2018 & 2019
Journal Publications
- Ekta Makhija (SMART), Anna Jagielska (SMART/MIT), Krystyn Joy Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “High-resolution Imaging of Nuclear Dynamics in Live Cells under Uniaxial Tensile Strain”, Journal of Visualized Experiments (148), e59474, doi:10.3791/59474 (2019)
- Deena A Rennerfeldt (MIT), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Emergent heterogeneity in putative mesenchymal stem cell colonies: Single-cell time lapsed analysis”, PLOS One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213452 April 3, 2019
- Annalisa Mercurio (SMART/Univ. of Bari, Italy), Lucy Sharples, Filomena Corbo, Carlo Franchini, Angelo Vacca, Alessia Catalano, Alessia Carocci, Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), Andrea Pavesi (A*STAR-IMCB) and Giulia Asriani(SMART), “Phthalimide Derivative Shows Anti-Angiogenic Activity in a 3D Microfluidic Model and no Teratogenicity in Zebrafish Embryos”, Frontiers of Pharmacology, Vol 10, Article 349 (2019).
- Sharon Ong Lee-Ling (SMART) & Hai, Zhu (SMART), Banik, Debasis (SMART) Guan, Zhenping (SMART), Yinnian Feng (Vanderbilt), Ellis L. Reinherz (Harvard Medical School), Lang, Matthew (Vanderbilt), Asada, Harry (MIT/SMART), A Robotic Microscope System to Examine T Cell Receptor Acuity Against Tumor Neoantigens: A New Tool for Cancer Immunotherapy Research, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(2), 1760 (2019)
- V.Anand Ganesh (SMART), Binu Kunukad (SMART), Dan Cheng (SMART), Sridhar Radhakrishnan (NUS), Seeram Ramakrishna (NUS) and Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Engineering silver-zwitterionic composite nanofiber membrane for bacterial fouling resistance" , J. Applied Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1002/APP.47580 (2019)
- Durgarao Guttela (SMART/MBI), M.Yao (MBI), K.Baker (Univ.of Kent, UK), L.Yang, B.T.Goult (MIT), Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Jie Yan (NUS), "Calcium-mediated Protein Folding and Stabilization of Salmonella Biofilm-associated Protein A", Journal of Molecular Biology, Jan (2019), pp. 433-443
- Simone Bersini (Instituto Ortopedico Galeaszzi, Italy), Agnes Miermont (SMART), Andrea Pavesi (A*STAR-IMCB), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), J.P.Thiery (NUS), Matteo Moretti (Instituto Ortopedico Galeaszzi, Italy), Giulia (SMART), "A combined microfluidic-transcriptomic approach to characterize
the extravasation potential of cancer cells", Oncotarget, 2018, Vol. 9, (No. 90), pp: 36110-36125
- Frances D Liu (MIT/SMART), Kimberley Tam (SMART), Novalia Pishesha (MIT), Poon Zhiyong (SGH) and Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Improving hematopoietic recovery through modeling and modulation of the mesenchymal stromal cell secretome", Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 9:268 (2018).
- Ahmad (UIT Norway), V. Dubey (IIT Delhi/UIT Norway), V.R. Singh (MIT/SMART), J.-C. Tinguley (UIT Norway), C.I. Fie (UIT Norway), D.L. Wolfson(UIT Norway), D.S. Mehta (IIT Delhi), P.T C. So (MIT/SMART) and B.S. Ahluwalia (UIT Norway), "Quantitative phase microscopy of red blood cells during planner trapping and propulsion", Lab on a Chip,Published online on 22 Aug 2018
- Dawei Ding (SMART), Binu Kundukad (SMART), Ambika Somasundar (NUS), Sindhu Vijayan (SUTD), Saif A.Khan (NUS), Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Design of Mucoadhesive PLGA Microparticles for Ocular Drug Delivery", ACS Applied Bio Materials, Publication Date (Web): August 16, 2018
- T. Kwon (MIT), R. Yao* (MIT), J.-F. P. Hamel (MIT), J. Han (MIT/SMART), “Continuous Removal of Small Nonviable Suspended Mammalian Cells and Debris from Bioreactors Using Inertial Microfluidics”, Lab On A Chip, Publushed 31 July 2018
- Dai Liang (SMART), and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Universal Knowt Spectra for Confined Polymers", Macromolecules, 51(16), pp 6327-6333, 2018
- Ho, Y. T. (SMART/NUS), Kamm, R. D. (MIT/SMART), Kah, J. C. Y. (NUS) ”Influence of Protein Corona and Caveolae-Mediated Endocytosis on Nanoparticle Uptake and Transcytosis”, Nanoscale, 2018,10, 12386-12397
- Justin Ng (SMART), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), Thorsten Wohland (NUS) and Rachel Kraut (NTU), "Evidence from ITIR-FCS Diffusion Studies that the Amyloid-Beta (Aβ) Peptide Does Not Perturb Plasma Membrane Fluidity in Neuronal Cells", Journal of Molecular Biology, Published Online, 7 May 2018
- Tan E (NUS/SMA3), Asada HH (SMART/MIT), Ge R (NUS), "Extracellular vesicle-carried Jagged-1 inhibits HUVEC sprouting in a 3D microenvironment”, Angiogenesis doi: 10.1007/s10456-018-9609-6 (2018)
- Mengmeng Wang (SMART/NTU), Lee-Ling Sharon Ong (SMART), Justin Dauwels (NTU), Harry H. Asada (MIT/SMART), “Multicell migration tracking within angiogenic networks by deep learning-based segmentation and augmented Bayesian filtering”, Journal of Medical Imaging 5(2), 024005 (Apr–Jun 2018)
- XW Ng (NUS/SMART), G Barbastathis (MIT) and T Wohland (NUS) “Studying Protein Dynamics and Organization in Live Cell Membranes by Imaging FCS and SOFI/SRRF Analyses.” Biophysical Journal 114(3), 539a-540a (2018)
- Ekta Makhija (SMART), Anna Jagielska (SMART/MIT), Lena Zhu (MIT/SMURF), Alexander Bost (MIT), William Ong (NTU), Sing Yian Chew (NTU), G. V. Shivashankar (NUS/MBI), Krystyn Joy Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Mechanical Strain Alters Cellular and Nuclear Dynamics at Early Stages of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation”, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 12:59, doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00059. Published online on 06 March 2018
- Sharon Lee (NUS/SMART), Giulia Adriani (SMART), Erica Ceccarello (NUS/A*STAR-IMCB), Andrea Pavesi (A*STAR-IMCB), Anthony Tanoto Tan (Duke-NUS), Antonio Bertoletti (Duke-NUS), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), and Siew Cheng Wong (NUS/A*STAR-SIgN), "Charaterizing the role of monocytes in T-Cell Cancer Immunotherapy Usinga 3D Microfluidic Model", Frontiers in Immunology, Vol. 9, March 2018
- Qingdi Zhu (SMART), Lihong Zhang (NTU), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), Ali Miserez (NTU) and Niels Holten-Anderson (MIT), "White Light-Emitting Multistimuli-Responsive Hydrogels with Lanthanides and Carbon Dots", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Publication Date (Web): February 26, 2018
- Andy Kah Ping Tay (NUS), Bee Luan Khoo (SMART) and Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (UNSW), "Microfluidics for Fast and Frugal Diagnosis of Malaria, Sepsis, and HIV/AIDS ", Frugal Innovation in Bioengineering for the Detection of Infectious Diseases pp 57-75, Feb 2018
- Hian Hian See (NUS), Sahan C. B. Herath (NUS/SMART), Rerngchai Arayanarakool (NUS), Yue Du (NUS), Evan Tan (SMART/NUS), Ruowen Ge (NUS), Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), Peter C. Y. Chen (NUS), “An Electromagnetic System for Inducing a Localized Force Gradient in an ECM and Its Influence on HMVEC Sprouting”, SLAS Technology, Volume: 23 issue: 1, page(s): 70-82 (2018)
- Wimalachandra D (KKH), Yang JX (KKH), Zhu L (KKH), Tan Evan (NUS/SMART), Asada H (MIT/SMART), Chan JKY (Duke-NUS), Lee YH (KKH), “Long-chain glucosylceramides crosstalk with LYN mediates endometrial cell migration”, Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1863, 71-80 (2018)
- Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), Gianluca Grenci (MBI/NUS), Ying Bena Lim (NUS), Soo Chin Lee (NUHS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART) & Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "Expansion of patient-derived circulating tumor cells from liquid biopsies using a CTC microfluidic culture device" NATURE PROTOCOLS, Vol. 13, 34, 2018
- Min-Cheol Kim (MIT/SMART), Yaron R.Silberberg (SMART), Rohan Abeyaratne (MIT), Roger D.Kamm (MIT/SMART) and H.Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), "Computational Modeling of 3D Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM)-rigidity sensing to guide directed cell migration", PNAS, January 2, 2018. 201717230; published ahead of print January 2, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1717230115
- Ying Zhou (SMART), Dahou Yang (SUTD), Yinning Zhou (SUTD), Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), and Ye Ai (SUTD), "Charaterizing deformalbility and electrical impedance of cancer cells in microfluidic device", Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (1), pp 912–919
- Chenglong Bao (NUS) and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) and Hui Ji (NUS) and Zuowei Shen (NUS) and Zhengyun Zhang (SMART), "Coherence retrieval using trace regularization", SIAM J. Imag. Sci. 11(1), 679-706, 2018
Conference Publications / Presentations
- Kerwin Kwek Zeming**(SMART), Yuko Sato**(SMART), Yin Lu**(SMART), Chia-Hung Chen (NUS), Jianzhu Chen (MIT/SMART), Peter Preiser (NTU/SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), “LABEL-FREE PURIFICATION OF HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL (HSC) DERIVED RETICULOCYTES FOR RED BLOOD CELL PRODUCTION”, 22st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Kaohsiung TAIWAN, 2018
- Kerwin Kwek Zeming (SMART), Ri Lu (NUS), Shir Lynn Lim (NUHS), Guoyun Sun (NUS), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART) and Chia-Hung Chen (NUS), “RAPID SINGLE-CELL LEUKOCYTE ENZYMATIC SECRETION PROFILING FROM WHOLE BLOOD”, 22st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Kaohsiung TAIWAN, 2018
- Ekta Makhija (SMART), Anna Jagielska (MIT), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT), “Strain speeds dampening of nuclear fluctuations during oligodendrocyte differentiation”, EMBO Workshop on Nuclear Mechano-Genomics 17-20 April 2018 in Singapore
- Ekta Makhija (SMART), Anna Jagielska (MIT), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT), “'Mechanical strain hastens dampening of cellular and nuclear dynamics during oligodendrocyte differentiation”, World Congress of Biomechanics 8-12 July 2018 in Dublin
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and Wei-Na Li (SMART) and Anand Asundi (NTU) and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Simultaneous Measurement and Reconstruction Tailoring for Phase Imaging", presented at Mathematics in Imaging, Orlando, USA 25-28 June 2018, MM3D.5
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and Chenglong Bao (NUS) and Hui Ji (NUS) and Zuowei Shen (NUS) and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Mathematical Tools for Regularized Coherence Retrieval", presented at Mathematics in Imaging, Orlando, USA 25-28 June 2018, MW3D.5
- M Baranski (SMART), S Rehman (SMART), SS Muttikulangara (SMART), G Barbastathis (MIT), J Miao (NTU), “Highly cross-talked integral field spectrometer with computational inversion”, Imaging and Applied Optics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 25–28 June 2018
- Abhinay Mishra (SMART), Dushan N. Wadduwage (MIT), Peter T. C. So. (MIT/SMART) “3D Image Cytometer Based on Photoswitchable Surfaces for Cell Sorting” Focus on Microscopy 2018 “FOM-2018” (March 25-28, 2018), Singapore Expo, Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore.
- Abhinay Mishra (SMART), Dushan N. Wadduwage (MIT), Peter T. C. So. (MIT/SMART) “Laser induced controlled detachment of cells from photo-responsive substrates by 3D Image cytometer”, The World Polymer Congress “MACRO 2018” (July 1-5, 2018), Organized by IUPAC at the Cairns Convention Centre, QLD, Australia
- S. Zhu (SMART), R. E. Welsch (MIT), P. T. Matsudaira (NUS), Peter So (MIT/SMART), "A method to quantify co-localization in biological images," 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, 2016, pp. 3887-3890.
- L.L.S. Ong (SMART), D. Banik (SMART), H. Zhu (SMART), Z. Guan (SMART), Y. Feng (NUS), H.H. Asada (MIT) and M.J. Lang (MIT), "Integrating an optical trap, robotic micropipette and image processing to measure and recover T Cells with high specificities to foreign peptide-major histocompatibility complexes", 7th Annual South-eastern Immunology Symposium, Birmingham, Alabama, June 16-17, 2018.
- Darwesh MK ALADIN (SMART), Lisa TK (Duke-NUS), Harry Asada (MIT), “A microfluidic device for studying pressure injuries of muscle”, Muscle Biology in Health and Disease, 1-2 March 2018, Singapore.
- Rajesh Kumar Sharma (SMART/NUS), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), Slaven Garaj (NUS), Prevalence of loose and tight knots in DNA investigated by nanopores, APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Oral Presentation)
- Rajesh Kumar Sharma (SMART/NUS), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), Slaven Garaj (NUS), Complex DNA knots observed with solid-state nanopores, BES12SM 2018, Singapore (Merit Award)
Journal Publications
- Constantine Tzouanas (Rice Univ., TX, USA), Joey Sze Yun Lim (SMART), Ya Wen (Plug & Play Tech Centre, CA, USA), J.P.Thiery (NUS), Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), "Microdevices for Non-Invasive Detection of Bladder Cancer", Chemosensors 2017, 5(4), 30
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and Chenglong Bao (NUS) and Hui Ji (NUS) and Zuowei Shen (NUS) and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Apparent coherence loss in phase space tomography", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34, 2025-2033 (2017)
- Lykov, K. (NUS), Nematbakhsh Y. (NUS), Shang, M. (SMA3/NUS), Lim, C. T. (NUS), Pivkin, I. (NUS), “Probing eukaryotic cell mechanics via mesoscopic simulations.” PLOS Computational Biology 2017 Sep 18;13(9):e1005726. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005726. [Epub ahead of print]
- Frances D.Liu (MIT), Novalia Pishesha (MIT), Zhiyong Poon (SGH), Tanwi Kaushik (SMART) and Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Material Viscoelastic Properties Modulate the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome for Applications in Hematopoietic Recovery", ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2017, 3 (12), pp 3292–3306 DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00644
- Mercurio, A. (SMART/Univ. of Bari), Giulia Adriani* (SMART), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), et al, "A Mini-Review on Thalidomide: Chemistry, Mechanisms of Action, Therapeutic Potential and Anti-Angiogenic Properties in Multiple Myeloma." Current medicinal chemistry (2017), 24(25):2736-2744
- Liang Dai (SMART), Jeremy J. Jones (MIT), Alexander R. Klotz (MIT), Stephen Levy (Binghamton University), and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Nanoconfinement greatly speeds up the nucleation and the annealing in single-DNA collapse", Soft matter, Published Online Aug 2017.
