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EHS: Print All Room: Create/Change/Display Help

Print All Room: Create/Change/Display Help

Departments, Labs and Centers (DLC) Selection

This screen contains a list of all DLCs you are authorized to see.

Click on the DLC that contains the Roomset or Rooms you wish to see or edit.

Result: The Roomset Selection screen appears and lists all Roomsets you are authorized to see in the DLC you chose.

Roomset Selection

This page contains a list of all Roomsets in the DLC you have chosen that you are authorized to see.

  1. From the list, click on the Roomset that you want to view or edit.
    Result: The Change Room Information page opens.

  2. You can also go back to the complete DLC list by clicking the Return to DLC List button.

Change Room Information

This screen shows you all the Rooms/Subrooms within the Roomset you created or chose from the DLC list on the previous screen.

From here you can:

  • Click the Edit Roomset button to edit it;
  • Click on an existing room or subroom to edit it;
  • Click on the Add a Room button to add a new room to this Roomset;
  • or click the Reassign button to remove a room from this Roomset and place it in a different Roomset owned by the same Principal Investigator (PI). Note: if the PI does not own another roomset you will see a warning message and you will not be able to reassign the room.

Related terms:

Subroom: a room that is divided into distinct spaces that are assigned to one PI i.e. no secondary PI is assigned. Each space (subroom) is registered in the system along with its contacts and hazards and must be inspected separately.

 Add Room Step 2

To add a room, you will move through three screens:

  1. Search for Room screen: lets you find and choose the physical location (building and room number) of the new room;
  2. Add Room screen: lets you add some basic characteristics, such as Room Status, Inspection Status. and Room Description, to the new room;
  3. Change Room Information screen: is where you add Hazards and Contacts to your new room.

On the Add Room screen, you can edit the following:

  • Is a Subroom?--The default is no. If you want to divide up one physical room between two or more roomsets (PIs), you must make them subrooms. Each subroom will only exist within one roomset, but the location of those subrooms (the room number) will exist in both. To create a subroom click "Yes"
  • Room Status--At this level, there are only two statuses, Active and Inactive. Inactive is meant for rooms that are not in day-to-day use.
  • Inspection Status--There are two statuses, Inspect and Do Not Inspect. If a room contains a hazard, it should be inspected. The exception is if the room is "Inactive," at which point it may not need inspection.
  • Room Description--This is optional. You may enter any information here. This text will print on the Green Card.

Once you have made any necessary changes to this information, click on the Save Changes button.

Result: You will move to the Change Room Information Screen.

Related terms:

Subroom: a room that is divided into distinct spaces that are assigned to one PI i.e. no secondary PI is assigned. Each space (subroom) is registered in the system along with its contacts and hazards and must be inspected separately.

Add Room Step 1: Search for Room

To add a room, you will move through three screens:

  1. Search for Room screen: lets you find and choose the physical location (building and room number) of the new room;
  2. Add Room screen: lets you add some basic characteristics, such as Room Status, Inspection Status, and Room Description to the new room;
  3. Change Room Information screen: add Hazards and Contacts to your new room.

On this screen, you can search for a room by entering a building or building-room number.

  • Building-Room: in this field you can enter:
    -Building number, e.g., n42
    -Building-Room, e.g., 10-250

You can use an asterisk (*) to perform a wildcard search e.g., n42-2*

  1. Enter the address or partial address of the room in one of the fields
  2. Click the Search button.
    Result: list of choices appears.
  3. Click on the room you want to add.
    Result: You return to the Add Room page and the room appears in the Room# field.

Reassign Room to Different Roomset

On this page, you can move a room to another roomset as long as the PI remains the same.

Click on the roomset you want to move from the list of roomsets belonging to the PI .

Result: The room is moved to the new roomset and no longer appears on the Change Room Information page.

 Change Room Information

On this page, you change or view the following information about individual rooms in a roomset:

  • where the room is, e.g., 10-250, Green Building and whether it is a subroom

  • who else, besides the people named in the Roomset description, have roles in the this room, e.g., Secondary PI, or Room rep.

  • who are the emergency contacts for the room and who should appear on the "Green Card."

