Administrative Computing Developer Resources
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Web Development Standards

Administrative Computing: Internet Design & Development Team (IDD) – Development Standards: Web Site Look & Feel

The purpose of these documents is to:

  • Promote a uniform look and feel across all enterprise web applications and web sites built by Administrative Computing.
  • Promote uniformity of the code used in MIT Administrative Computing web applications. Specifically, to promote the production of well-formed web pages.
  • Provide guidelines intended to reduce the work required to support multiple web browsers and platforms.
  • Promote "best web" development practices.

10 Rules for Coding Web Pages

These documents define the presentation-layer coding rules for constructing web pages for Administrative Computing web applications and other Administrative Computing web sites.

Web Deployment Check List

This document provides a check list of tasks that need to be performed when deploying an application or content system to the web.

S.U.I.T. (Simple User Interface Toolkit) JavaScript API Help Pages

The purpose of this API is to:

  • Reduce the time required to produce web sites.
  • Provide tested, reusable code intended to reduce the work required to support multiple web browsers and platforms.

ITS (Internet Transaction Server) Cookbook

This document provides information on frequently

I S and T

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