Technology Developments in Diagnostic Imaging

Azad Anand, MDRadiologist, Long Island Diagnostic Imaging
Azad Anand, M.D. is a radiologist at Long Island Diagnostic Imaging. He was previously the Director of the Division of Neuroradiology at University Hospital at Stonybrook, where he was charged with developing and directing the new division. Dr. Anand was also previously Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology at Cornell University Medical Center and Research Associate in Chemistry at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Anand established the first multiple modality diagnostic center on Long Island and multiple PET centers in the Northeast. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of Nanocrystals, Inc., a medical imaging company. Dr. Anand was educated at the Medical School of Delhi University and trained in Neuroradiology at New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center and Memorial Hospital/Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute.

Michael Reitermann, MBAPresident, Siemens Molecular Imaging Division, Siemens Medical Solutions
As president of the Siemens Medical Solutions new Molecular Imaging Division, and president of the former Nuclear Medicine Division since July 2002, Mr. Reitermann is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the Molecular Imaging Division’s business objectives around the world, as well as the division’s overall financial performance. Michael Reitermann has enjoyed a long career with Siemens, including serving as vice president for sales, marketing and innovation of the Siemens Angiography and X-ray Division (AX). From 1996 to 1998, he also served as a partner in Siemens Management Consulting, conducting consulting projects in the areas of benchmarking, strategy and productivity. Prior to 1996, he worked as a consultant, then a senior project manager at the corporate strategies division of Siemens Corporate Planning and Development.

Gary Strangman, PhDAssistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Gary Strangman, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School, with appointments in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. He is Director of the Neural Systems Group at MGH, including the Psychiatric and Cognitive Optical Neuroimaging Laboratory. His research focuses on applying advanced neuroimaging techniques—including wearable neuromonitoring--to traumatic brain injury and stroke, and investigating neural processes associated with recovery and rehabilitation. Dr. Strangman holds a B.S. degree in Mathematics and Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Sc.M. and Ph.D. degrees in Cognitive Science from Brown University. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications.

Jean-Luc Vanderheyden, PhDGlobal Molecular Imaging Leader, Technology and Medical Office, GE Healthcare
Jean-Luc was born in Brussels, Belgium. He attended the University of Brussels and graduated as a Pharmacist in 1980. He came to the USA and attended the University of Cincinnati, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry in 1985. He joined a biopharmaceutical start-up, NeoRx Corporation, based in Seattle until 1991, when he moved to Mallinckrodt Medical in St. Louis. He had positions of increasing responsibilities, and became Director of the company’s Nuclear Medicine R&D, reporting to the Business Unit. After Tyco’s acquisition in 2001, J-L joined Theseus Imaging Company, a Boston start-up, as their Vice President of Research and Development, and became a Visiting Associate Professor in Nuclear Medicine/Radiology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. He joined General Electric's Healthcare division, in the Technology and Medical Office in November 2005, currently reporting to Dr. W. Clarke, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer. He is responsible for the design and development of the businesses global molecular imaging strategy, especially as it relates to integrated offerings to and partnerships with academic institutions.

Alan Jasanoff, PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Jasanoff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also an Associate of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research and a Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation Scholar. His research focuses on the development of non-invasive functional imaging methods to study systems-level neural plasticity involved in low-level learning and perceptual behavior in small animals. Dr. Jasanoff holds an A.B. in Biochemical Sciences from Harvard College, and M.Phil. in Chemistry from Cambridge University, and a Ph.D. in Biophysics from Harvard University.
Panel Lead
Phillip Reimann, MBA 2007
Vikas Prabhakar, PhD 2006
Rani Bose, MBA 2006
Error Prevention in the Next Generation Hospital
A discussion on the current and future role of clinical informatics.

Barry Blumenfeld, MD, MSAssociate Director for Clinical Informatics R&D, Partners Healthcare System
Barry H. Blumenfeld, MD, MS is Associate Director for Clinical Informatics Research and Development at Partners Healthcare System in Boston, Massachusetts. He is an Internist with 15 of leadership in the development of clinical systems aimed at improving safety, accuracy, interoperability and quality of care. Since coming to Partners Healthcare System in 2001 Dr. Blumenfeld has played a role in the design and development of order entry, documentation and decision support systems used across the Partners System and is currently leading efforts aimed at transitioning Partners Clinical Systems to a future Service Oriented Architecture.. Dr. Blumenfeld speaks frequently at Healthcare IT conferences and has testified as a domain expert before a variety of public and private policy or standards setting organizations.

