SMART - Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology

Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology

Biosystems and Micromechanics

BioSystems and Micromechanics (BioSyM) Inter-Disciplinary Research Group

Peter T. C. So
Professor of Mechanical and Biological Engineering, MIT


  • 2010-Present Chief Technology Consultant, FemtoFab, Inc.
  • 2009-2010 Chief Executive Officer, FemtoFab, Inc.
  • 2005-Present Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Biological Engineering, MIT
  • 2000-2005       Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech. Engineering & Div. of Biol. Engineering, MIT
  • 2000-Present        Associate Director, Whitehead-MIT Bioimaging Center
  • 1996-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT.
  • 1992-1996 Postdoctoral Associate, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, UIUC


  • Singapore Research Professor of Bioinstrumentation & Bioimaging, 2010-present
  • Associate Chair, BIOSYM, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Science & Technology Center, 2010-present
  • Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Chair, MIT (1999)
  • SPIE Conference Chair, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences (2000-)
  • Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Distinguished Teaching, MIT (2003)
  • 3M Innovation Award (2003)
  • Frank E. Perkins Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising, MIT (2004)
  • Vice-Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Laser in Medicine and Biology (2006)
  • Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Laser in Medicine and Biology (2008)

Selected peer-reviewed publications

  • Dipanjan Bhattacharya (SMART/CBIS/MBI), Vijay Raj Singh (SMART), Chen Zhi (SMART), Peter T. C. So (SMART/MIT), Paul Matsudaira (NUS/MBI) and George Barbastathis (SMART/MIT), "Three dimensional HiLo-based structured illumination for a digital scanned laser sheet microscopy (DSLM) in thick tissue imaging", Optics Express (In Press)
  • Venkatraman, L., Chia, S.-M., White, J. K., Bhowmick, S. S., Dewey, C. F., So, P. T. C., Tucker-Kellogg, L., Yu, H., Plasmin Triggers a Switch-like Decrease in Thrombospondin-Dependent Activation of TGF-β1, Biophys. J., In Press.
  • Chen, J. L., Villa, K. L., Cha, J. W., So, P. T. C., Kubota, Y., Nedivi, E., “Clustered Dynamics of Inhibitory Synapses and Dendritic Spines in the Adult Neocortex,” Neuron, 74(2) 361-373 (2012).
  • Hillman, E. M. C., Elson, D. S., Bigio, I. J., Levenson, R. M., So, P. T. C., “Advances in optics for biotechnology, medicine and surgery,” Biomed. Opt. Exp, 3(3), 531-532 (2012).
  • Rahim, N. A. A., Pelet, S., Kamm, R. D., So, P. T. C., “Methodological considerations for global analysis of cellular FLIM/FRET measurements,” 17(2), 026013 (2012).
  • Singh,V. R., Choi, H., Yew, E. Y. S., Bhattacharya, D., Yuan, L., Sheppard, C. J. R., Rajapakse, J. C., Barbastathis, G., So., P. T. C., “Improving signal-to-noise ratio of structured light microscopy based on photon reassignment,” Biomed. Opt. Exp. 3(1), 206-214 (2012).
  • Soller, E. C., Tzeranis, D. S., Miu, K., So, P. T. C., Yannas, I. V., “Common features of optimal collagen scaffolds that disrupt wound contraction and enhance regeneration both in peripheral nerves and in skin” Biomaterials, 33(19), 361-373 (2012)
  • J. L. Chen, W. C. Lin, J. W. Cha, P. T. So, Y. Kubota and E. Nedivi, "Structural basis for the role of inhibition in facilitating adult brain plasticity," Nat Neurosci 14(5), 587-594 (2011).
