Two if by Sea
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Archives: Spring / Summer 1999

The Risky Business of Offshore Marine Aquaculture
Can an offshore marine aquaculture business be viable? WHOI researchers are developing bioeconomic feasibility models to find out.

A Life Weld-Lived
Welding pioneer Koichi Masubuchi has spent a lifetime developing technologies for unfriendly realms such as underwater and outer space.

Attention Travelers: Check Your Luggage and Local Marine Life at Logan Airport
Boston's Logan Airport may not be the first place you'd expect to see an art exhibit, but that's where you'll find artist Jane Goldman's terrazzo renderings of local marine life - and a multimedia exhibit may soon follow.

  Yanwu Zhang
A fondness for quantitative reasoning aids Yanwu Zhang with robotic submersibles.

Treasure Chest

  Photography by Robert Michelson


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