Adorations / Fringes
Introduction by Karen Verschooren (Comparative Media Studies)
We are the faithful by Michael Koch (Germany, 2005), 9’
We missed our stop by Attila Gigor (Hungary, 2006), 22’
Der Geist von St. Pauli/St. Pauli Forever by Michael Sommer (Germany, 2005), 7’30”
Alice, or Life in Black and White by Sophie Schoukens (Belgium, 2005), 15’
Close Encounter by Stanca Dau (Romania, 2006), 12’
Film vs. Music by Jörg Hommer (Germany 2005), 2’
Noi Doi by Paul Manolescu (Romania, 2004) 6’30”
Home Run by Philipp Osthus (Germany, 2005), 6’
Neuland by Katrin Lehnert (Germany, 2004), 15’
Tower Block by Nikias Chryssos (Germany, 2006), 40’
The Festival is presented in conjunction with Prof. Isabelle de Courtivron's course "Topics in Modern French Literature and Culture - Paris au Cinéma" (21F.346)
For further information please contact the Festival Organizer, Kurt Fendt <>