Structuring Low Income Housing Projects in Developing Countries
An entry-level course focused on development practices in project preparation and delivery. Open to all levels and fields, no prerequisites. Projects are used as the lens to understand Third World development theories. Teams will select and champion a project as reference throughout the term.
JANUARY - Independent Activity Period
SIGUS Workshops
Two-week field-based workshops in collaboration with local universities. Generally focused on communities in Third World countries, or targeting current pressing development issues.
  Rebuilding Communities
Learning with Communities
Special Workshops and Events
Design/Build Workshops
Sustainable Settlement Design in Developing Countries
A 1-week intensive course structured around hands-on sessions which explore physical planning issues in the provision of housing for low-income communities. Stress on basic tools and techniques of sustainable planning.
  Summary (currently not offered)
The New Practitioner
An introduction to tools and techniques for a service oriented paradigm of practice, in the context of rapid urbanization in Third World countries.




SIGUS: Special Interest Group in Urban Settlement