German Short Films (1998 - 2004)
Collection compiled by the Goethe-Institute "Kurz & Gut II: Kurzfilme aus Deutschland" (Short & Sweet: Short Films from Germany), 2005

Introduction by Claudia Hahn-Raabe, Director of the Goethe-Institute, Boston

List of Films:
Abhaun! (Escape!) by Christoph Wermke (2004)
Björn oder die Hürden der Behörden (Björn - The Hurdles of Bureaucracy) by Andreas Niessner (2001)
Dufte (Great) by Ingo Raspers (2001)
Einfach so bleiben (Stay Like This) by Sven Taddicken (2002)
Fragile (Fragile) by Sikander Goldau (2003)
Freie Auswahl (Free Choice) by Daniel Kunle/Immo Lüdermann (2001)
Häschen in der Grube (Rabbit in a Hole) by Hanna Dose (2004)
Himmelfilm (Sky Film) by Jiska Rickels (2004)
Howrah Howrah (Howrah Howrah) by Till Passow (2001)
Ich muss gehen (Got To Go) by Florian Mischa Böder (2001)
Kleingeld (Small Change) by Macr Andreas Bochert (1998)
Notizen für den Kopf (Notes for the Head) by Fatima Abdollahyan (2002)
Talks (Talks) by Mickel Rentsch (2002)
The Day Winston Ngakambe came to Kiel (The Day Winston Ngakambe came to Kiel) by Jasper Ahrens (2002)
Zur Zeit verstorben (Dea, At the Moment) by Thomas Wendrich (2003)

The Festival is presented in conjunction with Prof. William Uricchio's course "Topics in International Media" (21F.015)
For further information please contact the Festival Organizer, Kurt Fendt <>