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Room Role

On this page, you can name a Secondary PI or a Room Representative.

  1. Click on Add a person.

  2. Search for the name of the new contact. Click on the binoculars.
    Result: when you have completed the search, you return to this page and you will see both Name and Kerberos Name fields completed.

  3. From the Role drop-down menu, select the role this person fills for this room, i.e., Secondary PI or Room Representative.

  4. In the Emergency Phone field, enter an emergency contact number for this person.

  5. To the right of the Home Phone and Emergency Phone fields, you can choose whether either of these numbers will appear on the Green Card. The default is that they will. You can suppress them by clicking on Yes.

  6. When you have finished entering the information, click Save Changes.

  7. When you receive confirmation (at the top of the page) that the changes have been saved, click on Return.
    Result: you return to the Change Room Information page.

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