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Change Purchase Requisition: Item Notes & Delivery Text

This page is displayed when you clicked on the Edit Text button on the "Approve/Change Purchase Requisition" page.

1. Enter/edit the rejection text, item notes, and delivery text for the requisition in the appropriate boxes below. Note: Only approvers can fill out the rejection text.

Rejection Text:
(approvers only)
Reason you are rejecting this requisition.
Item Notes: Type in any internal notes and/or vendor justification, if required. If the requisition total is $10,000 or more, send vendor quotes to the Procurement Office and indicate if you are sending backup material.

Enter information about your vendor here, if the vendor used was not on the Vendor Matchcode list when you created the requisition.

Delivery Text:
Enter specific delivery instructions, if needed.

2. Click Save Changes to save your changes, or click Return to Requisition to cancel your changes. In either case, you return to the requisition you were working on.

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