- Weijie Chi (SUTD), Wenting Yin (CAS), Qingkai Qi (CAS), Qinglong Qiao (CAS), Yuyan Lin (Raffles Institution), Zhuohui Zhu (Raffles Institution), Sindhu Vijayan (SUTD), Michinao Hashimoto (SUTD) Gayathri Udayakumar (Global Indian Intl School), Zhaochao Xu (CAS), Xiaogang Liu (SMART), “Ground-State Conformers Enable Bright Single-Fluorophore Ratiometric Thermometers with Positive Temperature Coefficients”, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7QM00345E, published online, Aug 2017
- Jiangwa Xing (A*STAR-IBN), Yue Cao (A*STAR-IBN), Yu Yang (NUS/SMART), Huan Li (A*STAR-IBN), Z.Song (A*STAR-IBN/NUS), Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR-IBN), In Vitro Micropatterned Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Test for Morphometric based Teratogen Screening, Scientific Reports, 7: 8491 (2017)
- Binu Kundukad**(SMART), Megan Schussman (MIT), Kaiyuan Yang (NUS), Thomas William Seviour**(SCELSE), Liang Yang (SCELSE), Scott A. Rice (SCELSE), Staffan Kjelleberg (SCELSE) and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), “Mechanistic action of weak acid drugs on biofilms” Scientific Reports, 7; 4783 (2017)
- Jiangwei Shang**(NUS) and Zhengyun Zhang**(SMART) and Hui-Khoon NG(NUS), "Superfast maximum-likelihood reconstruction for quantum tomography", Phys. Rev. A 95(6), 062336, June 2017
- Jie Yan (A*STAR-IBN), Yu Yang (NUS/SMART), J.W.Kang (MIT), Tam Zhi Yang (SMART), Xu Shuoyu (InvetroCure), Eliza LSF (NUS), S.P.Singh (MIT), Z.Song (A*STAR-IBN/NUS), Lisa Tucker-Kellog (Duke-NUS), Peter So (MIT/SMART), Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR-IBN), Development of a classification model for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) using confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy, Journal of Biophotonics, Published online June 2017
- Andrea Pavesi (SMART/A*STAR-IMCB), Anthony T Tan (Duke-NUS), S.Koh (A*STAR-SICS), M.Colombo, E.Antonecchia, Carlo M, Giulia Adriani (SMART), M.T.Raimondi, R.D.Kamm (SMART/MIT), Antonio Bertoletti (Duke-NUS)/A*STAR-SICS), A 3D microfluidic model for preclinical evaluation of TCR-engineered T Cells against solid tumors, JCI Insight, June (2017)
- Dushan (SMART/MIT), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART/MIT), Heejin Choi (MIT), Zahid Yaqoob (MIT), Hans Heemskerk (SMART), Paul Matsudaira (NUS), Peter So (MIT/SMART), "Near-common-path interferometer for imaging Fourier-transform spectroscopy in wide-field microscopy, Optica, 4 (5), May 2017
- Han, Xie; Zhang, Bibo; Chen, Jian Hua; Liu, Shenghua; Tan, Chunyan; Liu, Haiyang; Lang, Matthew (SMART/Vanderbilt); Tan, Ying*; Liu, Xiaogang* (SMART/SUTD); Yin, Jun*, Modulating Aggregation-Induced-Emission via Non-conjugated Linkage of Fluorophores to Tetraphenylethenes, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Published online on 12th June 2017
- Liu Xiaogang (SMART), J.M.Cole (Cambridge) and Z.Xu (CAS), "Substantial Intramolecular Charge Transfer Induces Long Emission Wavelengths and Mega Stokes Shifts in 6-Aminocoumarins", Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1 June, 2017, Published Online
- L. Zhou, Q. Wang, Y. Tan, M. J. Lang (SMART/Vanderbilt), H. Sun, X. Liu (SMART), "“Rational Development of Near-Infrared Fluorophores with Large Stokes Shifts, Bright One-Photon and Two-Photon Emissions for Bioimaging and Biosensing Applications”, Chemistry - A European Journal, online: 8 May 2017
- Rou Jun Toh (NTU/SMART), Carmen C. Mayorga-Martinez NTU), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Zdenek Sofer, and Martin Pumera (NTU), "Group 6 Layered Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides in Lab-on-a-Chip Devices: 1T-Phase WS2 for Microfluidics Non-Enzymatic Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide", Analytical Chemistry, April 10 (2017) - Published online
- David J. Collins (SUTD), Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), Zhichao Ma (SUTD), Andreas Winkler (ISW, Dresden), Robert Weser (ISW, Dresden), Hagen Schmidt (ISW, Dresden), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), and Ye Ai (SUTD), "Selective particle and cell capture in a continuous flow using micro-vortex acoustic streaming", Lab Chip, Published online on 5th April 2017
- Ho YT (NUS/SMART), Adriani G (SMART), Beyer S (SMART), Nhan PT (NUS), Kamm RD (MIT/SMART), Kah JCY (NUS), "A Facile Method to Probe the Vascular Permeability of Nanoparticles in Nanomedicine Applications", Scientific Reports, 7, 707 (2017)
- Ugolini*, Andrea Pavesi (SMART/A*STAR-IMCB), Rasponi*, Fiore*, Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), Soncini* (*Politecnico di Milano), "Human cardiac fibroblasts adaptive responses to controlled combined mechanical strain and oxygen changes in vitro", Elife (published online), 18th March 2017
- Arora, Natasha (MIT), Alsous, Jasmin Imran (MIT), Guggenheim, Jacob W.* (MIT), Mak, Michael (MIT), Munera, Jorge (MIT), M. Wells James (MIT), Kamm R D (MIT/SMART), Asada, H. Harry (MIT/SMART), Shvartsman, Stanislav Y (MIT), and Griffith, Linda G (MIT) “A process engineering approach to increase organoid yield”, Development, 144(6), 1128-1136 (2017)
- Dai Liang (SMART), and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Trapping a Knot into Tight Conformations by Intra-Chain Repulsions", Polymers, 9, 57 (2017)
- Rou Jun Toh (SMA3/NTU), Carmen C. Mayorga-Martinez (NTU), Zdenek Sofer (NTU), and Martin Pumera (NTU), “1T-Phase WS2 Protein-Based Biosensor”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 10.1002/adfm.201604923
- Giulia Adriani (SMART), Dongliang Ma (Duke-NUS, Andrea Pavesi (SMART), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART) and Eyleen L. K. Goh (Duke-NUS/YLL Medicine, NUS), "A 3D neurovascular microfluidic model consisting of neurons, astrocytes and cerebral endothelial cells as a blood–brain barrier", Lab Chip, 17, 448 (2017)
- Po-Hao Wang (NTU/Taiwan), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART/MIT), J.M.Wong (NTU/Taiwan), K.B.Sung (NTU/Taiwan) and Yuan Luo (NTU/Taiwan), Non-axial-scanning multifocal confocal microscopy with multiplexed volume holographic gratings, Optics Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 346-349 (2017)
- Rhokyun Kwak (KIST, Korea), Van Sang Pham (SMART), and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), “Sheltering the perturbed vortical layer of electroconvection under shear flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 799-823 (2017)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- V. Anand Ganesh (SMART), Binu Kundukad (SMART), Dan Cheng (SMART/CENSAM), Sridhar Radhakrishnan (NUS), Seeram Ramakrishna (NUS) and Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT), "Novel biofilm resistant nanofibrous membranes for water treatment applications”, 2017, Oral Presentation, 8th IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Singapore
- Kim, M.-C. (MIT), Abeyaratne, R. (MIT), Kamm, R.D. (MIT/SMART), and Asada, H.H. (MI/SMARTT), “Application of Filopodial Mechanosensing of Surrounding ECM Stiffness to Modeling of Directed Cancer Cell Invasion Dynamics into 3D ECM,” Proceedings of the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES), Phoenix, Arizona, Oct 11-14, 2017
- Sarangapani Sreelatha (SMART), Ajeet kumar Patil (SMART), Rosmin, Matt Lang (Vanderbilt/SMART), Anand Asundi (NTU), "3D/4D Multiscale Imaging in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells- visualizing dynamics of cell death", ICopen 2017 April 5-7, Singapore Expo.Singapore
- Dai Liang (SMART) and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Understanding of knots in polymers by a unified theory", American Physical Society, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2017
- Yang Yu (NUS/SMART), Jiahao Wang (Zhejiang), Chanway Ng (NUS), Shupei Mo (A*STAR-IBN), Shuoyu Xu (InvitroCue), Aileen Wee (NUHS), Roy Welsch (MIT), Peter So (MIT/SMART), Hanry Yu (NUS), sqFibrosis: a fully quantitative classification method to facilitate fibrosis scoring using collagen stains, The Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) Annual Meeting 2017 - Young Investigator Award, Shanghai China, Feb 16-19 2017
- Jie Yan (NUS/SMART), Yang Yu (NUS/SMART), Jeon Woong Kang (MIT), Zhi Yang Tam (SMART), Shuoyu Xu (InvitroCue), Eliza Li Shan Fong (NUS), Surya Pratap Singh (MIT), Ziwei Song (A*STAR-IBN), Lisa Tucker Kellogg (Duke-NUS), Peter So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (NUS), "Development of a classification model for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) using confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy", NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine 6th Annual Graduate Scientific Congress (AGSC) 2016 - Best Poster Presentation Award, Singapore Singapore, Jan 25-29 2017
Journal Publications
- Krishna Agarwal (SMART) and Radek Machan (CBIS), "Multiple signal classification algorithm for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy", Nature Communications, 7:13752 (2016)
- BP Nguyen** (Duke-NUS), H Heemskerk** (Duke-NUS), PTC So (MIT/SMART) and L Tucker-Kellogg (Duke-NUS) “Superpixel-based segmentation of muscle fibers in multi-channel microscopy.” BMC Systems Biology 10 (Suppl 5): 124 (2016)
- Rou Jun Toh* (SMA3/NTU), Carmen C. Mayorga-Martinez (NTU), Zdenek Sofer (NTU), and Martin Pumera (NTU), “MoSe2 Nanolabels for Electrochemical Immunoassays, Analytical Chemistry, 88 (24), 12204 (2016).
- Dai Liang (SMART), and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Effects of Intrachain Interactions on the Knot Size of a Polymer", Macromolecules, Publication online: September 22, 2016
- H-XL Penny** (A*STAR-SigN), J-L Sieow* (A*STAR-SigN), G. Adriani** (SMART), W-H Yeap (A*STAR-SigN), P. See Chi Ee (A*STAR-SigN), B. San Luis (A*STAR-SigN), B. Lee (A*STAR-SigN), T. Lee (Raffles Institution), S.Y. Mak (A*STAR-BTI), Y.S.Ho(A*STAR-BTI), C- K Ong (NCCS-VARI), R. YJ Huang (CSI), F. Ginhoux (A*STAR-SigN), O. Rotzschke (A*STAR-SigN), R.D. Kamm (SMART/MIT), S-C Wong (A*STAR-SigN). “Warburg metabolism in tumor-conditioned macrophages promotes metastasis in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma”, Oncoimmunology, Published online: 21 Jun 2016
- Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), Gianluca Grenci (MBI/NUS), Tengyang Jing (NUS/SMART), Ying Bena Lim (NUS), Soo Chin Lee (NUHS), Jean Paul Thiery (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SMART), "Liquid biopsy and therapeutic response: Circulating tumor cell cultures for evaluation of anticancer treatment", Science Advances, 2 : e1600274 (2016)
- X. Liu (SMART), Q. Qiao, W. Tian, W. Liu, J. Chen, M. J. Lang (Vanderbilt/SMART), Z. Xu, “Aziridinyl fluorophores demonstrate bright fluorescence and superior photostability through effectively inhibiting twisted intramolecular charge transfer”, Journal of American Chemical Society, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b03924.
- Giulia Adriani (SMART), Andrea Pavesi (SMART), Anthony T.Tan (Duke-NUS), Antonio Bertoletti (Duke-NUS), J.P.Thiery (NUS-YLSchool of Medicine), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Microfluidic models for adoptive cell-mediated cancer immunotherapies", Drug Discovery Today, doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2016.05.006 (2016)
- Binu Kundukad (SMART), Thomas Seviour (SCELSE, NTU), Yang Liang (SCELSE, NTU), Scott A. Rice (SCELSE, NTU), Staffan Kjelleberg (SCELSE, NTU), and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Mechanical properties of the superficial biofilm layer determine the architecture of biofilm", Soft Matter; DOI: 10.1039/C6SM00687F (2016)
- Andrea Pavesi (SMART), Giulia Adriani (SMART), Andy Tay (NUS), Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (UNSW, Australia), Wei Hseun Yeap (A*STAR-SIgN), Siew Cheng Wong (A*STAR-SIgN), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Engineering a 3D microfluidic culture platform for tumor-treating field application", Scientific Reports | 6:26584 | DOI: 10.1038/srep26584 (2016)
- S. C. Chew (SCELSE, NTU), B. Kundukad (SMART), W. K. Teh (SCELSE, NTU), P. Doyle (MIT/SMART) L. Yang (SCELSE, NTU), S. A. Rice (SCELSE, NTU) and S. Kjelleberg (SCELSE, NTU), "Mechanical signatures of microbial biofilms in micropillar-embedded growth chambers", Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/c5sm02755a, 2016
- Liang Dai (SMART), C. Benjamin Renner (MIT), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), "The polymer physics of single DNA confined in nanochannels", Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 232 (2016) 80–100
- Giulia Adriani (SMART), Jing Bai (SMART), Siew-Cheng Wong (A*STAR-SIgN), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), Jean Paul Thiery (NUS/A*STAR-IMCB), "M2a macrophages induce contact-dependent dispersion of carcinoma cell aggregates", Macrophage 2016; 3: e1222. doi: 10.14800
- CY Lin, WT Lin, HH Chen, JM Wong, VR Singh (SMART), Y Luo, "Talbot multi-focal holographic fluorescence endoscopy for optically sectioned imaging", Optics letters 41 (2), 344-347, 2016
- Giovanni Stefano Ugolini, Marco Rasponi, Andrea Pavesi (SMART), Rosaria Santoro, Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), Gianfranco Beniamino Fiore, Maurizio Pesce, Monica Soncini, "On-Chip Assessment of Human Primary Cardiac Fibroblasts Proliferative Responses to Uniaxial Cyclic Mechanical Strain", Biotechnology and BioEnginering, 113 (4), 859-869, 2016
- Naresh Kumar (NUH), Aye Sandar Zaw (NUH), Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), Sayantani Nandi (SMART), Zhangxing Lai (NUS), Gurpal Singh (NUH), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SMART), Jean Paul Thiery (NUS), "Intraoperative cell salvage in metastatic spine tumour surgery reduces potential for reinfusion of viable cancer cells", Eur. Spine J., Published online March 2016
- Bee Luan Khoo (MBI/SMART), Parthiv Kant Chaudhuri (MBI), Naveen Ramalingam (Fluidigm, CA), Daniel Shao Weng Tan (NCCS, A*STAR-GIS), Chwee Teck Lim (MBI/SMART/NUS) and Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART/UNSW), "Single-cell profiling approaches to probing tumor heterogeneity", International Journal of Cancer, Published online Jan 2016
- Andy Tay (NUS/SMART/UCLA), Andrea Pavesi (SMART), Saeed Rismani Yazdi (Univ.of Milan), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SMART), Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART/UNSW), "Advances in microfluidics in combating infectious diseases", Biotechnology Advances, Published Online (2016); http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biotechadv.2016.02.002
- Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART/UNSW), Bee Luan Khoo (SMART), Lidan Wu (MIT), Andy Kah Ping Tay (NUS), Ali Asgar S Bhagat (Clearbridge), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART) & Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SMART), "Ultra-fast, label-free isolation of circulating tumor cells from blood using spiral microfluidics", Nature Protocols, 11 (1), 134 (2016)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- Yin Lu (SMART and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Regenerating Natural-structured Articular Cartilage with Biophysically-sorted Zonal Chondrocytes", TERMIS (Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine), San Diego, Dec 11-14 2016.
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART), Jun Zhong (NUS), Alexandre Kabla (NUS) and Paul Matsudaira (NUS), "Whole embryo 3D deformation map during Zebrafish early development", Biomedical Molecular Imaging & 6th Molecular Imaging Centre Symposium, Taiwan, Nov 2016 - Invited Talk
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART), Xiaomin Zhai, Zhi Chen (SMART), Jau-Min Wong, George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) and Yuan Luo, "Light-sheet volume holographic microscopy", Biomedical Molecular Imaging & 6th Molecular Imaging Centre Symposium, Taiwan, Nov 2016
- T Jing (SMA3/NUS), Z Lai ( NUS), L Wu (MIT), J Han (MIT), CT Lim (NUS) and CH Chen (NUS), “Functional Study of Single Leukocytes using an Integrated Droplet Platform”, 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS), Ireland, Oct, 2016
- T Kwon (MIT), N Madziva (MIT), JD Oliveira (MIT), SK Chandramohan (MIT), L Yin (SMART), H Prentice (H Prentice Consulting LLC, USA), ME Warkiani (University of New South Wales), JP Hamel (MIT), J Han (MIT), “A membrane-less cell retention device based on inertial sorting for perfusion cultures”, Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 2nd Annual Continuous Processing in Biopharm Manufacturing, Part of CHI’s 8th Annual The Bioprocessing Summit, Boston, Aug 2016.
- LLS Ong (SMART), X. Zhang (SMART), B. Kundukad (SMART), J. Dauwels (NTU), P. Doyle(MIT), H. H. Asada(MIT), "Detecting cell division of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria from bright-field microscopy images with hidden Conditional Random Fields", at 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016
- Z. Zhang (NTU), LLS Ong (SMART), F Kong (SMART), A. Mathew, J. Dauwels(NTU), M. Dao(MIT), H. H. Asada(MIT), "Image Classification of Unlabeled Malaria Parasites in Red Blood Cells”, at 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Aug, 2016.
- M. Wang*(SMA3/NTU), L. S. Ong**(SMART), J. Dauwels (NTU) and H. H. Asada (MIT). "Automated Image Analysis of Angiogenic Vessels Cultured in 3D Microfluidic Devices." Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Aug, 2016
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Zahid Yaqoob (MIT), Peter So (MIT), “Confocal reflectance quantitative phase microscope for cellular dynamics study”, Presented in Gordon Research Conference, Vermont, USA, July 2016.
- Kim, M.-C.(MIT), Mayalu, M. (MIT), Asada, H.H. (MIT), “Dynamic Modeling of Collective Cell Migration on an Elastic Substrate of Extracellular Matrix fiber network,” Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, July 6-8, 2016
- Mayalu, M. (MIT), Kim, M.-C. **(MIT), Asada, H.H., “A Reduced Order Systems Approach to Prediction of Emergent Behaviors of Cellular Systems,” Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, July 6-8, 2016
- S.W.L. Lee (SMART), G. Adriani (SMART), A. Bertoletti (Duke-NUS), R.D. Kamm (MIT), S-C Wong (A*STAR-SigN). #Equal contribution. “On-Chip Elucidation of the Role of Myeloid Cells in T cell Immunotherapy”. Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine (CLINAM), Basel, Switzerland, June 2016.
