This just in...
Make your Mark with the Senior Gift Campaign!
June 1 - June 7:
Senior Week -- It's so big, it's more than a week...come celebrate!

June 8:
Graduation! Congratulations!


Class officers maintain connections with your classmates and stay involved with MIT after graduation. Nominate yourself or a classmate to serve as a class officer after graduation.

The positions for elections are as follows:

  • President: sets the tone for the class and its relationship with MIT.
  • Vice President: plans, organizes and implements class programs.
  • Secretary: maintains records and communicates news.
  • Treasurer: responsible for for financial resources of the class and will serve as reunion treasurer.
  • Webmaster: creates and maintains the alumni class Web site.

If you are interested in running for a position, please contact us directly by email, phone (617-452-3372), or visiting us on the 2nd floor of W98.

Senior Election 2012 is brought to you
by the MIT Alumni Association.
Comments and questions to Katie Casey Maloney.