Design Notebook Exercise 4
Your next task is to choose which of your many ideas you will
concentrate on in your design solution. You will need to consolidate
your various ideas into designs which you can compare. Group together
ideas which are similar and combine them into a single solution. Try
to narrow it down to three or four different concepts.
You will also need to develop a list of criteria by which to judge your
ideas (e.g. cost, reliability, ease of use). Start by making a list
of criteria then allow each group member to elaborate briefly on which
he/she thinks are the most important. If you are having a hard time
reaching consensus about the relative importance, have each group
member select his/her top 5 attributes then collect votes for each
item on the list. Rank the attributes according to the number of
votes they get. If some attributes do not receive any votes, decide
whether they should remain on the list.
Use this list to help choose the final design concept during this
week's design team meetings.
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