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Android APIs
Added in API level 1

This package is for compatibility with legacy code only, and should not be used or expected to do anything useful.


Certificate This interface was deprecated in API level 1. Replaced by behavior in 
DomainCombiner Legacy security code; do not use. 
Guard Guard implementors protect access to other objects. 
Key Key is the common interface for all keys. 
KeyStore.Entry Entry is the common marker interface for a KeyStore entry. 
KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter LoadStoreParameter represents a parameter that specifies how a KeyStore can be loaded and stored. 
KeyStore.ProtectionParameter ProtectionParameter is a marker interface for protection parameters. 
Policy.Parameters Legacy security code; do not use. 
Principal Principals are objects which have identities. 
PrivateKey PrivateKey is the common interface for private keys. 
PrivilegedAction<T> Legacy security code; do not use. 
PrivilegedExceptionAction<T> Legacy security code; do not use. 
PublicKey PublicKey is the common interface for public keys. 


AccessControlContext Legacy security code; do not use. 
AccessController Legacy security code; do not use. 
AlgorithmParameterGenerator AlgorithmParameterGenerator is an engine class which is capable of generating parameters for the algorithm it was initialized with. 
AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for AlgorithmParameterGenerator
AlgorithmParameters AlgorithmParameters is an engine class which provides algorithm parameters. 
AlgorithmParametersSpi AlgorithmParametersSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for AlgorithmParameters
AllPermission Legacy security code; do not use. 
AuthProvider Legacy security code; do not use. 
BasicPermission Legacy security code; do not use. 
CodeSigner CodeSigner represents a signer of code. 
CodeSource Legacy security code; do not use. 
DigestInputStream DigestInputStream is a FilterInputStream which maintains an associated message digest. 
DigestOutputStream DigestOutputStream is a FilterOutputStream which maintains an associated message digest. 
GuardedObject GuardedObject controls access to an object, by checking all requests for the object with a Guard
Identity This class was deprecated in API level 1. The functionality of this class has been replace by Principal, KeyStore and the package.  
IdentityScope This class was deprecated in API level 1. The functionality of this class has been replace by Principal, KeyStore and the package.  
KeyFactory KeyFactory is an engine class that can be used to translate between public and private key objects and convert keys between their external representation, that can be easily transported and their internal representation. 
KeyFactorySpi KeyFactorySpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for KeyFactory
KeyPair KeyPair is a container for a public key and a private key. 
KeyPairGenerator KeyPairGenerator is an engine class which is capable of generating a private key and its related public key utilizing the algorithm it was initialized with. 
KeyPairGeneratorSpi KeyPairGeneratorSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for KeyPairGenerator
KeyRep KeyRep is a standardized representation for serialized Key objects. 
KeyStore KeyStore is responsible for maintaining cryptographic keys and their owners. 
KeyStore.Builder Builder is used to construct new instances of KeyStore
KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection CallbackHandlerProtection is a ProtectionParameter that encapsulates a CallbackHandler
KeyStore.PasswordProtection PasswordProtection is a ProtectionParameter that protects a KeyStore using a password. 
KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry PrivateKeyEntry represents a KeyStore entry that holds a private key. 
KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry SecretKeyEntry represents a KeyStore entry that holds a secret key. 
KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry TrustedCertificateEntry represents a KeyStore entry that holds a trusted certificate. 
KeyStoreSpi KeyStoreSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for KeyStore
MessageDigest Uses a one-way hash function to turn an arbitrary number of bytes into a fixed-length byte sequence. 
MessageDigestSpi MessageDigestSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for MessageDigest
Permission Legacy security code; do not use. 
PermissionCollection Legacy security code; do not use. 
Permissions Legacy security code; do not use. 
Policy Legacy security code; do not use. 
PolicySpi Represents the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for class. 
ProtectionDomain Legacy security code; do not use. 
Provider Provider is the abstract superclass for all security providers in the Java security infrastructure. 
Provider.Service Service represents a service in the Java Security infrastructure. 
SecureClassLoader SecureClassLoader represents a ClassLoader which associates the classes it loads with a code source and provide mechanisms to allow the relevant permissions to be retrieved. 
SecureRandom This class generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers. 
SecureRandomSpi SecureRandomSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for SecureRandom
Security Security is the central class in the Java Security API. 
SecurityPermission Legacy security code; do not use. 
Signature Signature is an engine class which is capable of creating and verifying digital signatures, using different algorithms that have been registered with the Security class. 
SignatureSpi SignatureSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition for Signature
SignedObject A SignedObject instance acts as a container for another object. 
Signer This class was deprecated in API level 1. Replaced by behavior in package and Principal  
Timestamp Timestamp represents a signed time stamp. 
UnresolvedPermission Legacy security code; do not use. 


KeyRep.Type Type enumerates the supported key types. 


AccessControlException AccessControlException is thrown if the access control infrastructure denies protected access due to missing permissions. 
DigestException DigestException is a general message digest exception. 
GeneralSecurityException GeneralSecurityException is a general security exception and the superclass for all security specific exceptions. 
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException InvalidAlgorithmParameterException indicates the occurrence of invalid algorithm parameters. 
InvalidKeyException InvalidKeyException indicates exceptional conditions, caused by an invalid key. 
InvalidParameterException InvalidParameterException indicates exceptional conditions, caused by invalid parameters. 
KeyException KeyException is the common superclass of all key related exceptions. 
KeyManagementException KeyManagementException is a general exception, thrown to indicate an exception during processing an operation concerning key management. 
KeyStoreException KeyStoreException is a general KeyStore exception. 
NoSuchAlgorithmException NoSuchAlgorithmException indicates that a requested algorithm could not be found. 
NoSuchProviderException NoSuchProviderException indicates that a requested security provider could not be found. 
PrivilegedActionException Legacy security code; do not use. 
ProviderException ProviderException is a general exception, thrown by security Providers
SignatureException SignatureException is a general Signature exception. 
UnrecoverableEntryException UnrecoverableEntryException indicates, that a KeyStore.Entry cannot be recovered from a KeyStore
UnrecoverableKeyException UnrecoverableKeyException indicates, that a key cannot be recovered from a KeyStore