  • the hazardous materials and safety equipment associated with this room

When you arrive at this page you see the Roomset information, including DLC Affiliation, Roomset Name, Roomset Status and Roomset Description.

At the bottom of the page, you see a table called "Rooms in Roomset." Depending on whether or not rooms have already been added to the roomset, the table may be empty or containing already added rooms.

  • To add a room to the roomset, click on Add a Room.
    Result: The Room Search window opens.
  • Search for a room by building-room number.

  • To add a room click on one of the rooms listed in the results.

  • To change or add information to a room that has already been added, in the Rooms in Roomset table, click on the room address in Room # column.
    Result: A Change Room Information screen appears and you can change or add more information for the room, including Room Roles, Emergency Contacts and Hazards.

  • To reassign the room to a different roomset, click on the Reassign button.

  • To edit the details for a Rep or PI, click their linked name.
    Result: An Edit Room Role screen appears. Revise their Emergency phone number and choose to suppress or show it on the Green Card. Home phone number can be suppressed as well.

  • To edit the details for an Emergency Contact, click their linked name.
    Result: An Edit Emergency Contact screen appears.
    Sort Order: choose the order their name will appear on the green card. Revise their Emergency phone number and choose to suppress or show it on the Green Card. Home phone number can be suppressed as well.

Related terms:

Subroom: a room that is divided into distinct spaces that are assigned to one PI i.e. no secondary PI is assigned. Each space (subroom) is registered in the system along with its contacts and hazards and must be inspected separately.

Roomset Role

On this page, you can edit a PI or Default Room Representative.

  1. In the Emergency Phone field, enter an emergency contact number for this person.

  2. To the right of the Home Phone and Emergency Phone fields, you can choose whether either of these numbers will appear on the Green Card. The default is that they will. You can suppress them by clicking on Yes.

  3. When you have finished entering the information, click Save Changes.

  4. When you receive confirmation (at the top of the page) that the changes have been saved, click on Return.
    Result: you return to the Change Room Information page.

Room Role

On this page, you can name a Secondary PI or a Room Representative.

  1. Click on Add a person.

  2. Search for the name of the new contact. Click on the binoculars.
    Result: when you have completed the search, you return to this page and you will see both Name and Kerberos Name fields completed.

  3. From the Role drop-down menu, select the role this person fills for this room, i.e., Secondary PI or Room Representative.

  4. In the Emergency Phone field, enter an emergency contact number for this person.

  5. To the right of the Home Phone and Emergency Phone fields, you can choose whether either of these numbers will appear on the Green Card. The default is that they will. You can suppress them by clicking on Yes.

  6. When you have finished entering the information, click Save Changes.

  7. When you receive confirmation (at the top of the page) that the changes have been saved, click on Return.
    Result: you return to the Change Room Information page.

Emergency Contact

From this page, you search for a person to add as an emergency contact, choose the order in which this name will appear on the green card, provide additional contact phone numbers that do not appear in the directory, and choose whether to show or suppress these numbers.

  1. Search for the name of the new contact. Click on the binoculars.
    Result: when you have completed the search, you return to this page and you will see both Name and Kerberos Name fields completed.

  2. From the Sort Order drop-down menu, select the order in which you want this name to appear.

  3. In the Emergency Phone field, enter an emergency contact number for this person.

  4. To the right of the Home Phone and Emergency Phone fields, you can choose whether either of these numbers will appear on the Green Card. The default is that they will. You can suppress them by clicking on Yes.

  5. When you have finished entering the information, click Save Changes.

  6. When you receive confirmation (at the top of the page) that the changes have been saved, click on Return.
    Result: you return to the Change Room Information page.

Edit Emergency Contact

  1. In the Sort Order field, change this number to change the position of this person on the Green Card (position 01 appears at the top of the list, 02 is below it, etc.)

  2. In the Emergency Phone field, enter or edit an emergency contact number for this person.

  3. To the right of the Home Phone and Emergency Phone fields, you can choose whether either of these numbers will appear on the Green Card. The default is that they will. You can suppress them by clicking on Yes

  4. When you have finished entering the information, click Save Changes.

  5. When you receive confirmation (at the top of the page) that the changes have been saved, click on Return.
    Result: you return to the Change Room Information page.

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