Research Assistant, 2011 - Present | MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA / Singapore
Develop methods to analyze and visualize spatiotemporal patterns of human activities and movement in cities. Particularly interested in data mining and statistical learning techniques and spatial visualization tools to understand dynamics of cities, and human activity and mobility patterns.
Extract household lifestyles from human activity patterns, and model household lifestyle and activity profile choices for the SimMobility long-term simulation model designed for Singapore.
Research Assistant, 2009 - 2010 | MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA / Lisbon, Coimbra, Portugal
Created data fusion and estimation methods using points-of-interest data from online user generated platform and census data to estimate disaggregated location and size of employment by sector.
Built a transportation demand analysis model for Lisbon, developed methods to analyze and visualize mobile phone data for OD estimation and traffic assignment, and validated simulation results of the Lisbon integrated land use and transportation model.
Participated in the design and maintenance of the MPP Geo-Portal for distributed modeling.
Research Assistant, 2007 - 2009 | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Designed microscopic traffic simulation models for bus rapid transit scenarios for Chicago Loop.
Assessed impacts of alternative BRT scenarios on bus level-of-service and automobile traffic performance. Produced 3D visualization and animations for BRT scenario planning.
Investigated the conflicts between historic Hutong alley preservation and modern commercial development in Xidan.
Developed alternative plans for future Transit Oriented Development of Xidan Area with graduate students from USC, and presented the plans to Xicheng District Government officials.
Chun-Tsung Research Fellow, 2004 - 2005 | Peking University, Beijing, China
Studied the relationship between urban spatial structure & transportation congestion in Beijing by investigating in five large communities and three industry parks in suburban area, and the central business district in Beijing.
Devised and field-tested “2004 Beijing Residents’ Housing and Travel Survey” in the nine areas, collected around 1000 individual feedbacks, and conducted spatial analysis on the residents’ commuting patterns in Beijing.