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Search for a Person

To find a person:

  1. Enter either the person's first or last name (or both) in the appropriate fields. Use either upper or lower case, this search is not case sensitive.

    Wild cards: If you are not sure of the spelling of a name, you may use a "wild card" asterisk (*). For example, if you are looking for a PI named Smith, but you are not really sure whether it is Smith or Smythe, in the Last Name field, type sm*. This should result in a list of all last names beginning with "sm" from which you can then pick the correct PI.

  2. Click the Search button.

    Result: A list of all the people fitting your search query appears below the search fields.

  3. From the list, click on the person you want to choose.

    Result: You return to the Add Person or Add Contact screen and the name you chose appears in the appropriate field.

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