Robert A. Greenes, MD, PhDDirector, Decision Systems Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Dr. Greenes directs the Decision Systems Group, a Harvard-based biomedical informatics research and development laboratory at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The DSG pursues informatics approaches for data mining and knowledge discovery, knowledge management, decision support, natural language processing, and education, with applications in biomedical research, clinical systems, image-based systems, consumer health, and public health systems. With M.D. and Ph.D. in applied mathematics/computer science from Harvard, Dr. Greenes is Board Certified in Diagnostic Radiology. Dr. Greenes is the Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Informatics at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is Professor of Radiology and Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard Medical School, and Radiologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health. He is Program Director of the Boston Research Training Program in Biomedical Informatics, based at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. Dr. Greenes is author/editor of a forthcoming book entitled “Clinical Decision Support: Computer-Based Approaches to Improving Healthcare Quality and Safety”, to be published by Elsevier.

Kris Joshi, PhDSenior Strategist, IBM Global Sales and Distribution
Dr. Kris Joshi is a Senior Strategist in IBM's Global Sales and Distribution organization. He focuses on cross-industry growth strategy, with an emphasis on Emerging Markets. He has helped develop IBM’s Global Healthcare Payer and Provider solution strategies, and is a co-author of IBM's thought paper on "Personalized Healthcare 2010". Prior to joining IBM in 2003, Dr. Joshi was a strategy consultant with McKinsey and Company, where he worked in the Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Banking, and Media industries. Throughout his career, he has helped develop best practices around leveraging IT for competitive advantage in several industries. Dr. Joshi holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Caltech, and a Ph.D. in Physics from MIT. He is also actively involved in helping non-profit organizations on strategy issues through McKinsey’s “Alumni in Development” organization and the TiE Social Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group.

Sumit NagpalFounder, President and CEO, Wellogic
Sumit Nagpal is the founder, President and CEO of Wellogic, a market leader in providing clinical software solutions that connect healthcare information and workflows across the continuum of care. Nagpal's professional background includes more than 20 years experience in software design and engineering, management, and executive leadership in healthcare information systems. A passionate advocate for the centrality of the provider-patient relationship and improved communication for enhanced healthcare outcomes, Nagpal is frequently an educational speaker on the topics of health information technology, patient-centered community-based infrastructures, user experience and design, and security and privacy at conferences around the world. Prior to founding Wellogic, Nagpal served as executive director of Hospitalia Eastern, a hospital design and management consulting organization.

Zebadiah Kimmel, MD, MSPost-Doctoral Fellow in Medical Informatics, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
Dr. Kimmel is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Decision Systems Group of Harvard Medical School and a Fellow in Medical Informatics at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. A graduate of Brown University (B.A. in physics), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (M.S. in computer science) and Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine (M.D.), Dr. Kimmel is currently pursuing the MBA degree at MIT's Sloan School of Management. Before attending MIT, he served as a Visiting Fellow at the federal Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in Washington, D.C.
Panel Lead
Drew Dodson, MBA 2007
Jill Connelly, MBA 2006
Developments in Genomics and Personalized Medicine: How understanding disease and patient characteristics will impact current treatment paradigms.
A diverse group of panelists from academia and industry will examine personalized medicine, how close it is to impacting the marketplace, and its future potential to change how patients are treated.

J. Carl Barrett, PhDGlobal Head of BioMarker Development Oncology, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc.
Dr. J. Carl Barrett is the Global Head of BioMarker Development Oncology for Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Inc., with responsibility for the identification and development of biomarkers to support compound development from the basic research through translational/exploratory development to clinical development in oncology. Prior to joining Novartis, Dr. Barrett was the founding Director of the NCI Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and Scientific Director at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Trained as a chemist at the College of William and Mary, Dr Barrett received his Ph.D. degree in Biophysical Chemistry from Johns Hopkins University. He has published over 500 research articles and reviews in leading scientific journals and books. He is a member of the Johns Hopkins University Society of Scholars, an elected member of the Ramazini Foundations, and a recipient of multiple NIH awards and Keynote lectures.

George Church, PhDProfessor of Genetics and Director of the Center for Computational Genetics, Harvard Medical School
George Church is Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Center for Computational Genetics. With degrees from Duke University in Chemistry and Zoology, he co-authored research on 3D-software & RNA structure with Sung-Hou Kim. His PhD from Harvard in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology with Wally Gilbert included the first direct genomic sequencing method in 1984; initiating the Human Genome Project then as a Research Scientist at newly-formed Biogen Inc. and a Monsanto Life Sciences Research Fellow at UCSF. He has served in advisory roles for 12 journals, 5 granting agencies and 22 biotech companies. Current research focuses on integrating biosystems-modeling with personal genomics & synthetic biology.

Raju Kucherlapati, PhDScientific Director, Harvard-Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics
Dr. Kucherlapati obtained his Ph.D degree in Genetics from the University of Illinois and conducted his postdoctoral work in the Department of Biology at Yale University. He is the Paul C. Cabot Professor of Genetics and Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and is the first Scientific Director of the Harvard-Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics. Dr. Kucherlapati also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of three public companies: Abgenix, Millennium and Valentis. He is also a Board member of the privately held company, Zyomyx.