- Jasmin Imran Alsous (MIT), Natasha Arora (MIT), Jacob Guggenheim* (MIT), Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), James Wells (MIT), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), Linda Griffith (MIT), Stas Shvartsman (MIT), “Identifying hindgut spheroid properties critical for intestinal organoid formation from human pluripotent stem cells,” International Society for Stem Cell Research, June 22-25, 2016.
- Giulia Adriani (SMART), Hweixian Leong Penny (A*STAR-SIgN), Je Lin Sieow (A*STAR-SIgN), Siew Cheng Wong (A*STAR-SIgN), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Exploring the role of tumor-conditioned macrophage metabolism on extravasation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells", AACR Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 2016
- G. Adriani**(SMART), H-L Penny**(A*STAR-SigN), J-L Sieow*(A*STAR-SigN), S-C Wong (A*STAR-SigN), R.D. Kamm (SMART/MIT). “Exploring the role of tumor- conditioned macrophage metabolism on extravasation of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells”. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2016.
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Transfer Function Analysis of Axial Derivatives in Transport-of-Intensity Quantitative Phase Imaging", Focus on Microscopy 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2016.
- Zhi Chen (SMART, NUS), D. Bhattacharya (SMART), X.M. Zhai (NTU), S.R. Huang (NUS, CBIS), T. Wohland (NUS, CBIS), Y. Luo (NTU), G. Barbastathis (MIT, SMART) 2014. Oral Presentation: Camera Based Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy with Volume Hologram for Multi-Plane Particle Tracking. Focus on Microscopy 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 20-23, 2016.
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), and Peter So (MIT/SMART), "Confocal reflectance quantitative phase microscopy system for 3D refractive index mapping", Photonics West, BIOS, San Francisco, 13-18 February 2016
- Dushan N Wadduwage(SMART/NUS), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Paul Matsudaira (NUS/SMART) and Peter So (NUS/SMART), "High-throughput light-sheet Raman microscope based on full field Fourier transform spectroscopy", : Photonics West, BIOS, San Francisco, 13-18 February 2016
Journal Publications
- X Zhai, WT Lin, HH Chen, PH Wang, LH Yeh, JC Tsai, VR Singh, Y Luo, "In-line digital holographic imaging in volume holographic microscopy", Optics letters 40 (23), 5542-5545 (2015)
- Sonia Brady (Vanderbilt), Sreelatha Sarangapani (SMART), Yinnian Feng (Vanderbilt), Shishir P.S. Chundawat (Rutgers), Matthew J. Lang (Vanderbilt/SMART), "Cellobiohydrolase 1 from Trichoderma reesei degrades cellulose in single cellobiose steps", Nature Communications, 6:10149 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10149
- Liang Dai (SMART), C. Benjamin Renner (MIT), Jie Yan (NUS) Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Coil-globule transition of a single semiflexible chain in slitlikeconfinement", Scientific Reports, 5:18438 DOI: 10.1038/srep18438
- J Bai (SMART/MIT), TY Tu (SMART), C Kim (MIT), JP Thiery (NUS & A*STAR/IMCB)), RD Kamm (MIT/SMART). "Identification of drugs as single agents or in combination to prevent carcinoma dissemination in a microfluidic 3D environment", Oncotarget, 6(34):36603-14 (2015)
- Peiwen Cong (NUS), Liang Dai (SMART), Hu Chen (NUS), Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Jie Yan (NUS), "Revisiting the anomalous bending elasticity of sharply bent DNA", Biophysical Journal (Published online, November 2015)
- Taishi Zhang (NUS/SMART), Nengyue Gao (NUS), Shuang Li (NUS), Matthew J. Lang (Vanderbilt/SMART), and Qing-Hua Xu (NUS), "Single-Particle Spectroscopic Study on Fluorescence Enhancement by Plasmon Coupled Gold Nanorod Dimers Assembled on DNA Origami", J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6, 2043–2049
- Kim M-C (MIT), Whisler J (MIT), Silberberg YR (SMART), Kamm RD (MIT/SMART), Asada HH (MIT/SMART), "Cell Invasion Dynamics into a Three Dimensional Extracellular Matrix Fibre Network", PLoS Comput Biol 11(10): e1004535. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004535 (2015)
- Koh, S. (A*STAR-SICS), Tham (Duke-NUS), C.Y.L., Tanoto (Duke-NUS), A.T., Pavesi (SMART), Kamm, R.D. (MIT/SMART), Bertoletti, A. (Duke-NUS), "Engineered HBV-specific T cells: Disentangling antiviral from killing capacity", Journal of Hepatology, 62, S188 (2015)
- C. P. Lim (NTU/SMART), J. Han (MIT/SMART) and Y. C. Lam (NTU), "Chaos analysis of viscoelastic chaotic flows of polymeric fluids in a micro-channel", AIP ADVANCES 5, 077150 (2015)
- Jing Bai (SMART), Giulia Adriani (SMART), Truong-Minh Dang (SIgN-A*STAR), Ting-Yuan Tu (SMART), Hwei-Xian Leong Penny (SIgN-A*STAR), Siew-Cheng Wong (SIgN-A*STAR), R.D. Kamm (MIT/SMART) and Jean-Paul Thiery (NUS/IMCB-A*STAR/SMART), "Contact-dependent carcinoma aggregate dispersion by M2a macrophages via ICAM-1 and β2 integrin interactions", Oncotarget, Advance Publications 2015
- Shuoyu Xu (SMA2/NUS), Chiang Huen Kang, Xiaoli Gou (NUS), Qiwen Peng (SMA2/NUS), Jie Yan (SMA3/NUS) Shuangmu Zhuo (SMART), Chee Leong Cheng (NUS), Yuting He (SMA2/NUS), Yuzhan Kang(SMART), Wuzheng Xia(Guangdong General Hospital, China) Peter T. C. So(MIT), Roy Welsch(MIT), Jagath C. Rajapakse(MIT) and Hanry Yu(NUS/A*STAR-IBN), “Quantification of liver fibrosis via second harmonic imaging of the Glisson's capsule from liver surface”, Journal of Biophotonics, Epub 1 July 2015.
- HH Chen, VR Singh (SMART), Y Luo, "Speckle-based volume holographic microscopy for optically sectioned multi-plane fluorescent imaging," Optics express 23 (6), 7075-7084, 2015
- Wai Jin Tan (A*STAR-IBN), Jie Yan (SMA3/NUS), Shuoyu Xu (SMA2/NUS), Aye Aye Thike (NUS), Boon Huat Bay (NUS), Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR-IBN), Min-Han Tan (A*STAR-IBN), Puay Hoon Tan (Singapore General Hospital/Duke-NUS), “Second harmonic generation microcopy is a novel technique for differential diagnosis of breast fibroepithelial lesions”, Journal of Clinical Pathology”, (in press), Epub 24 July 2015.
- Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART/Univ of NSW), Andy Kah Ping Tay (NUS), Guofeng Guan (SMART/Clearbridge), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Membrane-less microfiltration
using inertial microfluidics", Scientific Reports, 5, 11018 (2015)
- Andrea Pavesi (SMART), Giulia Adriani (SMART), Marco Rasponi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Ioannis K. Zervantonakis (MIT), Gianfranco B. Fiore ( (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Roger D. Kamm (MIT / SMART), "Controlled electromechanical cell stimulation on-a-chip" Scientific Reports, 5, 11800 (2015)
- Tian Fook Kong (NTU/SMART), WeijianYe (NTU/SMART), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Han Wei Hou (Medical School, NTU), Marcos (NTU), Peter Rainer Preiser (NTU), Nam-Trung Nguyen (Griffith Univ.) and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART),
"Enhancing malaria diagnosis through microfluidic cell enrichment and magnetic resonance relaxometry detection", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), 5, 11425 (2015)
- Bee Luan Khoo (MBI), Soo Chin Lee (NUS/CSIS), Prashant Kumar (A*STAT IMCB), Tuan Zea Tan (CSIS), Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Samuel GW. Ow (NUS), Sayantani Nandi (A*STAR IMCB), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SSMART),
Jean Paul Thiery (NUS/A*STAR IMCB), "Short-term expansion of breast circulating cancer cells predicts response to anti-cancer therapy", Oncotarget, 6, 15578-15593 (2015)
- Liang Dai (SMART), C.Benjamin Renner (MIT) and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Metastable Knots in Confined Semiflexible Chains", Macromolecules, (published online in April 2015)
- Majid E.W. (SMART), Andy Kah Ping Tay (NUS), Bee Luan Khoo (NUS/MBI), Xu Xiaofeng (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), C.T.Lim (NUS/SMART), "Malaria Detection using Inertial Microfluidics", Lab on A Chip, 15, 1101-1109 (2015)
- H.-H. Chen (NTU Taiwan), V.R. Singh (SMART), L. Yuan (NTU Taiwan), "Speckle-based volume holographic microscopy for optically sectioned multi-plane fluorescent imaging", Optics Express, Vol. 23(6), 7075-7084, 2015.
- Lidan Wu (MIT), Allison M. Claas (MIT), Aniruddh Sarkar (MIT), Douglas A. Lauffenburger (MIT) and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "High-throughput protease activity cytometry reveals dose-dependent heterogeneity in PMA-mediated ADAM17 activation", Integrative Biology, 7, 513 (2015)
- Qiwen Peng (SMART/NUS), Shuangmu Zhuo (SMART), Peter So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR IBN), "Improving liver fibrosis diagnosis based on forward and backward second harmonic generation signals", Applied Physics Letters, 106, 083701 (2015)
- Liang Dai (SMART), C. Benjamin Renner (MIT), and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT), "Origin of Metastable Knots in Single Flexible Chains", Physical Review Letters, 114, 037801 (2015)
- Anju M. Raja (NUS), Shuoyu Xu (SMA2/NUS), Shuangmu Zhuo (SMART), Dean C.S. Tai, Wanxin Sun, Peter T.C. So (MIT), Roy E. Welsch (MIT), Chien-Shing Chen (NUS) and Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR-IBN), “Differential Remodeling of Extracellular Matrices by Breast Cancer Initiating Cells”, Journal of Biophotonics, Epub on 19 Jan 2015.
Conference Publications / Presentations
- G. Adriani (SMART), D. Ma (Duke-NUS), A. Pavesi (SMART), E.L. Goh (Duke-NUS), R.D. Kamm. “Modeling the blood-brain barrier in a 3D triple co-culture microfluidic system”, (Invited), 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, Aug 2015.
- Pavesi (SMART), T.A. Tanoto (Duke-NUS), M. Chen (MIT), G. Adriani (SMART), B. Antonio (Duke-NUS), R.D. Kamm (MIT). “Using Microfluidics to Investigate Tumor Cell Extravasation and T-Cell Immunotherapies”, (Invited) 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, Aug 2015
- LIU Xiaogang (SMART), TEO Yock Siong (NUS), GU Danning (NUS), Matthew LANG (SMART), “Molecular Design of UV-vis Absorption and Emission Properties in Organic Fluorophores: Enhanced Stokes Shifts with Bright Fluorescence”, The Asian Pacific Conference on Chemistry of Materials 2015, Beijing, China, 17—20 Aug 2015.
- Khoo Bee Luan (NUS/MBI), Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "Multiplexed spiral inertial microfluidics for the high-throughput and label-free enrichment of viable circulating tumor cells", 7th WACBE World Congress on BioEngineering 2015, Singapore, 6-8 July 2015
- Wadduwage, Dushan N. (NUS/SMART), Marcus Parrish, Heejin Choi (MIT), Bevin P. Engelward (MIT), Paul Matsudaira (NUS), and Peter TC So (MIT/SMART), "Subnuclear foci quantification using high-throughput 3D image cytometry." In European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, pp. 953607-953607. International Society for Optics and Photonics, June 2015
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART), Wensheng Chen (NUS), and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Phase Imaging Using a Hybrid Approach: Combining Wavefront Sensing With the Transport-of-Intensity Equation", OSA Digital Holography (DH), Shanghai, May 2015
- Mengmeng Wang (NTU), Lee-Ling S. Ong (SMART), Justin Dauwels (NTU) and H. Harry Asada (MIT), "Automated Tracking of Cells from Phase Contrast Images by Multiple Hypothesis Kalman Filters." IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April - 2015, pp. 942-946.
- S. Vaikundam (NTU), L.L.S Ong (SMART), J. Dauwels (NTU), H. H. Asada (MIT), "Automated tracking of collagen fibers from confocal reflectance images", at the International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2015), Paper 9524-160, 14-16 April 2015.
- M. Mathew (NTU), LLS Ong (SMART), J. Dauwels (NTU), H. H. Asada (MIT), "Automated segmentation and classification of unlabelled malaria parasites in red blood cells from phase contrast images", at the International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2015), Paper 9524-158, 14-16 April 2015.
- Binu Kundukad (SMART), Chew Su Chuen (SCELSE), Thomas Seviour(SCELSE), Scott Rice(SCELSE), Staffan Kjelleberg(SCELSE) & Patrick S Doyle (SMART, MIT), “Ecomechanics of biofilms”, 10th Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC) 2015, Nantes, France, April 14-17, 2015
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Dushan N. Wadduwage (SMART/NUS), Paul Matsudaira (SMART/NUS) and Peter T. C. So (SMART/NUS), “Development of common path interferometer design based Fourier transform spectrometer for high-throughput spectral imaging” International Conference of Optical and Photonic Engineering, Singapore, April 2015
- Shakil Rehman (SMART), Yubo Duan (SMA3/NUS), George Barbastathis (MIT), “Wide-field Structured Illumination Microscopy with Compressive optimization Approach”, Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2015, Göttingen, Germany, March 29 - April 1, 2015
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Phase Imaging Using a Hybrid Approach: Combining Wavefront Sensing With the Transport-of-Intensity Equation", Focus on Microscopy 2015, Goettingen, Germany, March 2015
- Zhi Chen (SMART), and George Barbastathis (MIT), "Optimizing the point spread function of a volume holographic imaging system", Focus on Microscopy, FOM2015, Göttingen, Germany, 29 Mar- 1 April, 2015
- Mengmeng Wang (SMA3/NTU), Lee-Ling S. Ong (SMART), Justin Dauwels (NTU) and H. Harry Asada (MIT), "Automatic Detection of Endothelial Cells in 3D Angiogenic Sprouts from Experimental Phase Contrast Images." In SPIE Medical Imaging, pp. 94132I-94132I, Feb 2015, Florida, USA
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Peter T.C. So (MIT/SMART), "Confocal based quantitative reflection phase microscopy system development", SPIE Photonics West conference, BIOS during 7-12 Feb 2015.
- Dushan N. Wadduwage (SMART/NUS), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Heejin Choi (MIT), Zahid Yaqoob (MIT), Paul T. Matsudaira (NUS/SMART), Peter T.C. So (MIT/SMART), Novel common path interferometer design for high-throughput widefield spectral imaging", SPIE Photonics West conference, BIOS during 7-12 Feb 2015.
Journal Publications
- Zhi Chen (SMART), Gao Hanhong (SMA3/NUS), George Barbastathis (MIT), "Background suppression in long-distance imaging using volume hologram filters", Opt. Express. 22(25), 31123-31130, 2014
- Zhiyong Poon (SMART), Wong Cheng Lee (SMART), Guofeng Guan (NUS), Lin Myint Nyan (SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART) and Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Bone Marrow Regeneration Promoted by Biophysically Sorted Osteoprogenitors From Mesenchymal Stromal Cells”, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Published online on 19th Nov 2014, doi: 10.5966/sctm.2014-0154
- Tengyang Jing (NUS/SMART), Ramesh Ramji (NUS), Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/SMART), Chia-Hung Chen (NUS), "Jetting microfluidics with size-sorting capability for single-cell protease detection", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Published online, Nov 2014
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART), Zhi Chen (SMART), Shakil Rehman (SMART), and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Phase imaging using shifted wavefront sensor images", Optics Letters, 39(21), pp. 6177-6180 (2014)
- Yunhui Zhu (MIT), Zhengyun Zhang (SMART), and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Phase imaging for absorptive phase objects using hybrid uniform and structured illumination Transport of Intensity Equation",
Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 23, pp. 28966-28976 (2014)
- Jie Yan (NUS/SMART), Yuzhan Kang (SMART), Shuoyu Xu (SMART), Lee-Ling S. Ong (SMART), Shuangmu Zhuo (SMART), Ralph M Bunte (Duke-NUS), Nanguang Chen (NUS), H.HarryAsada (MIT/SMART), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), Ian R. Wanless (Dalhousie University, Canada), Hanry Yu (NUS/A*-IBN), "In vivo label-free quantification of liver microcirculation using dual-modality microscopy", J. Biomed. Opt. 19(11), 116006 (Nov 11, 2014). doi:10.1117/1.JBO.19.11.116006
- Binu Kundukad (SMART), Jie Yan (NUS/SMART) and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Effect of YOYO-1 on the mechanical properties of DNA", Soft Matter, Published Online 28 Oct 2014
- Xinghua Zhang (SMART), Yuanyuan Qu (NUS), Hu Chen (MBI/NUS), Ioulia Rouzina (Univ. of Minnesota), Shengli Zhang (NUS), Patrick S. Doyl (MIT/SMART),
and Jie Yan (NUS/SMART), Interconversion between Three Overstretched DNA Structures, Journal of American Chemical Society, 136 (45), pp 16073–16080, 2014
- Shimin Le (MBI/NUS), Hu Chen (MBI/NUS), Xinghua Zhang (SMART), Jin Chen (MBI/NUS), K. Neelakanteshwar Patil (IISC, India),
Kalappa Muniyappa (IISC, India), and Jie Yan (NUS/SMART), "Mechanical force antagonizes the inhibitory effects of RecX on RecA filament formation in Mycobacterium
tuberculosis", Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gku899, Published Online on 7th Oct 2014
- Niu Y, Bai J (SMART/MIT), Kamm RD (MIT/SMART), Wang Y (MIT), Wang C (MIT), "Validating antimetastatic effects of natural products in an engineered microfluidic platform mimicking tumor microenvironment" Mol Pharm. 2014 Jul 7; 11(7): 2022–2029.
