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SARA Reporting

On this page, SARA reporters can update chemical substances inventory including bulk oil that MIT tracks for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act (EPCRA). For more information see

To add new substances

  1. Substances: from drop-down list, choose a substance.

    For oils, no submission is required if oil is stored in a container with a capacity of less than 55 gallons

  2. Quantity: enter a number.

    Different containers of the same substance in the same room can be aggregated

  3. Unit of measure: from the drop-down list, select a unit of measure.

    Please report gasses in pounds. The following table provides information on some common gases used at MIT.
    Gas Cylinders
    Chemical Name Size (scf) Weight (lbs)  
    Ammonia (gas) 5 and 50  
    Argon (liquid) 336 24.3  
    Carbon dioxide 50  
    Helium 291 21  
    Hydrogen 197 14.3  
    Hydrogen chloride (gas) 8 and 60  
    Nitrogen 230 16.7  
    Oxygen 251 18.2  
    Sulfur dioxide 5 and 115  

  4. Room # - Room Name: column, select the room in the roomset where you found the substance.

  5. Continue recording substances, repeat steps 1-4 from the drop-down lists. When you have finished or run out of rows, click on the Add SARA Substance(s) button.

    Result: The substances and the connected data appear in the table at the bottom of the screen and the selections in the top table are cleared.

  6. You can continue to add substances to your report (bottom table) in this manner until you are done.

To edit SARA reports

If a SARA report for this roomset was submitted last year, the report appears in the table at the bottom of the page. If there have been changes in the quantities of these substances, make the changes in the appropriate fields.

To copy SARA Substances from Last Year

If there are no changes to the report from the previous year's report (all measures and substance remain the same), click Copy SARA Substances from Last Year.

Warning: Do not do this if you have made changes or added new substances!

Formaldehyde Use

If the roomset contains formaldehyde, briefly describe the procedure(s) that use formaldehyde, including how much is used and solution concentrations, how often the procedure is done, and whether it is performed in a fume hood, with another type of exhaust ventilation, or on a laboratory bench. If your lab submitted information in the previous year, that procedure description is included. Please make any changes directly to the text OR delete the previous information and add new information as required.

  • Number of People: Enter the number of people in the roomset who work with formaldehyde.

  • Procedure(s) Description: Describe the procedure(s) using formaldehyde.
    We weigh out 4 gm of paraformaldehyde once a week and dilute it with 100 ml of deionized water in a fume hood. This takes about 15 minutes and we do it once per week.

Other Options

You have four options. You can click on

  1. Return to SARA Roomsets and you return to the SARA Roomsets list. No changes are saved.

  2. Save Changes and any changes you have made are saved. You can come back later and finish the report.

  3. Submit Final Report saves and submits the SARA report to the EHS office.

  4. Print SARA Worksheet opens an Adobe PDF that you can use as you collect your data prior to entering your report.
    Note: you will need Adobe's free Reader to view this PDF file.


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