Glenn A. Miller, PhDVice President and General Manager, Genzyme Analytical Services
Dr. Miller is Vice President and General Manager of Genzyme Analytical Services, a division of Genzyme Genetics providing molecular, cytogenetic, FISH, flow cytometric, immunohistochemical, and other pathology-based pre-clinical and clinical trial services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology community worldwide. Dr. Miller joined Genzyme in 1992 and since that time has been responsible for molecular genetic assay development and technology assessment/development for Genzyme Genetics as well as the pharmacogenetics efforts used in a variety of clinical programs within Genzyme Corporation. He has published and spoken extensively in the areas of molecular genetics and pharmacogenetics. In his prior role as Scientific Director for Genzyme Genetics, Dr. Miller oversaw a broad range of programs directed at the discovery, development and validation of the next generation of laboratory tests bringing clinically relevant information to the medical professional. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. in Experimental Pathology from Roswell Park Memorial Institute, a graduate division of the State University of New York at Buffalo. His completed his postdoctoral work in molecular hematology and viral leukemogenesis at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and molecular genetics at the University of Miami School of Medicine.

Steven Wardell, MBAPrincipal, Apeiron Partners, LLC
Steven Wardell is a Principal at CPP Advisors, LLC, a Boston-based life-science boutique investment bank. Mr. Wardell assists CPP clients in business development and corporate finance transactions and frequently fills an operating role at a newco as part of an engagement. Mr. Wardell is responsible for sourcing, structuring, and managing the investments of Z-Cube s.r.l., the $100M corporate venture capital fund of Zambon Group SpA that is creating therapeutically-focused biotech start-ups in the US and Europe. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, an MPhil from Cambridge University, and a BA from Harvard College.
Panel Lead
Michael Shellman, MBA 2007
Jessica Farnham, MBA 2006
Elizabeth Goley, MBA 2006
Technologies to Enable Treatment in the Developing World

Elizabeth Bailey, MPPPrincipal, Commons Capital
Elizabeth Bailey is a Principal at Commons Capital, a socially-responsible venture capital fund based in the Boston area. Since the fall of 2001, she has focused on investment opportunities in the health care, education and environment sectors. Elizabeth manages the fund’s health care investments and has worked with numerous companies in the medical device, biotech, services and IT segments, with a particular emphasis on those developing solutions for diagnosing and treating neglected diseases and women’s health. In the fall of 2005, Elizabeth organized “A Workshop: Financing Global Health Ventures” which was funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations – the event brought together venture capitalists, foundations, NGOs and entrepreneurs to explore new financing models for global health. Before Commons Capital, Elizabeth was a Consultant with Stax, Inc., a Cambridge, MA-based management consulting firm, where she worked with the firm’s venture capital clients and their portfolio companies. Elizabeth began her career in Massachusetts state government and holds a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, with a concentration in Business and Government, and a BA from Brown University.

Kate CarrPresident and CEO, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2)
Kate Carr brings a wealth of experience in politics, government, and public-private partnerships to her role as the newly appointed President and CEO of Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2). Ms. Carr is the former President and CEO of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. She championed their mission of creating a future of hope for children worldwide by eradicating pediatric AIDS, providing care to people with HIV/AIDS, and accelerating the discovery of new treatments for other pediatric illnesses. Before serving at the Foundation for seven years, she was Chief Operating Officer for the Welfare to Work Partnership and a Special Assistant to the President in the Clinton White House, overseeing outreach and partnerships with the business community.

Thomas Evans, MDHead of Infectious Diseases, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
Tom joined the Novartis Institutes in June 2005 from Vical Inc. where he was Vice President, Infectious Diseases Clinical Research. Prior to that he was Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Infectious Diseases Division at the University of California, Davis. He trained in internal medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and infectious diseases at the University of Virginia. Tom’s research focus is on the cellular and molecular basis of infectious diseases. He made fundamental contributions to the understanding of immune reactions in leishmaniasis and to the development and clinical testing of HIV vaccines.

Kris Joshi, PhDSenior Strategist, IBM Global Sales and Distribution
Dr. Kris Joshi is a Senior Strategist in IBM's Global Sales and Distribution organization. He focuses on cross-industry growth strategy, with an emphasis on Emerging Markets. He has helped develop IBM’s Global Healthcare Payer and Provider solution strategies, and is a co-author of IBM's thought paper on "Personalized Healthcare 2010". Prior to joining IBM in 2003, Dr. Joshi was a strategy consultant with McKinsey and Company, where he worked in the Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Banking, and Media industries. Throughout his career, he has helped develop best practices around leveraging IT for competitive advantage in several industries. Dr. Joshi holds a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Caltech, and a Ph.D. in Physics from MIT. He is also actively involved in helping non-profit organizations on strategy issues through McKinsey’s “Alumni in Development” organization and the TiE Social Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group.

