
with Tim Rice. Proceedings of the 3rd International Software Architecture
Workshop, ACM Press, Orlando Florida, 1-2 November 1998.
Architecture Description Framework (ADF) Workbook
with Vivian E. Sovinsky.
The MITRE Corporation, 1997.
“C4ISR Architectures” and “Software
Architectures” — Compared
Invited talk comparing DOD’s
C4ISR Architecture Framework with industry and academic
approaches to software architecture. Presented 25 March
1997, at Software Engineering Institute, Washington as part
of the PLIAT Workshop on Architecture Standards in Product
Line Acquisition.
Operational Architectures (the very idea!)
November 1997 presentation for an EFX
architecture interchange meeting, on the topic of operational
The Architect’s Job
briefing for US Air Force, June 1997 (remixed 2006).
Comments on C4ISR Architecture Framework
with Tim Rice. Originally, MITRE
Corporation memo D510-M-013, dated 5 June 1997.
The C4ISR Architecture Framework was a proposed
approach to documenting architectures for the DoD. This memo
provides detailed comments on version 1.0 of the framework.
Note: Version 2.0 of the C4ISR Architecture
Framework is now available and in use by the DOD. It
hasn’t fixed any of the problems cited in this memo.
MITRE’s Architecture Quality Assessment
with M. Kurland and S. Litvintchouk.
Paper at the 1997 MITRE Software
Engineering and Economics Conference, April 2-3, 1997.
Architecture Description Framework
overview briefing of the Architecture Description Framework
Toward a Recommended Practice for Architectural Description
with Walter J. Ellis, Peter T. Poon, David Rayford,
Thomas F. Saunders, Basil Sherlund and Ronald L. Wade.
Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on
Engineering of Complex Computer Systems Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, October 21-25, 1996.
Architecture Quality Assessment (version 2.0)
with Michael J. Kurland, Steven D. Litvintchouk,
Timothy B. Rice and Stephen C. Schwarm.
This version was developed
while at The MITRE Corporation, and is dated August 7,
1996. For the most recent version, contact Rich Hilliard.
Representing Software Systems Architectures or, components,
connections and (why not?) first-class constraints and views
2nd International Workshop on the Architecture of Software
Systems (ISAW-2), October 15-16, 1996, San Francisco. Joint
Proceedings of the SIGSOFT ’96 Workshops, ACM Press
Patterns : Design :: Blueprints : Architecture
with David Emery, 1996
Experiences Applying a Practical Architectural Method
with David Emery and Tim Rice.
Reliable Software Technologies — Ada Europe’96, Springer,
LNCS, volume 1088.
Architectural View Selection
ESC Second Architecture Technical Interchange Meeting, Gunter AFB
5 December 1995
The Architectural Metaphor as a Foundation for
Systems Engineering
with Steve Schwarm and Tim Rice.
Proceedings of Sixth Annual
International Symposium of the International Council on
Systems Engineering.
Comments on Kogut and Clements (SEI),
Features of Architecture Representation Languages
RCAS Final Assessment
with J. R. Knisley and R. A. Ringdahl, 1995. Order from MITRE Library
Dimensions of Architectural Thinking
Software Architectures as They Relate to Software Maintenance
with C. Byrnes, R. Baldwin, and T. Rice.
Proceedings of the MITRE Washington Conference on Software
The SBIS Architecture Method with Tim Rice. ESC Technical
Interchange Meeting on Software Architectures, June 14-15, 1995.
“Architecture,” methods and open issues
with David Emery. First International Workshop on
Architectures of Software Systems (ISAW-1), Seattle, WA, April 24-25 1995.
The notion of ‘architecture’ in model-based software engineering
Workshop on Domain-Specific Architectures, Hidden Valley, PA, July 1990.
Other Writings
Comments on USPTO interim guidance, post-Bilski v. Kappos,
September 2010.
- Meta-level design papers
Linguistics papers: There are a couple of papers from my MIT linguistics
days perhaps worth recovering on thematic relations (before theta
theory) and articlelessness.
Rich’s reflection bibliography (very old).
Copyright © 1990–2020,
Rich Hilliard
unless noted.
Comments, corrections, suggestions, and requests to
Rich Hilliard.