- Uzel SG (MIT), Pavesi A (SMART), Kamm RD (MIT/SMART). Microfabrication and microfluidics for muscle tissue models. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2014 Aug 28. pii: S0079-6107(14)00088-1. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2014.08.013. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25175338
- Wong Cheng Lee (NUS/SMART), Hui Shi (SMART), Lin Myint Nyan (SMART), Tanwi Kaushik (NUS/SMART), G.V.Shivashankar (NUS/MBI), Jerry Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), C.T.Lim (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Multivariate biophysical markers predictive of mesenchymal stromal cell multipotency", PNAS, Oct 2014, Published Online, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1402306111
- Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Tian Fook Kong (NTU/SMART), Chee Sheng Ng (NTU), Lan Chen (SMART), Yongxue Huang (SMART), Ali Asgar S Bhagat (SMART), Nam-Trung Nguyen (NTU), Peter Rainer Preiser (NTU) & Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Micromagnetic resonance relaxometry for rapid label-free malaria diagnosis, Nature Medicine, Published online, 31 August 2014
- Dai Liang (SMART), Benjamin Renner (MIT), Patrick Doyle, "Metastable Tight Knots in Semiflexible Chains", Macromolecules, 47 (17), 6135-6140, 2014.
- Rou Jun Toh (NTU/SMART), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART) & Martin Pumera (NTU), "Direct In Vivo Electrochemical Detection of Haemoglobin in Red Blood Cell", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), Vol. 4, Article number: 6209, 2014.
- L. Yuan (NTU, Taiwan), V.R. Singh (SMART), D. Bhattacharya (SMART), E.Y.S. Yew (SMART), P. Matsudaira (NUS), P.T. So (MIT/SMART), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), “Talbot Holographic Non-scanning (THIN) Fluorescence Microsocpy”, Laser and Photonics Reviews, 8 (5), L71-L75, 2014.
- Su Chuen Chew (SCELSE/NTU), Binu Kundukad (SMART), Thomas William Seviour (SCELSE), Johan R C van der Maarel (NUS), Liang Yang (SCELSE), Scott A. Rice (SCELSE), Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Staffan Kjelleberg (SCELSE), “Dynamic remodeling of microbial biofilms by functionally distinct exopolysaccharides", mBio, 5 (4), July/Aug, 2014.
- Maloney, J.M. (SMART/MIT), and Van Vliet, K.J. (MIT/SMART), “Chemoenvironmental modulators of fluidity in the suspended biological cell” Soft Matter, 10, 8031-8042, 2014.
- Jae Won Cha (MIT), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Ki Hean Kim (Postec, Korea), Jaychander Subramanian (MIT), Elly Nedivi (MIT), Qiwen Peng (SMART), Hanry Yu (SMART/NUS), Peter So (SMART/MIT), "Reassignment of Scattered Emission Photons in Miltifocal Multiphoton Microscopy", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), Vol. 4, Article number: 5153, 2014.
- Shuangmu Zhuo (SMART), Jie Yan (SMART/IBN/NUS), Yuzhan Kang (SMART), Shuoyu Xu (SMART/NUS), Qiwen Peng (NUS/MBI/IBN), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (SMART/A*STAR- IBN/MBI/NUS), "In vivo, label-free, three-dimensional quantitative imaging of liver surface using multi-photon microscopy", Applied Physics Letters, 105, 023701 (2014)
- Zhi Chen (SMART), Wensheng Chen (NUS/SMART), Hsin-yu Lu, Yves Chevallier, Nanguang Chen (NUS), George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), and Yuan Luo (NTU, Taiwan), "Real-time 3D particle manipulation visualized using volume holographic gratings," Opt. Lett. 39, 3078-3081 (2014)
- Khoo, B L (NUS/MBI), E W Majid (SMART), D S W Tan (NCCS), A A S Bhagat (Clearbridge), D Irwin (Sequenom Inc., CA), D P Lau (NCCS), A S T Lim (SGH), K H Lim (SGH), S S Krisna (SGH), W T Lim NCCS), Y S Yap (NCCS), S C Lee (NUH), R A Soo (NUH), J Han (MIT/SMART), C T Lim (NUS/SMART), "Clinical Validation of an Ultra High-Throughput Spiral Microfluidics for the Detection and Enrichment of Viable Circulating Tumor Cells" PLoS One, PloS One, 9(7), e994092014. (2014)
- Yie Hou Lee (SMART), Chin Wen Tan (NUS/SMART), Abhishek Venkatratnaman (SMART), Chuen Seng Tan (NUH), Liang Cui (SMART), Seong Feei Loh (KKH), Linda Griffith (MIT/SMART), Steven R. Tannenbaum (MIT/SMART),
Jerry Kok Yen Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), "Dysregulated sphingolipid metabolism in endometriosis", The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Jun 2014:jc20141340.
- Kizhmuri P. Divya (CSIR-NIIST,India), Sivaramapanicker Sreejith(NTU), Pichandi Ashokkumar (Univ.of Madras), Kang Yuzhan (SMART), Qiwen Peng (SMART/NUS), Swarup Kumar Maji (NTU), Yan Tong (NUS), Hanry Yu(NUS/SMART), Yanli Zhao (NTU), Perumal Ramamurthy (Univ.of Madras) and Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh (CSIR-NIIST,India), “A ratiometric fluorescent molecular probe with enhanced two-photon response upon Zn2+ binding for in vitro and in vivo bioimaging”, Chemical Science, Published online (2014)
- Tze Ping Loh (NUH), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Lan Chen (SMART), Sunil Kumar Sethi (NUH), "Application of smoothed continuous labile haemoglobin A1c reference intervals for identification of potentially spurious HbA1c results", Journal of Clinical Pathology, Published online on 11 June 2014 (doi:10.1136/jclinpath-2014-202346)
- Shuoyu Xu (NUS/SMART), Yan Wang, Dean C.S. Tai (A*STAR/IBN), Shi Wang (NUH), Chee Leong Cheng (NUH), Qiwen Peng (NUS/SMART),
Jie Yan (NUS/SMART), Yongpeng Chen, Jian Sun, Xieer Liang, Youfu Zhu, Jagath C. Rajapakse (NTU), Roy E. Welsch (MIT), Peter T.C. So (MIT/SMART), Aileen Wee (NUH), Jinlin Hou, Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR IBN/SMART), "qFibrosis: A fully-quantitative innovative method incorporating histological features to facilitate accurate fibrosis scoring in animal model and chronic hepatitis B patients", Journal of Hepatology, Published online (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2014.02.015
- Chin Wen Tan (NUS/SMART), Yie Hou Lee (SMART), Heng Hao Tan (KKH), Matthew Sie Kuei Lau (KKH), Mahesh Choolani (NUS), Linda Griffith (MIT/SMART), Jerry Kok Yen Chan (NUS/KKH/SMART/Duke-NUS), "CD26/DPPIV down-regulation in endometrial stromal cell migration in endometriosis", Published online in Fertility and Sterility (2014) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.04.001)
- Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Bee Luan Khoo (MBI/NUS), Daniel Shao-Weng Tan (NCCS), Ali Asgar S. Bhagat (Clearbridge Biomedics), Wan-Teck Lim (NCCS), Yoon Sim Yap (NCCS), Soo Chin Lee (NUS), Ross A. Soo (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "An ultra-high throughput spiral microfluidic biochip for the enrichment of circulating tumor cells", Analyst, 2014, Published online,
DOI: 10.1039/C4AN00355A
- Young K. Park (SMART), Ting-Yuan Tu (NUS/SMART), Sei Hien Lim (NUS/SMART), Ivan J. M. Clement (NUS/SMART), Se Y. Yang (MIT), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "In Vitro Microvessel Growth and Remodeling within a Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Environment", Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 7 (1), 15 (2014)
- Stefan G. Stanciu, Sh (ETH, Zurich), Shuoyu Xu (SMART/NUS), Qiwen Peng (SMART/NUS), Jie Yan (NUS/SMART), George A. Stanciu E, Roy E. Welsch (MIT), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), Gabor Csucs (ETH, Zurich) & Hanry Yu (NUS/A*STAR IBN/SMART), "Experimenting Liver Fibrosis Diagnostic by Two Photon Excitation Microscopy and Bag-of-Features Image Classification", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), 4, 4636 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/srep04636
- Dai Liang (SMART), Johan van der Maarel (NUS) and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Extended de Gennes Regime of DNA Confined in a Nanochannel" Macromolecules, Published on web, Mar 25, 2014, DOI:10.1021/ma500326w
- Chee Ping Ng (SMART), Abdul Rahim Mohamed Sharif (SMART), Daniel E. Heath (SMART), John W. Chow,
Claire BY. Zhang, Mary B. Chan-Park (NTU), Paula T. Hammond (MIT/SMART), Jerry KY. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH),
Linda G. Griffith (MIT/SMART), "Enhanced ex vivo expansion of adult mesenchymal stem cells by fetal mesenchymal stem cell ECM", Biomaterials, 35, 4046-4057 (2014)
- Soheila Sharghi-Namini (SMART), Evan Tan (NUS/SMART), Lee-Ling Sharon Ong (SMART), Ruowen Ge (NUS)and H. Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), "Dll4-containing exosomes induce
capillary sprout retraction in a 3D microenvironment", SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 4031 | DOI: 10.1038/srep04031 (2014)
- Sahan Herath (NUS/SMART), Du Yue (NUS/SMART), Dong-an Wang (NTU), Kin Liao (NTU), Qingguo Wang (NUS), Harry Asada (MIT/SMART) and Peter Chen (NUS), "Characterization of uniaxial stiffness of extracellular matrix embedded with magnetic beads via bio-conjugation and under the influence of an external magnetic field", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 30, 253 (2014)
- Sahan Herath (NUS/SMART), Du Yue (NUS/SMART), Shi Hui (SMART), Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), Dong-an Wang (NTU), Qingguo Wang (NUS), Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), Harry Asada (MIT/SMART) and Peter Chen (NUS), "Quantification of Magnetically Induced Changes in ECM Local Apparent Stiffness", BioPhysical Journal, 106, 332-341 (2014)
- Toh Rou Jun (SMA3/NTU), Peng Weng Kung (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), and Martin Pumera (NTU), “Haemoglobin electrochemical detection on various reduced graphene surfaces: well-defined glassy carbon electrode outperforms the graphenoids, RSC Advances, 4, 8050-8054 (2014)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- Pavesi (SMART), Giulia Adriani (SMART), Andy T.K. Ping, Majid E. Warkiani (SMART), Roger D. Kamm (MIT), “A microfluidic device to investigate the effect of alternating electric field on cancer cells”, EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine Conference, Dec-2014.
- G. Adriani (SMART), J. Bai (SMART), T-M Dang (A*STAR-SigN), T-Y Tu (SMART), R. D. Kamm (MIT), S-C Wong(A*STAR-SigN), J-P Thiery(NUS, A*STAR-IMCB), “Investigating the role of M2a polarized macrophages on carcinoma cell aggregates dispersion in a 3D microfluidic device”, EMBS Micro and Nanotechnology in Medicine Conference, Dec-2014
- W. Peng (SMART), C. Ng (NUH), T. Kong (NTU/SMART), L. Chen (SMART), T. Loh (NUH), P. Preiser (NTU), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), "Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for Label-free, Rapid Malaria Diagnosis, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2014 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA, Oct, 2014
- M. Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), A.K.P. Tay (NUS), B.L. Khoo (NUS/MBI), X. Xiaofeng (NUS), C.T. Lim (NUS/SMART), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), “ Enabling reliable detection of low abundance malaria parasites from blood using inertial microfluidics”, MicroTAS-2014, San Antonio, USA, Oct, 2014.
- M. Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), A.K.P. Tay (NUS), Guan Guofeng (NUS), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), “Next generation microfilter: Large scale, continuous mammalian cells for perfusion bio-reactors”, MicroTAS-2014, San Antonio, USA, Oct, 2014.
- L Wu (MIT), J Han (MIT), “Microfluidic platform for single cell protease activity measurement”, 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences MicroTAS-2014, San Antonio, USA, Oct, 2014.
- A. Pavesi (SMART), G. Adriani (SMART), M. Rasponi (Politecnico di Milano, ITALY), G.B. Fiore (Politecnico di Milano, ITALY), I. Zervantonakis (MIT)and R.D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Lab-on-a-chip based microfluidic environment for cell electromechanical stimulation", Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM), pp 37-38, 30 July – 1 August 2014,
- Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Development of novel marker and portable magnetic resonance relaxometry system for Point of Care Medical diagnosis", Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems (ISMM), pp 104-105, 30 July – 1 August 2014,
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART), Zhi Chen (SMART), Shakil Rehman (SMART), and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Regularized Phase Retrieval from Wavefront Sensor Images and the Importance of Priors",
Signal Recovery and Synthesis, Seattle, Washington United States,
July 13-17, 2014
- Y. R. Silberberg (SMART), M. Kim (SMART), H. H. Asada (MIT/SMART), "3D Traction Force Microscopy Combined with Computer Simulation Models for the Analysis of Filopodia Dynamics", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- V. Rajagopal (SMART), A. Pavesi (SMART), W. Polacheck (MIT), R. D.
Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Quantification of the Spatial Distribution of Cytoskeletal Proteins and Adhesions of MDA-MB-
231 Breast Cancer Cells Embedded inside 3D Collagen Matrices", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- S. Beyer (SMART), Q. Liu (SMART), G. Adriani (SMART), A. M. Blocki (A*STAR-SBIC), J.
Yang (NUS), J. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), R. D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "The role of the glycocalyx and heparan sulfates within the basement membrane of human microvasculature in transendothelial migration", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- M. Mayalu (MIT), M. Kim (SMART), V. Chan (MIT), D. Neal (MIT), H. Kim (MIT),
H. Asada (MIT/SMART), "A New Approach to Predicting Emergent Behaviors of Cell-ECM Interactions Using Stochastic Rules Generated from Mechanistic Computational Models, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- W. Lee (SMART), H. Shi (SMART), Z. Poon (SMART), J. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), G.
Shivashankar (MBI/NUS), C. Lim (NUS), J. Han (MIT/SMART), K. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Stem Cell Heterogeneity: Identifying Subsets of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Tissue Engineering & Translational Medicine", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- Z. Poon (SMART), J. Lee W.C. (SMART), K. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Biophysically derived osteoprogenitors from mesenchymal stem/stromal cell (MSC) cultures for applications in orthopedics and hematology", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- H. Yu (NUS/A*STAR-IBN), S. Xu (SMART)), S. Zhuo (SMART), J. Yan (NUS/SMART), P. So (MIT/SMART), R. Welsch (MIT), "Optical Signatures Correlative of Metastatic Cancers in Distorted Environment", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- A. Pavesi (SMART), T. A. Tanoto (Duke-NUS), A. Bertoletti (Duke-NUS), R. D.
Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Interactions Between Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells and T-cell Receptor Engineered T Cells in a
3D Microfluidic Platform", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- M. Kim (SMART), R. Kamm (MIT/SMART), H. Asada (MIT/SMART), "Filopodia dynamics, ECM interaction, and 3D cell migration modeling", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- A. Pavesi (SMART), C. J. Ochs (SMART), J. Kasuya (MIT), R. D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Oxygen Level in Thermoplastic Microfluidic Devices", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- S. Huang (NUS/SMART), J. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), H. Yu (NUS), R. D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Neural Stem Cells Homing to Glioma Vasculature", 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 6-11, 2014, Boston, MA
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Regularizers for Coherence Retrieval and Their Physical Interpretation", Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging
Kohala Coast, Hawaii United States,
June 22-26, 2014
- Yie Hou Lee (SMART), Chin Wen Tan (NUS/SMART), Linda Griffith (MIT), Steven R. Tannenbaum (MIT/SMART), Jerry Kok Yen Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), "Maternal peritoneal fluid sphingolipids in endometriosis-associated infertility", World Congress on Endometriosis 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil
30 April - 3 May 2014
- Yan Jie (NUS/SMART), Peter So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (NUS), "Combining Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging with Speckle Illumination HiLo microscope to achieve 3D imaging of flow", Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Zhang Zhengyun (SMART) and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), “Amplitude and phase from light field micrograph”, Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Shakil Rehman (SMART), K. Matsuda and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), “Digital phase contrast imaging with hard X-rays", Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Y.Duan (NUS/SMART), S. Rehman (SMART), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) & N. Chen (NUS), “FMM-guided 3D image reconstruction using compressive sensing”, Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Y.Duan (NUS/SMART), C.J.R Sheppard (NUS), S. Rehman (SMART), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) & N. Chen (NUS), “Performance of cylindrically polarized light in focal modulation microscopy”, Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- H.Gao (MIT) and G.Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Transformation of volume holographic pupils for microscopic imaging", Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Shakil Rehman (SMART), Y. Duan (NUS/SMART), W.Chen (NUS/SMART) & G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), “Compressive sensing approach to reconstruct HiLo images”, Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- W.Chen (NUS/SMART), Z. Zhang (SMART), Y. Liu, Z. Chen (SMART), Y. Duan (NUS/SMART), S. Rehman (SMART), H.P. Lee & G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Compressive reconstruction of objects through turbid media with a volume hologram" Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Dipan Bhattacharya (SMART), V.R. Singh (SMART), P. Matsudaira (NUS), P. So (MIT/SMART) & G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), “Development of structured illumination based digital scanned light-sheet microscope (DSLM) system for 3D tissue imaging", Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- G.Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), “Diverse imaging with sparsity priors", Focus on Microscopy, FOM 2014, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 April 2014.
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART/NUS), Paul Matsudaria (NUS), George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), “Image reconstruction methodologies for structured light based laser sheet microscope for thick tissue imaging”, SPIE BiOS| SPIE Photonics West, 1-6 Feb 2014, San Francicso
- Elijah Y. S. Yew (SMART), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), "Improving the optical sectioning capability of temporally focused widefield two-photon microscopy" SPIE BiOS| SPIE Photonics West, 1-6 Feb 2014, San Francicso
- Yubo Duan (NUS/SMART), Shakil Rehman (SMART), George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) and Nanguang Chen (NUS), "Aperture design in focal modulation microscopy to improve
modulation depth", SPIE BiOS| SPIE Photonics West, 1-6 Feb 2014, San Francicso
- Yan Jie (NUS/SMART), Peter So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (NUS), "In vivo, label-free, three-dimensional quantitative imaging of liver surface using multiphoton microscopy”, 18th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jan 2014
Journal Publication
- C. J. Ochs (SMART), J. Kasuya (MIT) , A. Pavesi (SMART) and R.Kamm (MIT/SMART), “Oxygen Levels in Thermoplastic Microfluidic Devices during Cell Culture”, Lab on A Chip, 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51160J
- Lee-Ling S. Ong (SMART), Justin Dauwels (NTU), Marcelo H. Ang Jr. (NUS) and H. Harry Asada (MIT/ SMART), “A Bayesian Filtering Approach to Incorporate 2D/3D Time-lapse Confocal Images for Tracking Angiogenic Sprouting Cells Interacting with the Gel Matrix”, Medical Image Analysis, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.media.2013.10.008
- X.M. Ang (NUS), M.H.C. Lee (NUS), A. Blocki (NUS), C. Chen (NUS), L.L.S Ong (SMART), H.H. Asada (MIT/SMART), A. Sheppard (University of Auckland), M. Raghunath (NUS), “Macromolecular crowding amplifies adipogenesis of human bone marrow-derived MSCs by enhancing the pro-adipogenicmicroenvironment”, Tissue Engineering A, 2013, doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2013.0337
- Sei Hien Lim (NUS/SMART), Choong Kim (SMART), Amir R. Aref (SMART), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), Michael Raghunath (NUS), "Complementary effects of ciclopirox olamine, a prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor and sphingosine 1-phosphate on fibroblasts and endothelial cells in driving capillary sprouting", Integrative Biology (In Press), published online 30 Oct 2013
- Matthew J. Whitfield** (MIT), Wong Cheng J. Lee * (NUS), Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Onset of heterogeneity in culture-expanded bone marrow stromal cells” Stem Cell Research, 11(3), 1365, 2013
- Ting-Yuan Tu (NUS/SMART), Zhe Wang (NUS/SMART), Jing Bai (SMART), Wei Sun (SMART), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Ruby Yun-Ju Huang (CSIS/NUS), Jean-Paul Thiery (NUS/A*STAR-IMCB), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Rapid Prototyping of Concave Microwells for the Formation of 3D Multicellular Cancer Aggregates for Drug Screening", Advanced Healthcare Materials, Published online, Aug 2013 (DOI: 10.1002/adhm.20130015, © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
- Yubo Duan (SMA3/NUS), George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), Baile Zhang (NTU), Classical imaging theory of a micro-lens with super-resolution, Optics Letters, 38(16), 2988-2990 (2013)
- Zhang, C. (NUS), Hernandez-Garcia, A., Jiang, K., Gong, Z., Guttula, D., Ng, S.Y., Malar, P.P., van Kan, J.A., Dai, L.(SMART), Doyle, P.S.(MIT/SMART), de Vries, R., and an der Maarel, J.R.C.(NUS), "Amplified Stretch of Bottlebrush-Coated DNA in Nanofluidic Channels", Nucleic Acids Res., DOI:10.1093/nar/gkt783, 2013.
- Zhang, C.(NUS), Guttula, D., Liu, F., Malar, P.P., Ng, S.Y., Dai, L(SMART)., Doyle, P.S.(MIT/SMART), van Kan, J.A., and van der Maarel, J.R.C.(NUS/SMART), "Effect of H-NS on the elongation and compaction of single DNA molecules in a nanospace", Soft Matter, DOI:10.1039/C3SM51214B, 2013
- Zhou C (NTU), Heath DE (SMART), Sharif ARM (SMART), Rayatpisheh S (NTU), Oh B (NTU), Rong, X (NTU), Chan-Park, MBE (NTU), “High water content hydrogel with super high refractive index”, Macromolecular Bioscience, doi: 10.1002/mabi.201300191. [Epub ahead of print], July 2013
- Majid E. Warkiani, (SMART), Guofeng Guan (NUS), Khoo Bee Luan (NUS/MBI), Wong Cheng Lee (NUS), Ali Asgar S. Bhagat (CLearbridge Biomedics), Daniel Shao-Weng Tan (NCC), Soo Chin Lee, Wan Teck Lim (NCC/NUS), Peter C Y Chen (NUS), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART). "Slanted spiral microfluidics for ultra-fast, label-free circulating tumor cells isolation", Lab on a chip, DOI: 10.1039/C3LC50617G, (Web), July 2013
- Binu Kundukad (SMART), Piewen Cong (NUS), Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS), and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART). “Time-dependent bending rigidity and helical twist of DNA by rearrangement of bound HU protein” Nucleic Acids Research (2013) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt593
- Dai, L. (SMART), and Doyle, P.S. (MIT/SMART), "Comparisons of a polymer in confinement versus applied force", Macromolecules, DOI: 10.1021/ma400674q (Web) July 29, 2013
- Maloney, J.M (MIT/SMART), Lehnhardt, E., Long, A.F., and Van Vliet, K.J. (MIT/SMART), “Mechanical fluidity of fully suspended biological cells,” Biophysical Journal, 2013, in press
- Cai P (Hokkaido University), Mizutani Y (Hokkaido University), Tsuchiya M (Hokkaido University), Maloney JM (MIT/SMART), Fabry B, Van Vliet KJ (MIT/SMART), Okajima T, "Quantifying cell-to-cell variation in power-law rheology," Biophysical Journal, (In press).
- Jussi Rahomäki (Univ.of Finland), Heikki J Hyvärinen (Rocsole, Finland), Shakil Rehman [SMART] and Jari Turunen (Univ. of Eastern Finland), “Free-field characterization via directional transmission through a nanoaperture”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 8, 326 (2013).
- H. Choi (MIT), Elijah Y. S. Yew (SMART), V.R. Singh (SMART), B. Hallacoglu, S. Fantini, J. Rajapakse (NTU), C.J.R. Sheppard (NUS), P.T.C. So (MIT/SMART), “Improvement of axial resolution and contrast in temporally focused widefield two-photon microscopy with structured light illumination”. Biomed Opt Express, 4, 995—1005, 2013
- Ebrahimi Warkiani Majid (SMART) and Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), “Microfluidic Platforms for Human Disease Cell Mechanics Studies” – Book Chapter in Materiomics: Multiscale Mechanics of Biological Materials and Structures, CISM International Centre for Mechnical Sciences, Springer, Vol. 546, 2013; http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-7091-1574-9/page/1
- Elijah Y. S. Yew (SMART), Colin J. R. Sheppard (NUS), and Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), "Temporally Focused Widefield Two-photon Microscopy: Paraxial to Vectorial," Optics Express, 21, 12951—12963, (2013)
- Z. Zhang (SMART), Z. Chen (SMART/NUS), S. Rehman (SMART), and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Factored form descent: a practical algorithm for coherence retrieval," Opt. Express 21, 5759-5780 (2013).
- L. Tian (MIT), Z. Zhang (SMART), J. Petruccelli (MIT), and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Wigner function measurement using a lenslet array," Opt. Express 21, 10511-10525 (2013).
- Utkur Mirsaidov (NUS/MBI), V.R.S.S. Mokkapati, Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART), Henrik Andersen, Michel Bosman, Barbaros Ozyilmaz and Paul Matsudaira (NUS/CBIS) “Scrolling Graphene into Nanofluidic Channels”, Lab Chip (2013, In Press)
- Y. Luo (National Taiwan Univ, Taiwan), B. Zhang (NTU), T. Han (Sounthwest Univ. China), Z. Chen (SMART/NUS), Y. Duan (SMA3/NUS), C.W. Chu (National Taiwan Univ, Taiwan), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), and C. W. Qiu (NUS), "Phase-preserved optical elevator," Opt. Express 21, 6650-6657 (2013)
- B. Narmada (NUS), Y. Kang (SMART), L. Venkatraman (NUS/MBI), Q. Peng (SMA/IBN), R. Sakban,(NUS), B. Nugraha (NUS/IBN), X. Jiang (JHU), R. Bunte (Duke-NUS), P. So (MIT/SMART), L. Tucker-Kellogg (NUS/MBI), H. Mao(JHU), and H. Yu (NUS/IBN/SMART), “Hepatic stellate cell-targeted delivery of hepatocyte growth factor transgene via bile duct infusion enhances its expression at fibrotic foci to regress dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis”, Human gene therapy, 24, 508-519 (2013).
- Adam S. Zeiger (MIT/SMART), Benjamin Hinton (Univ. of Minnesota, USA) and Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Why the dish makes a difference: Quantitative comparison of polystyrene culture surfaces”, Acta Biomaterialia, 9(7), 7354-61 (2013)
- Zhang, C (NUS), Jiang, K. (NUS), Liu, F. (NUS), Doyle, P.S. (MIT/SMART), van Kan, J.A. (NUS), and van der Maarel, J.R.C. (NUS), "A Nanofluidic Device for Single Molecule Studies with In Situ Control of Environmental Solution Conditions", Lab Chip, 13, 2821-2826, 2013.
- Liang Dai (SMART), Douglas R. Tree, Johan R.C. van der Maarel (NUS), Kevin D. Dorfman, and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Revisiting blob theory for DNA diffusivity in slitlike confinement", Physical Review Letters, 110, 168105 (2013)
- Guofeng Guan (NUS/SMART) Lidan Wu (MIT), Ali Asgar Bhagat (SMART) Zirui Li (SMART), Petr C. Y. Chen, (NUS), Shuzhe Cao (NUS) Chng Jin Ong (NUS) andJonyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Spiral microchannel with rectangular and trapezoidal cross-sections for size based particle separation", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), Published Online, March 2013
- Zhang Xinghua (SMART), Chen H (MBI), Le S (MBI), Rouzina I (Univ. Minnesota, USA), Doyle P.S. (MIT/SMART), and Yan J (NUS/MBI)., "Revealing the Competition between Peeled-ssDNA, Melting Bubbles and S-DNA during DNA Overstretching by Single-Molecule Calorimetry", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., published online (Feb 2013)
- Han Wei Hou (SMART/MIT), Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Bee Luan Khoo (MBI/NUS), Zi Rui Li (SMART), Ross A. Soo (CSIS, NUS/NUH),
Daniel Shao-Weng Tan (NCC), Wan-Teck Lim (NCC), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Ali Asgar S. Bhagat (SMART), and Chwee Teck Lim (NUS/MBI/SMART), "Isolation and retrieval of circulating tumor cells using centrifugal forces", Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), 3, 1259 (2013).
- Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), Raymond H. W. Lam (MIT), Todd Thorsen (MIT), and H. Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), "Mathematical Analysis of Oxygen Transfer through Polydimethylsiloxane Membrane between Double Layers of Cell Culture Channel and Gas Chamber in Microfluidic Oxygenator", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, (Published online), DOI 10.1007/s10404-013-1142-8, Feb 1, 2013
- Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), Devin Neal (MIT), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), and H. Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), "Dynamic Modeling of Cell Migration and Spreading Behaviors on Fibronectin Coated Planar Substrates and Micropatterned Geometries", PLOS Computational Biology, 9(2), e1002926, 2013
- Kwak R (MIT), Guan G (NUS/SMART), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Han J (MIT/SMART), “Microscale Electrodialysis: Concentration Profiling and Vortex Visualization,” Desalination, 308, 138 (2013)
- Yun Soo Kim (SMART), Binu Kundukad (SMART) Abdollah Allahverdi (NTU), Lars Nordenskold (NTU), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS), “Gelation of the genome by topoisomerase II targeting anticancer agents”, Soft Matter, Advance Article Published online, DOI: 10.1039/C2SM27229F (2013)
- Ranjani Paradise (MIT), Matthew Whitfield (MIT), Douglas A. Lauffenburger (MIT), and Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Directional cell migration in an extracellular pH gradient,” Experimental Cell Research 319: 487, 2013.
Conference Publications / Presentation
- Yan Jie (NUS/SMART), Peter So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (NUS), "In vivo Quantitative Study of Hepatic Microcirculation in Liver Fibrosis", 3rd Nano Today Conference, Singapore, Dec 2013
- D.E. Heath (SMART), C.P. Ng (SMART), Sharif ARM (SMART), M.B.E. Chan-Park (NTU), P.T. Hammond (MIT/SMART), L.G. Griffith (MIT/SMART), “High Aspect Ratio Hydrogel Microwell Arrays As a Novel Platform for the In Situ Cloning of Rare Cells”, American Institute of Chemical Engineering Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov- 2013
- D.E. Heath (SMART), C.P. Ng (SMART), A.R.M. Sharif (SMART), M.B.E. Chan-Park (NTU), P.T. Hammond (MIT/SMART), L.G. Griffith (MIT/SMART), “Hydrogel microwell arrays for in situ culture and analysis of single cells”, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA Sept-2013
- Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), Chin Wen Tan (SMA3/NUS), Jerry Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), Linda G. Griffith (MIT/SMART), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), H. Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), “Integrated Cell Migration Model incorporating Spatiotemporal Kinetics of Focal Adhesion Assembly and Disassembly”, BMES 2013 Annual Meeting, Sep 25-28, 2013, Seattle, Washington.
- Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), Peter C. Y. Chen (NUS), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), H Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), “Incorporating Filopodia dynamics, Focal adhesion dynamics, Cytoskeleton remodeling, and Degradation of Extracellular matrix for Predicting Tip Cell Migration in Angiogenesis”, BMES 2013 Annual Meeting, Sep 25-28, 2012, Seattle, Washington.
- Baijing (SMART), T.Y. Tu (NUS/SMART), J.P. Thiery (NUS), and R.D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Microfluidic 3D cancer-type specific platform for EMT blocking agents screening", BMES-2013, USA.
- T. Jing (NUS/SMART), R. Ramji (NUS), M.E. Warkiani (SMART), C.T. Lim (NUS), J. Han (MIT/SMART), and C.-H. Chen (NUS/SiNAPSE), High throughput single cancer cell encapsulation and self sorting for protease assy by using jetting microfluidics, MicroTAS 2013, Germany
- Tian Fook Kong (SMA3/NTU), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Han Wei Hou (MIT), Marcos (NTU), Nam-Trung Nguyen (Grififth), and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Rapid and high sensitivity malaria diagnosis: a microfluidics approach", MicroTAS 2013, Germany
- Guofeng Guan (NUS), Majid E. Warkiani, (SMART), Khoo Bee Luan (NUS/MBI), Daniel Shao-Weng Tan (NCC), Ali Asgar S. Bhagat (Clearbridge Biomedics), Wan-Teck Lim (NCC/NUS), Peter C. Y. Chen (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "High throughput circulating tumor cell isolation using trapezoidal inertial microfluidics", MicroTAS 2013, Germany.
- Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Khoo Bee Luan (NUS/MBI), Daniel Shao-Weng Tan (NCC), Ali Asgar S. Bhagat (Clearbridge Biomedics), Wan-Teck Lim (NCC/NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) enrichment: Ultra high throughput processing of clinically relevant blood volumes using a multiplexed spiral biochip", MicroTAS 2013, Germany.
- C. Kantak (NUS), S. Beyer (SMART), and D. Trau (NUS), "A novel microfluidic droplet manipulation method for fabrication of reverse-phase two layer-by-layer
protein microcapsules", MicroTAS 2013, Germany.
- R. Kwak (MIT), V.S. Pham (MIT), B.J. Kim (MIT),
L. Chen (SMART), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), "High throughput salt/bio-agent removal by ion concentration polarization for water desalination, purification and monitoring, MicroTAS 2013, Germany.
- Mengmeng Wang (SMA3/NTU), Lee-Ling S. Ong (SMART), Justin Dauwels (NTU) and H. Harry Asada (MIT/ SMART), “2D data-driven stalk cell prediction model based on tip-stalk cell interaction in angiogenesis,” 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013, Pages 4537-4540
- Y.H. Lee (SMART), S.F. Loh (KKH), S.R. Tannenbaum (MIT/SMART), J.K.Y. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), “Dysregulated sphingolipid metabolism promotes cell growth in endometriosis”, 29th Annual Meeting: European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, London, UK, July 2013
- Zhang X. (SMART), “Nonlinear micromechanics of biofilm extracellular polymeric substance revealed by magnetic tweezers” Research Innovation in Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases, 8 July, 2013, Singapore
- C.W. Tan (SMA3/NUS), Y.H. Lee (SMART), H.H. Tan (KKH), M. Choolani (NUS), Linda. Griffith (MIT/SMART), J.K.Y. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), “Decidualisation of fetal bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells is gender dependent”, International Society of Stem Cell Society, Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, June 2013
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART) and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Positivity-induced Implicit Compressed Sensing," OSA Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH), HI, April 2013.
- Zhengyun Zhang** (SMART) and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Compressive Effects of Positivity in Coherence Retrieval," OSA Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI), CA, June 2013
- Yan Jie (NUS/SMART), Peter So (MIT/SMART) and Hanry Yu (NUS), "In vivo Quantification of Hepatic Microvascular Flow Characteristics using Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging”, European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Munich, Germany, May 2013
- C. J. R Sheppard (NUS), E. Y. S. Yew (SMART), P. T. C. So (MIT/SMART), “Temporal focusing and focus wave modes”. PIERS, Stockholm, 2013
- S. Rehman (SMART), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), and R.W. Beuerman (SERI, Singapore), “Nonlinear optical microscopy of ocular tissue: Imaging Lamina Cribrosa”, presented in Focus on Microscopy (FOM2013) held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-27 March 2013.
- Yubo Duan (NUS/SMART), Shakil Rehman (NUS/SMART), George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), Nanguang Chen (NUS/SMART), “Aperture Optimization to Improve Modulation Depth in Focal Modulation Microscopy”, Focus on Microscopy 2013, 24-27 March 2013, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- Z. Zhang (SMART) and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Coherence Synthesis and Kolmogorov Complexity," in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper DW2A.4.
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART), George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) and Paul Matsudaira (NUS), “Three dimensional HiLo-based structured illumination for a digital scanned laser sheet microscopy (DSLM) in thick tissue imaging, Optical Society of America (OSA) meeting on Bio-Optics, 2013, Hawaii, USA.
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Jae Won Cha (MIT), Elly Nedivi (MIT), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), Photon reassignment of scattered emission photons in multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM), 2013 Photonics West Conference -BIOS, 2-7 February 2013, San Francisco, USA
- Elijah Y. Yew (SMART), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), Temporally focused wide-field two-photon microscopy: From the paraxial to the vectorial, 2013 Photonics West Conference -BIOS, 2-7 February 2013, San Francisco, USA (Invited)
- Naveen K. Balla (NUS/SMART), Elijah Y. Yew (SMART), Hayden K. Taylor (NTU), Peter T. C. So (MIT/SMART), 3D microrheology using wide-fi eld two photon microscopy, 2013 Photonics West Conference -BIOS, 2-7 February 2013, San Francisco, USA
- S. Rehman (SMART), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) & R.W. Beuerman, “Nonlinear optical microscopy of ocular tissue: Imaging Lamina Cribrosa”, presented in Focus on Microscopy (FOM2013) held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-27 March 2013.
- Z.Chen (SMART/NUS), Y. Chevallier, W. Chen (SMART/NUS), G.Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), and Y. Luo (National Taiwan Univ, Taiwan), “Interactive three-dimensional holographic optical trapping and imaging”, presented in Focus on Microscopy (FOM2013) held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-27 March 2013.
- Krystyn Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Biological Systems & Micromechanics: New tools to identify key cells and molecules,” IBN is 10 Symposium, January 2013, A*STAR Institute for Bio and Nano, Biopolis, Singapore.
- Hui Shi (SMART), Wong Cheng Lee (NUS), Zhiyong Poon (SMART), G. Shivashankar (MBI/NUS), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART) and Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), “Correlation of single-cell biophysical properties with cell function”, IBN is 10 Symposium, January 2013, A*STAR Institute for Bio and Nano, Biopolis, Singapore.
Journal Publications
- Amir R. Aref (SMART), Ruby Yun-Ju Huang (CSIS/NUS), Wei-miao Yu (A*STAR-IMCB), Kian-Ngiap Chua (CSIS-NUS)),
Wei Sun (SMART), Ting-Yuan Tu (NUS/SMART), Jing Ba (SMART) , Wen-Jing Sim (CSIS-NUS)), Ioannis K Zervantonakis (MIT), Jean Paul Thiery (A*STAR-IMCB) and Roger D. Kamm (SMART/MIT), "Screening therapeutic EMT blocking agents in a three dimensional microenvironment" Integrative Biology, published on the web 21 Nov 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2IB20209C
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART/CBIS/MBI), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Chen Zhi (SMART), Peter T. C. So (SMART/MIT), Paul Matsudaira (NUS/MBI) and George Barbastathis (SMART/MIT), "Three dimensional HiLo-based structured illumination for a digital scanned laser sheet microscopy (DSLM) in thick tissue imaging", Optics Express, 20(25), 27337 (2012)
- Kenichi Funamoto (Tohoku Univ), Ioannis K.Zervantonakis (MIT), Liu, Y. (NUS), Ochs, C. J. (SMART), Kim, C. (SMART), Kamm, R (MIT/SMART), "A Novel Microfluidic Platform for High-Resolution Imaging of a Three-Dimensional Cell Culture under a Controlled Hypoxic Environment", Lab Chip, 22, 4855-4863 (2012).
- Kim, M. (SMART), Kim, C. (SMART), Wood, L. (MIT), Neal, D. (MIT), Kamm, R. (MIT / SMART) and Asada, H. (MIT / SMART), "Integrating Focal Adhesion Dynamics, Cytoskeleton Remodeling, and Actin Motor Activity for Predicting Cell Migration on 3D Curved Surfaces of Extracellular Matrix", Integrative biology, 4(11), 1386-1397 (2012)
- Guofeng Guan (NUS/SMART), Chao Yu Peter Chen (NUS), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Ali Asgar Bhagat (SMART), Chong Jin Ong (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), “Real-time control of a microfluidic channel for size-independent deformability cytometry,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22, 105037 (2012).
- Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Chen Lan (SMART), and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), “Development of miniaturized, portable Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry System for Point-of-Care Medical Diagnosis,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 095115 (2012)
- Li L (MIT), Lieleg O (MIT), Jang S (MIT), Ribbeck K (MIT), Han J (MIT/SMART), “A microfluidic in vitro system for quantitative study of stomach mucus barrier function,” Lab on a Chip, 12, 4071 (2012).
- Diez-Silva M, Park Y, Huang S, Bow H, Mercereau-Puijalon O, Deplaine G, Lavazec C, Perrot S, Bonnefoy S, Feld MS, Han J (SMART/MIT), Dao M, Suresh S. “Pf155/RESA protein influences the dynamic microcirculatory behavior of ring-stage Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells,” Scientific Reports, 2 : 614 | DOI: 10.1038/srep00614 (2012).
- Dai, Liang (SMART), Ng, Siow; Doyle, Patrick (MIT/SMART); Van Der Maarel, Johan (NUS), "Conformation model of back-folding and looping of a single DNA molecule confined inside a nanochannel", ACS Macro Letters, 1, 1046 (2012)
- Yuchun Liu (NUS/Medical),
Z Mattar
Nau'shil Kaur
Medina (Queen's
(MIT/SMART), Nicholas
Mahesh Choolani
(NUS‐Medical), Jerry
(Duke‐NUS/KKH), "Vasculogenic
Cells, Stem
Cells, 30(9), 1911-24 (2012)
- Vickerman V (MIT) and Kamm RD (MIT/SMART), "Mechanism of a flow-gated angiogenesis switch: early signaling events at cell-matrix and cell-cell junctions", Integr. Biol (Camb). 2012 Aug 23; 4(8):863-74. Epub 2012
- Wood,
(MIT/SMART), “Nascent Vessel
Inversely Related
In Vitro
Biology.” Integrative
Biology, 4, 1081 (2012)
- Choong Kim (SMART), Seok Chung (Korea Univ), Liu Yuchun (NUS), Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), Jerry Chan (Duke-NUS), H. Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), and Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "In vitro angiogenesis assay for the study of cell-encapsulation therapy", Lab on A Chip, 12(16), 2942 (2012)
- Liang Dai (SMART), Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS), and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Effect of Nanoslit Confinement on the Knotting Probability of Circular DNA", ACS Macro Letters, 1, 732−736 (2012)
- Ge, R. (NUS), Tan, E. (NUS/SMART), Sharghi-Namini, Soheila SMART), Asada, H. (MIT/SMART), “Exosomes in Cancer Microenvironment and Beyond: Have We Overlooked These Extracellular Messengers?”, Cancer Microenvironment, Vol. 5, DOI 10.1007/s12307-012-0110-2, May 2012.
- Farahat, W. (MIT), Wood, L. (MIT), Zervantonakis, I. (MIT), Schor, A. (MIT), Ong, S. (SMART), Neal, D. (MIT), Kamm, R. (MIT/SMART), and Asada, H. (MIT/SMART), “Ensemble Analysis of Angiogenic Growth in Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Cell Cultures”, PLoS ONE 7(5): e37333. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037333, May 2012.
- Han Wei Hou (NUS/SMART), Hiong Yap Gan (MIT), Ali Asgar S. Bhagat (SMART), Leon D. Li (MIT), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "A Microfluidics Approach Towards High-Throughput Pathogen Removal From Blood", Biomicrofluidics, 6, 024115, 2012. (DOI: 10.1063/1.4710992) (also selected for the May 14, 2012 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)
- Adam S. Zeiger (MIT/SMART), Felicia C. Loe (SMART), Ran Li (MIT), Michael Raghunath (NUS), and Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), "Macromolecular crowding directs extracellular matrix organization and mesenchymal stem cell behavior", PLoS, 7(5), e37904 (2012)
- Xinghua Zhang (SMART), Hu Chen (MBI/NUS), Hongxia Fu (MBI/NUS), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Jie Yan (NUS), "Two distinct overstretched DNA structures revealed by single-molecule thermodynamics measurements", PNAS, 2012, published online on April 24, 2012 [doi:10.1073/pnas.1109824109]
- VR Singh (SMART), H. Choi(MIT), EYS. Yew (SMART), D. Bhattacharya(SMART), L. Yuan(National Taiwan Univ.), CJ R. Sheppard(NUS), JC. Rajapakse(NTU), G. Barbastathis(MIT/SMART), PTC So(MIT/SMART), "Improving signal-to-noise ratio of structured light microscopy based on photon reassignment", Biomed Opt Express, 3(1), 206-214 (2012)
- U. Mirsaidov (NUS/MBI), H. Zheng (Berkeley), D. Bhattacharya, (SMART), Y. Casana (NUS), P. Matsudaira (NUS), "Direct observation of the stick-slip movement of nm-size water droplets" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (PNAS), 109(19), 7187 (2012)
- TT. To (NUS), PE Witten(Ghent Univ, Belgium), J Renn (NUS), D Bhattacharya(SMART), A. Huysseune(Ghent Univ, Belgium) and C. Winkler(NUS), "Rankl-induced osteoclastogenesis leads to loss of mineralization in a medaka osteoporosis model", Development, 139 (1), 141-150 (2012)
- Dai, L. (SMART), Jones, J.J. (MIT), van der Maarel, J.R.C. (NUS), and Doyle, P.S. (MIT/SMART), "A Systematic Study of DNA Conformation in Slitlike Confinement", Soft Matter, 8, 2972-2982 (2012)
- Tian Fook Kong (NTU/SMART), Weng Kung Peng (SMART), Trung Dung Luong (NTU), Nam-Trung Nguyen (NTU) and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Adhesive-based liquid metal radio-frequency microcoil for magnetic resonance relaxometry measurement", Lab on a Chip,12, 287-294 (2012)
- Devanathan Raghunathan (SMART), Shovanlal Gayen, Anil Kumar, Cornelia Hunke, Gerhard Grüber and Chandra S. Verma (BII), Subunit F modulates ATP binding and migration in the nucleotide-binding subunit B of the A(1)A(0) ATP synthase of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1, Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 44 (1), 213-224 (2012)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- Daniel E. Heath (SMART), Chee Ping Ng (SMART), Sharif Mohamed (SMART), Xinyan Liu (NUS), Paula T. Hammond (MIT/SMART), Linda G. Griffith (MIT/SMART), Mary B. Chan (NTU), "Hydrogel microwell arrays for the isolation, culture, and analysis of rare cell populations", Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct-2012
- Chee Ping Ng (SMART), Daniel E. Heath (SMART), Sharif Mohamed (SMART), Xinyan Liu (NUS), Mary B. Chan (NTU), Paula T. Hammond (SMART/MIT), Linda G. Griffith (MIT/SMART), "Novel microwell colony forming unit (CFU) assays for bone marrow stromal cells", Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct-2012
- T-Y. Tu (SMART/MBI/NUS), J. Bai (SMART), R. Huang (NCC), J-P. Thiery (A*STAR IMCB/NUS), and R. D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "A Microfluidic Co-culture System for Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Drug Screening", Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct-2012
- M-C. Kim (SMART), C. Kim (SMART), L. Wood (MIT), D. Neal (MIT), R. Kamm (SMART/MIT) and H. Asada (SMART/MIT), "2-D Cell Migration on the 3-D Curved Surfaces: Experiment and Simulation", Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Oct-2012
- M-C. Kim (SMART), R. Kamm (SMART/MIT), and H. Asada (SMART/MIT), "Introduction of Integrated Cell migration Model: Comparisons with Cell Migration Experiments", BioMedical Engineering Society, BMES-2012, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Sei Hien Lim (SMA3/NUS), Amir R. Aref (SMART), Choong Kim (SMART), Michael Raghunath (NUS), Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Induction of Angiogenesis in microfluidic devices using prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors and sphingosine-1 phosphase", MicroTAS-2012, Oct., 2012
- Guofeng Guan (NUS), Ali Asgar Bhagat (SMART), Lidan Wu (MIT), Zirui Li (SMART), Chong Jin Ong (NUS), Peter C. Y. Chen (NUS), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "High resolution size based microparticle / cell separator with trepezoid cross section spiral microchannels", MicroTAS-2012, Oct., 2012
- Lidan Wu (MIT), Guofeng Guan (NUS), Hanwei Hou (SMART), Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Continuous neutrophil isolation from blood using spiral channel with trepezoid cross-section", MicroTAS-2012, Oct., 2012
- Yan J. (NUS)., “Unveiling the mystery of the DNA overstretching transition.” International Conference on Problems of Theoretical Physics (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of outstanding theoretical physicist Alexander Davydov), 8 October 2012; Ukraine
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART/CBIS/MBI), "Development of HiLo Based DSLM to understand tissue migration in different developmental context in fish model system", LSFM meeting, Sept-2012, Frankfurt, Germany - Invited Talk
- Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani (SMART), Bee Luan Khoo (NUS), Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat (SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "Ultra high-throughput separation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from blood using a novel microfluidic device", Advances in Circulating Tumour Cells (ACTC), Sept-2012, Athens, Greece
- Yie Hou Lee (SMART), “Targeted sphingolipidomics reveal dysregulated glucosylceramide levels in endometriosis” Invited talk, 16th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI). Singapore. July 2012
- Yun Soo Kim (SMART), Binu Kundukad (SMART) Abdollah Allahverdi (NTU), Lars Nordenskold (NTU), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS). "Using Microrheology to Probe the Gelation of Circular DNA Via Topoisomerase II Clamp Formation and Relation to Anticancer Drugs", ICR 2012-The XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Portugal, August 2012.
