SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION The registration fee includes admissions to all technical sessions, one book of abstracts, brunch on Sunday, three lunches, and one ticket to the conference
banquet on Wednesday evening. The deadline for early registration is
15 June 2001. The Symposium fees are:
The conference banquet will be held at the New England Aquarium on Wednesday, August 8. The banquet will feature a traditional New England clambake menu. To register please complete the on
line registration form. The fee may be paid by check or money order,
payable to MIT in US currency and drawn on a US bank. Payment by credit
card (MasterCard or Visa only) is also accepted. Credit card payments
may be faxed to 617-258-7005. All registration payments should be accompanied
by the online confirmation and sent or faxed to the MIT Conference Services
Office/ISOM, Room 7-111, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
USA. A confirmation of registration, including details about on-site registration and a map of the MIT campus, will be sent to you approximately one month prior to the conference. |