David Chin, MD, MBAPartner, Healthcare Advisory Practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers'
David Chin is a national partner who leads major strategic planning, operations improvement, and health benefit design engagements for insurers, academic medical centers, and large employers in the Healthcare Advisory Practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Dr. Chin is a physician executive with more than 24 years of experience in managed care operations, hospital/physician network development, and the management of large medical group practices. Before joining PricewaterhouseCoopers David was the President of the Novalis Corporation, a privately held company that franchised HMO’s on a turnkey basis, and served on the Board of Baxter International, Inc. Prior to those positions, he was the President and Medical Director of the Health Centers Division of the Harvard Community Health Plan, a staff model HMO providing health care to residents in Eastern Massachusetts. David earned a BA from Harvard College, a MD from Harvard Medical School, and a MBA from Stanford Business School, as a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar. He holds an appointment as an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and is a member of the American College of Physician Executives and the Advisory Council for the Health Policy Program at Harvard Medical School.
Panel Lead
Allison Marshall, MBA 2007
Rena Denoncourt, MBA 2007
Kristin Spinola, MBA 2006
Bio-Surveillance: Monitoring Bioterrorist and Public Health Threats

Leslie Chun, MD, MBAAssociate Medical Director, Health Dialog Analytic Solutions
Dr. Chun has approximately 10 years of experience in healthcare services. Prior to completing his medical degree, Les assisted in the development of an HMO in Hawaii as part of the Queen's/HMSA Premier Plan. Currently, Les's focus is integrating Health Dialog's services with provider groups. He also plays a crucial role in Health Dialog's research and development initiatives and heads up the clinical development and provider performance measurement groups. Dr. Chun received his BA from Harvard University and his MD/MBA from UCLA where he served on the MD/MBA advisory board. He currently holds appointments at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Alfred DeMaria, Jr, MDAssistant Commissioner, Chief Medical Officer, Director of the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control and State Epidemiologist, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Dr. DeMaria serves as Assistant Commissioner, Chief Medical Officer, Director of the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control and State Epidemiologist for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Currently, he is also the Acting Director of the Massachusetts State Laboratory Institute and the Bureau of Laboratory and Environmental Sciences. He is a graduate of Boston University and Harvard Medical School. He trained in Internal Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in The Bronx, New York and in Infectious Diseases at Boston City Hospital and the Boston University School of Medicine. Prior to joining the Department of Public Health in 1989, he was an infectious diseases consultant in private practice and prior to that on the staff of The Maxwell Finland Laboratory for Infectious Diseases and Section of Infectious Diseases, Boston City Hospital and Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. DeMaria is a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and sits on three committees of the Massachusetts Medical Society and on the boards of the Massachusetts Public Health Association (as the Section Chair for Epidemiology and Laboratory Sciences) and The Public Health Museum. He is a member of many professional associations and serves on a number of advisory committees at the state and federal level. He is currently Lead Consultant for Blood Safety and for Nosocomial Infections for the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) and sits on the Transfusion Transmitted Disease Committee of the AABB. He served on the federal Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee from 1997 to 2003.

Jeff Moore, PhDAssociate, Kauffman Fellow, RCT BioVentures
Dr. Moore is a Kauffman Fellow with RCT BioVentures, the venture arm of Research Corporation Technologies. He focuses on early stage investments in therapeutics, medical devices and technology platforms. Prior to joining RCT, he began his VC career interning at MPM Capital. Jeff spent several years at Millennium Pharmaceuticals and Scriptgen (now Anadys). His roles included business development (evaluating diverse licensing and partnership opportunities), new target assessment (supporting the $465M Millennium-Bayer partnership), and competitive intelligence. Jeff received his PhD from Oxford studying smallpox virus vaccines and conducted his postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School studying mechanisms of drug resistance in infectious disease. Jeff received his MBA as a Sloan Fellow at MIT, specializing in entrepreneurship and finance.

Moderator and Speaker
Kenneth Mandl, MD, MPHDirector, Center for Biopreparedness, Children's Hospital Boston
Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Affiliated Faculty at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, and has joint appointments in the Children's Hospital Boston Informatics Program and Division of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Mandl is an expert on real time population health monitoring and has published several of the ground breaking journal articles in the field. He co-directs one of two Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers of Exceanel Lead
Anjli Warner, MBA 2007
Joyce de los Reyes, MBA 2007
Jennifer Frashure, MBA 2006