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Response to Inspection Report

PI Response Submitted

This confirming message appears at the top of the screen.

This screen is a read only version of the final response that has been submitted.

The findings of the inspection are listed on this screen. Enter a description of the actions you've taken in response to Corrective Actions and/or Recommended Actions assigned to you.

Note: Corrective Actions always require a description. Recommended Actions are only required for some DLCs and some PI/Supervisors.

DLC: The name of the department, lab, or center.

Roomset: The name of the roomset, for example: Allen Lab.

PI: The name of the Principal Investigator or Supervisor.

Inspection Round: "2005 Round 1" indicates the January through June time period, "2005 Round 2" indicates the July through December time period. From the dropdown list, choose the appropriate inspection round.

Inspection Date: The date the inspection was entered online.

Email Recipients: The names of the the EHS Coordinator and Lead Contact required to receive the inspection results.

Send Report To: The people who can optionally receive inspection results.

Inspection Team: Anyone who was present and participated in the inspection.

Follow up by Inspection Team Required? Indicates whether or not a followup inspection is required.

Overall Inspection Findings: The results of the inspection, such as minor, moderate, or major.

Required Corrective Actions: Enter the corrective actions you have taken.

Corrective Action Description: Describe what you have done to correct the situation. This is a required field.

Restriction:This field will only appear for corrective actions that have been identified as subject to restriction on the custom findings report screen.

  • Check either yes or no to note whether the individual or facility is subject to restriction. The central DLC office must maintain the following: the names of those subject to restriction, the revoking or suspension of the use of certain materials, equipment or lab.
  • Contact your DLC EHS Coordinator for more information.

Restriction Detail: Enter details about the restrictions placed on the lab, PI, or individual, exluding names. Contact your DLC EHS Coordinator for more information.

Notes to Append the Corrective Action Description: Enter any notes that would provide further information.

Question (category label): The question and its corresponding category and number, e.g., Question PT-01

Coordinator's Notes: These are confidential notes that only appear on the Coordinator and Lead Contact's version of this screen.

Finding (number): The question and finding number e.g., PT-01 - Finding 1

ID #: The unique number assigned to the finding.

Finding Type: The standard finding that was previously selected.

Finding Detail: More information about the finding.

Room(s): The rooms where the finding(s) occurred that require corrective action.

Corrective Action - ID # : The unique ID number that identifies the selected corrective action and its description.

Assigned To: The name of the person responsible to take action and his or her role.

Action Taken: Check the box if an action was taken.

Action Description: Enter a description of the corrective action that was taken.

Effectiveness: Indicates whether the action taken has been reviewed and whether or not it was effective. The default is Not Reviewed.

Recommended Actions

Select all recommended actions as taken: A shortcut to select all of the recommended actions as taken at one time.

Entering information in the Action Description field is optional. This only appears on the PI/Supervisor and EHS Representative versions of this screen.

Question (category label): The question and its corresponding category and number, e.g., Question PT-01

Room(s): The rooms where the findings occurred.

Recommended Action: The recommended action taken to fix the finding.

Assigned To: The name of the person responsible to take action and his or her role.

Action Taken: Check the box if an action was taken.

Action Description: Enter a description of the corrective action that was taken.

Comments and Non-Findings

A listing of non-findings and personal notes from a recent inspection.

Note: These are not visible on the PI/Supervisor's Inspection Report and can only be viewed by the EHS Coordinator or Lead Contact.

Question: The specific question.

Answer: The result, for example, no finding, corrected finding, cannot be determined. Coordinator's comments: the notes the coordinator entered.

Three buttons on this screen are:

Return to Overview: Returns you to the Inspections Overview

Save: Saves the information on this screen.

Submit: Saves the information on this screen and submits it.

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