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART/CBIS/MBI), "Development of HiLo Based DSLM to understand tissue mechanics of embryogenesis", Genetics, Genomics and Imaging in Medaka & Zebrafish, Jointly organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS), Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Singapore (TLL) and the National Institute of Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan (NIBB), July-2012, Singapore - Invited Talk
- Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART/CBIS/MBI), " Development of HiLo Based DSLM to understand tissue mechanics of embryogenesis”, GEM-4 Meeting, MIT, USA, July 2012 - Invited Talk
- Yun Soo Kim (SMART), Binu Kundukad (SMART) Abdollah Allahverdi (NTU), Lars Nordenskold (NTU), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS). “Flow and gelation of DNA by topoisomerase II and some of their targeting cancer therapeutics”, Institut Curie, Paris, France, July '12.
- Binu Kundukad (SMART), Li Yanan (SMART), Cong Piewen (NUS), Yan Jie (NUS), Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS), and Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART). “Time dependent stiffening and compaction of DNA by HU proteins” Biological Complex Fluids, Softflow July 2012, Cargese, Corsica Island, France
- Yun Soo Kim (SMART), Binu Kundukad (SMART) Abdollah Allahverdi (NTU), Lars Nordenskold (NTU), Patrick S. Doyle (MIT/SMART) and Johan R. C. van der Maarel (NUS). “Gelation of DNA by topoisomerase II and its targeting anti-cancer drugs”, IUPAC, World Polymer Congress, Blacksburg, USA, June '12
- Zhengyun Zhang (SMART), Zhi Chen(SMART), George Barbastathis(MIT/SMART), "Quartic Optimization for Coherence Retrieval", COSI (COMPUTATIONAL OPTICAL SENSING AND IMAGING), June-2012, USA
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Jagath C Rajapakse (NTU), and Peter T.C. So (MIT/SMART), "High Sensitivity Temporal Focusing Widefield Multiphoton Endoscope capable of deep imaging”, Focus on Microscopy Conference, Singapore (1-4 April 2012)
- Rehman, S. (SMART), Soh Y. Q., Beuerman, R. W., Barbastathis, G. (MIT/SMART) and Sheppard, C. J. R. (NUS), “Second-Harmonic Generation Microscopy of Lamina Cribrosa”, in Focus on Microscopy, 1-4 April, 2012, Suntec City, Singapore
- Rehman, S. (SMART), Matsuda, K., Yamauchi, M., Muramatsu, M., Barbastathis, G.(MIT/SMART) and Sheppard, C. J. R. (NUS), "A Simple Lensless Digital Holographic Microscope”, in Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging (DH), 28 April - 2 May 2012, Miami, Florida, USA.
- Christopher J. Ochs (SMART), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), D.Trau (NUS), “Oxygen Sensors for Microfluidic 3D Cell Culture", Europtrode XI, Barcelona, April 2012
- C.W. Tan (NUS/SMART), S.F. Loh (KKH) , H.H. Tan (KKH), M. Choolani (NUS), L. Griffith (MIT/SMART), J. Chan (NUS), "Endometrial cell motility in endometriosis under hypoxic microenvironment", 2012 Society of Gynecologic Investigation 59th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, USA, March 22-25, 2012.
- Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Jagath C Rajapakse (NTU), and Peter T.C. So (MIT/SMART), "Photon Reassignment for structured illumination microscopy for 3D imaging, SPIE BIOS, Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, USA (24-26 January 2012)
- Christopher J. Ochs (SMART), "Sensing of Biochemical Cues in 3D Cell Cultures”, 2nd Molecular Materials Meeting, Singapore, January-2012
Journal Publications
- Jing Tang (MIT), Ning Du (SMART) and Patrick Doyle (MIT/SMART), "Compression and self-entanglement of single DNA molecules under uniform electric field", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 108, 16153-16158 (2011)
- H.W. Hou (NUS/SMART), A.A.S. Bhagat (SMART), W.C. Lee (NUS), S. Huang (MIT), J. Han (MIT/SMART) and C. T. Lim (NUS), "Microfluidic devices for blood fractionation", Micromachines, 2011. 2(3): p. 319-343.
- H.K. Taylor (SMART), "Simulation and mitigation of process and pattern dependencies in nanoimprint lithography", Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 47-55, 2011.
- Wei XN (NUS),
Han BC (NUS),
CY (Tsinghua),
YY (Tsinghua),
YZ (NUS), "An
Thrombin-, Histamine-, and
Biol, 5, 112, 2011(http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/5/112)
- Polacheck WJ (MIT), Charest JL (MIT), Kamm RD (MIT/SMART), "Interstitial flow influences direction of tumor cell migration through competing mechanisms", PNAS, 2011 Jun 20. PubMed PMID: 21690404
- Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam, David C. Appleyard, Enrico Ferrari, Valeria Garbin, Oluwatimilehin O. Fadiran, Jacquelyn Kunkel, and Matthew J. Lang, "Adhesion through Single Peptide Aptamers", Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115: 3657 (2011).
- A.A.S. Bhagat (SMART), H.W. Hou (SMART/NUS), Leon. D. Li (MIT), C.T. Lim (NUS) and J. Han (SMART/MIT) "Pinched flow coupled shear-modulated inertial microfluidics for high-throughput rare blood cell separation", Lab on a Chip, 2011 (DOI: 10.1039/c01c00633e).
- Wong Cheng Lee (NUS/SMART), Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat (SMART), Huang Sha (MIT), Krystyn J. Van Vliet (MIT/SMART), Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS), "High-throughput cell cycle synchronization using inertial forces in spiral microchannels," Lab on a Chip, 11, 1359 (2011)
- H.Bow, I.Pivkin, M.Diez-Silva, S.J.Goldfless, M.Dao, J.C.Niles, S.Suresh, and J.Han "A microfabricated deformability-based flow cytometer with application to malaria", Lab on a Chip 11: 1065 (2011).
- Wood, L., Kamm, R., Asada, H., "Stochastic Modeling and Identification of Emergent Behaviours of an Endothelial Cell Population in Angiogenic Pattern Formation", International Journal of Robotics Research (Published online, 11th March 2011).
- L.Waller, M.Tsang, S.Ponda, S.Y.Yang, and G.Barbastathis, “Phase and amplitude imaging from noisy images by Kalman filtering,” Opt. Express 19: 2805- (2011).
- Y. Luo, E. de Leon, J.Lee, J. M.Castro, J.K.Barton, R.K.Kostuk, & G. Barbastathis, “Phase contrast volume holographic imaging system,” Optics Letters, 36: 1290 (2011).
- Baile Zhang, Yuan Luo, Xiaogang Liu and George Barbastathis, "Macroscopic Invisibility Cloak for Visible Light", Physical Review Letters 106, 033901 (2011)
- H.Gao, S.Takahashi, L.Tian and G.Barbastathis, "Aperiodic Subwavelength Luneburg Lens with Nonlinear Kerr Effect Compensation," Optics Express 19, 2257 (2011).
- C.R.Wan, Seok Chung and Roger D. KAMM, "Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Cardiomyocytes in a Compliant Microfluidic System", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-011-0275-8 (Published online in Feb. 2011)
- C.R.Wan, E.M.Frohlich, J.L.Charest and R.D.Kamm, "Effect of Surface Patterning and Presence of Collagen I on the Phenotypic
Changes of Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes", Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 4, 56 (2011)
- R.K.Paradise, D.A.Lauffenburger, and K.J.Van Vliet, “Acidic extracellular pH promotes activation of integrin avb3,” PLoS ONE 6 e15746(2011)
- Peyman Honarmandi, Hyungsuk Lee, Matthew J. Lang
and Roger D. Kamm, "A microfluidic system with optical laser tweezers to study mechanotransduction and focal adhesion recruitment", Lab on a Chip, 11, 684 (2011)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- Christopher J. Ochs (SMART), "Sensors for Microfluidic 3D Cell Cultures”, MBI Workshop on Forces and Cells, Singapore, November-2011
- W. K. Peng (SMART), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), "Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for Label-free Rapid Malaria Diagnosis" Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) @ Connecticut, USA, Oct 2011.
- Y. K. Park (SMART), C. S. Khoon (NUS), T-Y. Tu (NUS), I. J. Clement (NUS), and R. D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Three Dimensional Microfluidic System for Screening Anti-Metastatic Cancer Drugs", Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) @ Connecticut, USA, Oct 2011
- A.A.S. Bhagat (SMART), H.W. Hou (NUS/SMART), L.D. Li (MIT), C.T. Lim (NUS), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), “Dean flow fractionation (DFF) for isolating circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from high-hematocrit blood samples”, MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 524-526.
- Han Wei Hou (NUS/SMART), H.Y.Gan (MIT), Ali Asgar Bhagat (SMART), L.D.Li (MIT), Chwee Teck Lim (NUS) and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), "Removal of pathogen and inflammatory components from blood using cell margination, MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 1912-1914.
- G.Guan (NUS), A.B. Bhagat (SMART), W.K. Peng (SMART), W.C. Lee (NUS), C.J. Ong (NUS), C.Y. Chen (NUS), and J. Han (MIT/SMART), "Size-Independent Deformability Cytometer with Active Feedback Control of Microfluidic Channels” MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 1053-1055.
- T.Y. Tu (NUS), W. Sun (SMART), W.K. Peng (SMART), Y.J. Huang (NUS), P.T. Matsudaira (NUS), J.P. Thiery (A*STAR IMCB), and R.D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), "Rapid microell prototyping, generation of 3D cancer spheroids and EMT drug screening", MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 82-84.
- Choong Kim (SMART), Seok Chung (Korea Univ.), Min-Cheol Kim (SMART), and Roger D. Kamm (MIT/SMART), “A new in vivo-mimic angiogenesis microfluidic platform for the study of cell encapsulation based cell therapy”, MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 783-785.
- Choong Kim (SMART, KIST), Jae Hoon Bang (KIST), Young Eun Kim (KIST), and Ji Yoon Kang (KIST), "Microfluidic manifold system to reduce the number of syringe pumps in multi-phase systems for generating alginate beads", MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 266-268.
- Leon Li (MIT), Oliver Lieleg (MIT), Katharina Ribbeck (MIT), Jongyoon Han(MIT/SMART), Microfluidic “Microfluidic In Vitro Model for Quantitative Study of Stomach Mucin Acid Barrier Function” MicroTAS 2011, Seattle, USA, October 2-6, 2011, pp. 881-773.
- Wood, L. (MIT) and Asada, H. (MIT/SMART), “An Experimentally Tuned Dynamic Model Predicting Cell Migration for Guidance of Sprouting Endothelial Cells”, Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Arlington, VA, Oct/Nov, 2011.
- Yuchun Liu (NUS), Jerry Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), Roger Kamm (MIT/SMART), Mark SK Chong (NUS), Zhang Zhiyong (NUS), Mahesh A Choolani (NUS), Swee-Hin Teoh (NUS), "Generating Vascularised Tissue-Engineered Bone Grafts: Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Vasculogenic and Osteogenic Priming of Human Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells", The International Bone-Tissue-Engineering Congress, Hannover, Oct-2011
- C.W. Tan (NUS/SMART), S.F. Loh (KKH), H.H. Tan (KKH), M. Choolani (NUS), L. Griffith (MIT/SMART), J. Chan (Duke-NUS/KKH), "Migratory behaviour of cells derived from eutopic endometrium in endometriosis under hypoxic microenvironment”, World Congress of Endometriosis 2011 (Sept-2011), Montpellier, France, & 8th Singapore International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Singapore, August 25-27 2011
- Ramanathan, K. (NUS), Ong, L.L.S (SMART), Asada, H. H. (MIT/SMART), Ang, M. H. (NUS), “Automated tracking of biological cells in an “in-vitro” environment using active contours and distance measures,” Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS), 2011, Pages 241—246, Qingdao, China, 17—19 September, 2011.
- Lee-Ling S. Ong (SMART), Levi B. Wood (MIT), Marcelo H. Ang Jr. (NUS) and H. Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), “Stochastic Tracking of Migrating Live Cells Interacting with 3D Gel Environment Using Augmented-Space Particle Filters”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Sept-2011, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- B. Zhang (SMART) and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "Making Macroscopic Objects Invisible," PIERS’11, Suzhou, China, September 2011
- H. Gao (MIT), B. Zhang (SMART) and G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART), "A Ground-plane Cloak Made of Sub-wavelength Elliptical Rod Arrays," PIERS’11, Suzhou, China, September 2011
- H. Xu (NTU), B. Zhang (SMART), G. Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) and H. Sun (NTU), "Homogeneous Beam Squeezer with Low Reflectance," PIERS’11, Suzhou, China, September 2011
- C.W. Tan (NUS/SMART), S.F. Loh (KKH) , H.H. Tan (KKH), M. Choolani (NUS), L. Griffith (MIT/SMART), J. Chan (NUS), "Clonogenicity of Stromal/ Epithelial Cell- like Stem Cells Derived from Eutopic Endometrium in Endometriosis", 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 3-7 2011.
- Peter Chen (NUS), Sahan Herath (NUS), Dongan Wang (NTU), Su Kai (NTU), Liao Kin (NTU) and Harry Asada (MIT/SMART), "Active Manipulation of ECM Stiffness", ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June-2011, PA, USA.
- X. Zhang (SMART), H. Fu, P.S. Doyle (MIT/SMART), and J.Yan (NUS), "Temperature dependence of two distinct DNA overstretching transitions", APS March Meeting, March 2011; Dallas, TX USA.
- P.W. Kung (SMART), A.A.S.Bhagat (SMART), J.Han (MIT/SMART), "µMagnetic Resonance Relaxometry for label-free, rapid malaria diagnosis", 52nd Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, April 2011, Asilomar.
- Baile Zhang (SMART) and George Barbastathis (MIT/SMART) "Kinetic Trapping of a Single Particle, Multiple Particles and Particle Aggregations in an Optical Vortex," PIERS '11, Marrakesh, Morocco, March 2011
- S.H. Lim, A.R. Aref, M. Raghunath, R.D. Kamm, “Induction of Angiogenesis in Microfluidic Devices using Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors,” 2nd Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics and Asian Pacific International Symposium on Lab on chip (AMN-APLOC), Jan 2011, Singapore
- Wong Cheng Lee, Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Sha Huang, Krystyn Van Vliet, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, “High throughput selection of stem cells into different phases of the cell cycle using inertial microfluidics,” in 2nd Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics and Asian Pacific International Symposium on Lab on chip (AMN-APLOC 2011), Singapore, January 5-7, 2011.
- Yew, E. Y. S., Choi, H., Kim, D., So, P. T. C. , “Wide-field Two-photon Microscopy with Spatio-temporal Focusing and HiLo Background Rejection,”Proc of SPIE, to be presented in SPIE photonics west conference at San Francisco, January 2011.
- Singh V.R., Rajapakse, J.C., Yu, H., So, P.T.C., “Intensity normalization of two-photon microscopy images for liver fibrosis analysis, Proc of SPIE, to be presented in SPIE photonics west conference at San Francisco, January 2011.
- M. Kim, C. Klapperich and H. Asada, "Numerical Methods for Simulating Biconcave Cells in the Microfluidic Device", The 2nd conference on advanced in microfluidics and nanofluiducs 2011, Jan 2011, Singapore.
Journal Publications
- Hanhong Gao, Lei Tian, B. Zhang and George Barbastathis, “Iterative nonlinear beam propagation using Hamiltonian ray tracing and Wigner distribution function,” Optics Letters, 35(24), 4148 (2010).
- Hyungsuk Lee, Jorge M. Ferrer, Matthew J. Lang, and Roger D. Kamm, "Molecular origin of strain softening in cross-linked F-actin networks", PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 82, 011919 (2010)
- L. Waller, Y. Luo, and G. Barbastathis “Transport of intensity phase imaging in a volume holographic microscope,” Optics Letters 35: 2961-2963, Aug.,2010.
- Y. Luo, J. M. Castro, J. K. Barton, R. K. Kostuk, & G. Barbastathis, “Simulations and experiment of aperiodic and multiplexed gratings in volume holographic imaging systems,” Optics Express, 18:19273-19285, Aug. 2010
- He, Y., Kang, C.H., Xu, S., Tuo, X., Trasti, S. L., Tai, D. C., Raja, A. M., Peng, Q., Peter So, Rajapakse, J.C. , Welsch, R., Yu, Hanry, "Towards Surface Quantification of Liver Fibrosis Progression", J. Biomed. Optics, Vol. 15, 056007, 2010.
- Raja, A.M., Xu, S., Sun, W., Zhou, J., Tai, D.C.S., Chen, C.S., J.C.Rajapakse, Peter So, and Yu, H., "Pulse Modulated Second Harmonic Imaging Microscope (PM-SHIM) imaging quantitatively demonstrates marked increase of collagen in tumor stroma after chemotherapy", J. Biomed. Optics, Vol. 15, 056016, 2010.