  • Sullivan, N. L., Tzeranis, D. S., Wang, Y., So, P. T. C., and Newman, D.,  "Quantifying the dynamics of bacterial secondary metabolites by spectral multiphoton microscopy," ACS Chem Biol 6(9), 893-899 (2011).
  • Zheng, B., Tan, L., Mo, X., Yu, W. , Wang, Y., Tucker-Kellogg, L., Welsch, R. E. , So, P. T. C., and Yu, H., "Predicting in vivo anti-hepatofibrotic drug efficacy based on in vitro high-content analysis," PLoS One 6(11), e26230 (2011)
  • He, Y., Kang, C.H., Xu, S., Tuo, X., Trasti, S. L., Tai, D. C., Raja, A. M., Peng, Q., So, P. T. C., Rajapakse, J.C.,Welsch, R., Yu, H., “Towards Surface Quantification of Liver Fibrosis Progression”, JBO, 15, 5, 056007, (2010).
  • Kim, D. and So, P.T.C., “High-Throughput Three-Dimensional Lithographic Microfabrication,” Optics Lett., 35, 1602-4 (2010).
  • Kojic, N., Chung, E., Kho, A.T., Park, J.A., Huang, A., So, P.T.C., Tschumperlin, D.J., “An EGFR autocrine loop encodes a slow reacting but dominant mode of mechanotransduction in a polarized epithelium,” FASEB J., 24(5):1604-15 (2010).
  • Mondal, P., Gilbert, R.J., So, P.T.C., "Photobleaching Reduced Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy,” Applied Phys. Lett., 19, 10, 103704, 2010.
  • Wang, T. T., Kwon, H. S., Dai, G., Wang, R., Mijailovich, S.M., Moss, R.L., So, P.T.C., Wedeen, V.J., Gilbert, R. J., “Resolving myoarchitectural disarray in the mouse ventricular wall with diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging,” Ann Biomed Eng., 38:2841-50 (2010).
  • Lee, W. A., Chen, J. L., Huang, H., Leslie, J.H., Amitai, Y., So, P. T. C., Nedivi, E., "A Dynamic Zone Defines Interneuron Remodeling in the Adult Neocortex," PNAS, 105, 19968-73 (2008).
  • Wiktor-Brown, D. M., Kwon. H. S., Nam, Y. S., So, P. T. C., Engelward, B. P., “Integrated one- and two-photon imaging platform reveals clonal expansion as a major driver of mutation load,” PNAS, 105, 10314-9 (2008).
  • Celli, J. P., Turner, B. S., Afdhal, N. H., Keates, S., Ghiran, I., Kelly, C. P., Ewoldt, R. H., McKinley, G. H., So, P. T. C., Erramilli, S., Bansil, R., “Helicobacter pylori moves through mucus by reducing mucin viscoelasticity,” PNAS, 106, 14321-14326 (2009).
  • Chen, W. L., Li, T. H., Su, P. J., Chou, C. K., Fwu, P. T., Lin, S. J. Kim, D., So, P. T. C., Dong, C. Y., “Second harmonic generation chi tensor microscopy for tissue imaging ,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 183902 (2009).
  • Chung, E., Kim, Y. H., Tang, W. T., Sheppard, C. J. R., So, P. T. C., “Wide-field extended-resolution fluorescence microscopy with standing surface-plasmon-resonance waves,” Opt. Lett., 34, 2366-2368 (2009).
  • Mondal, P. P., Gilbert, R. J., So, P. T. C., “Multiphoton induced cubic-to-quartic intensity dependent transition of anti-Stokes Raman signal,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 103901 (2009).
  • Kwon. H. S., Nam, Y. S., So, Wiktor-Brown, D. M., Engelward, B. P., P. T. C., “Quantitative morphometric measurements using site selective image cytometry of intact tissue,” Roy. Soc. Interface, 6, S45-57 (2009).

Current research support

  • SMART (Core leader) Smart Center forBioSystems and Micromechanics (2008-2013)
  • “Computation and System Biology”    Singapore-MIT Alliance (2005-2013)
  • NIH; . “In Vivo Imaging of Nedivi (2007-1012)
  • NSF; Emergent Behaviors (2010-1015)
  • NIH: High Throughput manufacturing of 3D microfluidic device (2011-2013)