- H.W. Hou, A.A.S. Bhagat, A.G.L. Chong, P. Mao P, K.S.W. Tan, J. Han and C.T. Lim, "Deformability based cell margination – A simple microfluidic design for high throughput malaria infected erythrocyte separation", Lab on a Chip, vol. 10, 2605 (2010).
- Trahan, D.W. and Doyle, P.S., "DNA collisions with a large, conducting post", Macromolecules, 43, 5424 (2010)
- Hyungsuk Lee, Jorge M. Ferrer, Fumihiko Nakamura, Matthew J. Lang, Roger D. Kamm, "Passive and active microrheology for cross-linked F-actin networks in vitro", Acta Biomaterialia 6, 1207 (2010)
- Mondal, P. P., Gilbert, R. J., and So, P.T.C., “Photobleaching Reduced Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 103704—103706, (2010).
- Kim, D. and So, P.T.C., “High-Throughput Three-Dimensional Lithographic Microfabrication,” Optics Lett., 35, 1602 (2010)
- Tang, W. T., Chung, E., Kim, Y-H, So, P. T. C., and Sheppard, C.J.R., “Surface plasmon-coupled emission microscopy with a spiral phase plate,” Optics Express, 35, 517 (2010)
- Cha, J.W., Ballesta, J., and So, P. T. C., “A Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor Based Adaptive Optics System for Multiphoton Microscopy,” J. Biomed Optics, 15, 046022, (2010).
- B. Zhang and G. Barbastathis, “Dielectric metamaterial magnifier creating a virtual color image with far-field subwavelength information,” Optics Express, 18, 11216, (2010).
- Tang, J., Trahan, D.W. and Doyle, P.S., "Coil-Stretch Transition of DNA Molecules in Slitlike Confinement", Macromolecules, 43, 3081-3089, 2010.
- Zhang, W., Tucker-Kellogg, L., Narmada, B.C., Venkatraman, L., Chang, S., Yin, L., and Yu, H. "Cell-Delivery Therapeutics for Liver Regeneration", Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, published online, March 1, 2010
- Y. Luo, S. B. Oh and G. Barbastathis, "Wavelength-coded multi-focal microscopy", Optics Letters 35, 781-783, March 2010
- Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Hansen Bow, Han Wei Hou, Swee Jin Tan, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, "Microfluidics for cell separation", - SPECIAL ISSUE - REVIEW, Med Biol Eng Comput, 48, 999 (2010).
- Zervantonakis IK, Chung S, Sudo R, Zhang M, Charest JL, Kamm RD. "Concentration gradients in microfluidic 3D matrix cell culture systems" Intern J Micro-Nano Scale Transport:, 1(1), 27 (2010)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- Han Wei Hou, Ali Asgar. S.Bhagat, Pan Mao, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, "Deformability based cell margination for malarial infected red blood cell enrichment, MicroTAS-2010, Groningen, Netherlands, Oct-2010
- Wong Cheng Lee, Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Sha Huang, Krystyn Van Vliet, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, "Cell cycle synchronization of stem cells using inertial microfluidics" MicroTAS-2010, Groningen, Netherlands, Oct-2010
- Han Wei Hou, Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Pan Mao, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, "High-throughput circulating tumor cells (CTCs) isolation using inertial forces" MicroTAS-2010, Groningen, Netherlands, Oct-2010
- Sha Huang (MIT/SMART), Hansen Bow (MIT/SMART), Monica Diez-Silva (MIT), and Jongyoon Han (MIT/SMART), “Applying Microfluidic ‘Deformability Cytometry’ to measure stiffness of malaria-infected red blood cells at body and febrile temperatures”, MicroTAS-2010, Groningen, Netherlands, Oct-2010
- A.R.Aref, R.Y.J. Huang (IMCB), W. Kang, S.W. Jing, J.P.Thiery (IMCB), R.D.Kamm, "Microfluidic Co-culture Platform for Studying EMT in 3D Scaffolds", 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, 14-18 September 2010, Rimini, Italy.
- B. Zhang and G. Barbastathis, “Dynamic trapping and release of multiple particles in a polarized optical vortex,” International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 2010.
- Satoshi Takahashi, Chih-hao Chang, Se Young Yang, and George Barbastathis, " Design and Fabrication of Dielectric Nanostructured Luneburg Lens in Optical Frequencies," IEEE Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics 2010, Sapporo, Japan, August 2010.
- Young K. Park, Sharon L. L. Ong, Devin Neal, Mayasari Lim, and Roger D. Kamm, " In vitro preclinical microfluidic screening for drug-like molecules as cardiomyocyte differentiation agents" 2nd International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (ICCMB2), August 2-4, 2010 in NTU Singapore
- Roger Kamm, "Integrated cellular systems: A bioengineering approach to the design of biological machines", 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore, Proceedings pp.174
- Amir Aref, Ruby Huang, Jean Paul Thiery and Roger Kamm, "Transitions between epithelial and mesenchymal states in Microfluidic platform: Aquisition of malignant and stem cell traits", 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore, Proceedings pp.553-554
- Hossein Nejadnik, Amir Aref, James Hui Hoi Po and Roger Kamm, "Simulating injured cartilage environment by microfluidic platform for mesenchymal stem cell homing evaluation", 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore, Proceedings pp.559
- Han Wei Hou, Ali Asgar Bhagat, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim , "Deformability based cell margination - A simple microfluidic design for malarial infected red blood cell filtration", 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore, Proceedings pp.556
- Ali Asgar Bhagat, Han Wei Hou, Chwee Teck Limand Jongyoon Han, "Inertial based spiral spiral microfluidics for isolating circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from blood", 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore, Proceedings pp.556
- Wong Chee Lee, Ali Asgar Bhagat, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, "Inertial based spiral microfluidics for fractionating stem cells into different stages of cell cycles", 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore, Proceedings pp.561
- Sha Huang, Hansen Bow, Monica Diez-Silva , and Jongyoon Han , “Study of Temperature-Dependent Deformability of Red Blood Cells Using Microfluidic Bottleneck Array”, 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, 1-6 August 2010, Singapore
- Elijah Yew, Jae Won Cha, Colin Sheppard, Peter So, "Adaptive Optics for a Large Field of view High Throughput, High Resolution Image Cytometer", Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Medicine and Biology, July 25-30, 2010 at the Holderness School, Holderness, New Hampshire, MA, USA
- A.R. Aref, R.Y.J. Huang, W. Kang, S.W. Jing, J.P. Thiery, R.D. Kamm, "Transitions Between Epithelial and Mesenchymal States in Microfluidic Platform: Acquisition of Malignant and Stem Cell Traits", TechConnect World Conference 2010, World Conference and Expo 2010, June 21-25, 2010 in Anaheim, California, U.S.A.
- Wood, L., Kamm, R., Asada, H., "Time Lapse Observation Based Modeling and Identification of Cell Behaviours in Angiogenic Sprout Development", Proceedings of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference - 2010.
- Farahat, W. and Asada, H., "Control of Eukaryotic Cell Migration via Modulation of Extracellular Chemoattractant Gradients", Proceedings of the 3rd ASME Dynamical Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, MA 2010.
- Farahat, W. and Asada, H., "Estimation of State Transition Probabilities in Asynchronous Population Markov Processes", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2010.
- Lee-Ling S. Ong, Marcelo H. Ang Jr. and H. Harry Asada, "Tracking of Cell Population from Time Lapse and End Point Confocal Microscopy Images with Multiple Hypothesis Kalman Smoothing Filters", IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 14 2010
- Baile Zhang and George Barbastathis "Subwavelength imaging with a dielectric magnifier," IERS '10, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 2010
- Y.Luo, S. B. Oh and G.Barbastathis, “Color-coded volume holographic filters for spatial-spectral imaging systems,” paper DTuB6, OSA spring topical meeting on Digital Holography and 3D Imaging, Miami, Florida, April 2010.
- S. B. Oh and G.Barbastathis, “Binary depth detection based on cross-spectral density,” paper JMA19, OSA spring topical meeting on Digital Holography and 3D Imaging, Miami, Florida, April 2010
- G. Barbastathis, Y. Luo, S. B. Oh and R. K. Kostuk, "Real-time three-dimensional microscopy with volume holographic pupils," (invited) IEEE Winter Topical Meeting on Biomedical Optics, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, February 2010.
- H.W. Hou, A. A. S. Bhagat, J. Han and C. T. Lim, "Deformability based cell margination - A simple microfluidic design for malarial infected red blood cell filtration", 25th International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations (MSB2010), Prague, March 21-25, 2010.
- Feldman, T.C. Lee, H., Kamm, R.D., Lang, M.J., “Measurement of Filamin A Torsion In-Singulo,” Biophysical Society 54th annual meeting, 2010, Molecular Mechanics and force spectroscopy Platform
- Zeiger A, Felicia Loe, Michael Raghunath, & Krystyn J. Van Vliet, "Influence of Altered Local Effective Concentration On Cytoskeletal and ECM Structure in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells", Biophysical society meeting on Actin & Cytoskeleton (2010)
- Zeiger A, Kotecki M, Maloney J, Herman IM, and Van Vliet KJ , " Pericyte actomyosin-mediated contraction at the cell-material interface can modulate the microvascular niche” –Biophysical society meeting on Actin & Cytoskeleton (2010)
Journal Publications
- Zhang, C., Zhao, Z., Abdul Rahim, N.A., van Noort, D., and Yu, H "Towards a Human-on-Chip: Culturing Multiple Cell Types on a Chip with Compartmentalized Microenvironments", Lab on a chip, 9(22), 3185 (2009)
- Wai Teng Tang, Elijah Y. S. Yew and Colin J. R. Sheppard, "Polarization conversion in confocal microscopy with radially polarized illumination", Optics Letters, 34, 2147 (2009)
- Colin J.R. Sheppard, Shakil Rehman, Naveen K. Balla, Elijah Y.S. Yew, Tang Wai Teng "Bessel beams: Effects of polarization", Optics Communications 282, 4647 (2009)
- Wood, L., Das, A., Kamm, R. and Asada, H., "A Stochastic Broadcast Feedback Approach to Regulating Cell Population Morphology for Microfluidic Angiogenesis Platforms", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 56(9), Part 2, 2299 (2009)
- Chung S, Sudo R, Zervantonakis I, Rimchala T, Kamm RD. "Surface-treatment-induced three-dimensional capillary morphogenesis in a microfluidic platform" (Cover Article) Advanced Materials, 21(47), 4863 (2009)
- Tai, D., Tan, N., Xu, S., Kang, C. H., Chia S. M., Cheng, C. L., Wee A., Chiang, L. W., Raja, A., Xiao G., Rajapakse, J., So P., Tang H., Yu, H., "Fibro-C-Index - A comprehensive, morphology-based quantification of liver fibrosis using second harmonic generation and two-photon microscopy," J. Biomed. Opt. 14, 044013 (2009)
- S. B. Oh and G. Barbastathis, “The Wigner distribution function of volume holograms,” Optics Letters, 34, 2584 (2009)
- Lee H, Pelz B, Ferrer JM, Kim T, Lang MJ, and Kamm RD, "Cytoskeletal Deformation at High Strains and the Role of Cross-link Unfolding or Unbinding", Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2(1), 28 (2009)
- Chung S, Yun H, and Kamm RD, "Nanointerstice-driven microflow", Small, 5(5), 609 (2009)
- Sudo R, Chung S, Zervantonakis IK, Vickerman V, Toshimitsu Y, Griffith LG, Kamm RD, "Transport-mediated angiogenesis in 3D epithelial co-culture", FASEB J, 23, 1 (2009)
- Chung, E., Kim, Y. H., Tang, W. T., Sheppard, C. J. R., So, P. T. C., “Wide-field extended-resolution fluorescence microscopy with standing surface-plasmon-resonance waves,” Opt. Lett., 34, 2366-2368 (2009)
Conference Publications / Presentations
- John M. Maloney, Ranjani Krishnan, Adam Zeiger, and Krystyn J. Van Vliet, “Chemomechanics of Cell-Material Interaction Kinetics Over Large Ranges of Length and Time Scales, “Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1, 2009.
- Bow, H., H.W. Hou, S. Goldfless, P. Abgrall, K. Tan, J. Niles, C.T. Lim, and J. Han, "Continuous Flow Deformability Based Sorting of Malaria Infected Red Blood Cells", MicroTAS-2009, Jeju, Korea. pp. 1219-1221
- Waleed Farahat and Harry Asada, "Identification of phenotypic state transition probabilities in living cells", 2009 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
- Tai, D.C.S., Tan, N., Kang, C.H., Cheng, C.L., Chia, S.M., Xiao, G.F., Sun, W.X., A. Wee, and Yu, H. "Fibro-C-index – A standardized quantification of liver fibrosis using second harmonic generation and two-photon microscopy” The Liver Meeting, Boston, 30 October – 3 November 2009
- Dan, Y.Y, Amer, L. Zhang, S.F., Yu, H., Wong, P.C., and Lim, S.G, “Fetal Liver Progenitor Niche” The 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases 2009, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA, 29 October – 3 November 2009
- Yuan Luo, Paul J. Gelsinger, Erich De Leon, Jennifer Harwell, Jennifer K. Barton, Raymond K. Kostuk, George Barbastathis, "Phase contrast volume-holographic microscope", OSA-Frontiers in Optics, Oct 2009
- Chua, H.E., Bhowmick, S.S., Yu, H., Forbes Jr., C.F. “In silico approach to identify sensitive molecules as potential drug targets” BMES 2009 Annual Fall Scientific Meeting, Pittsburgh, United States, 7-10 October 2009
- Abdul Rahim, N.A., Iliescu, C., Kamm, R., Yu, H. “Microfluidic device captures correlation between human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation capacity and migration activity” World Stem Cell Summit, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 21-23 September 2009
- Yu, H. (2009) “Engineering in vitro drug testing platforms” ICMAT Symposium A - Advanced Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (In Conjunction with 2nd Asian Biomaterials Congress), Singapore, 28 June – 3 July 2009
- Yue, Z., Mo, X., Nugraha, B., Tan, C.H., Yu, H. (2009) “Biomaterials to Facilitate Controls of Cell-Matrix and Cell-Cell Interactions in Soft Tissue Construction” 2nd Asian Biomaterials Congress (ABMC), Singapore, 26 - 27 June 2009
- G. Barbastathis, W. J. Arora, C.-H. Chang, M. Deterre, H. J. In, H. Lee, A. J. Nichol, N. S. Shaar, C. W. Tan, C. W. Tan, Z. Wang, S.-G. Kim, C. Livermore, J. Miao, Y. Shao-Horn, and H. I. Smith, “The Nanostructured Origami™ three-dimensional (3D) fabrication and assembly method” (invited) 2nd International conference: from Nanoparticles & Nanomaterials to Nanodevices & Nanosystems, Rhodes, Greece, p. 19, June 2009
- A. J. Nichol, M. Deterre, and G. Barbastathis, “Alignment and stretching of compliant nanomembranes by embedded nanomagnets” EIPBN 2009, Marco Island, Florida, paper 7A.3, June 2009
- G. Barbastathis, S. Takahashi, S. B. Oh, Y. Luo, A. J. Nichol, and M. Deterre, “Three dimensional optics in the refractive, diffractive, and subwavelength regimes” (invited) Aegean Nanotechnology Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, p. xxiv, June 2009
- Wood, L., Asada, H., "Stable Control of Distributed Hysteretic Systems Using Cellular Broadcast Stochastic Feedback", Proceedings of American Control Conference, Jun. 2009
- G. Barbastathis, S. Takahashi, A. Nichol, and M. Deterre, “3D nanostructured optical element design and assembly” (invited) OSA International Conference on Nanophotonics 2009, Harbin, People’s Republic of China, paper NANO-09-009, May 2009
- N. Loomis and G. Barbastathis, “Space-Bandwidth transfer in spherical reference holography using Wigner transforms” OSA Optics and Photonics Congress: Digital Holography and Three Dimensional Imaging (DH), Vancouver, British Columbia, April 2009
- Y. Luo, P. Gelsinger, J. Barton, G. Barbastathis, and R. Kostuk, “Spectral-spatial depth sectioning of biological samples using silicon oxide nano-particles doped PMMA” OSA Optics and Photonics Congress: Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH), Vancouver, British Columbia, paper DTuB5, April 2009
- S. B. Oh, R. Raskar, D. Lanman, and G. Barbastathis, “Mask-based vision systems by use of the Wigner distribution function and ambiguity function,” OSA Optics and Photonics Congress: Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH), Vancouver, British Columbia, paper JTuB5, April 2009
- J. A. Domínguez-Caballero, S. Takahashi, S. Lee, G. Barbastathis, “Design and fabrication of computer generated holograms for Fresnel domain lithography” OSA Optics and Photonics Congress: Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH), Vancouver, British Columbia, paper DWB3, April 2009
- S. B. Oh and G. Barbastathis, “The Wigner distribution function of volume holographic optical elements” OSA Optics and Photonics Congress: Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH), Vancouver, British Columbia, paper DWB4, April 2009