NATO Advanced Research Workshop
Coordinated Studies of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction: Interball Observations
September 7-11, 1998
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Technical University, Kosice, Slovakia

[Kosice image]

Participation Questionnaire

Questionnaire for the workshop-meeting
"Coordinated Studies of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction:
Interball Observations" to be held in Kosice, Slovakia from September 7 - 11, 1998

Please complete the questionaire by filling in this form. If your browser does not have forms capability, please use this "form-less" link instead.






I definitely confirm my attendance at the workshop-meeting.

I intend to participate.

I intend to participate, but only with travel support.

I do not intend to participate, but wish to be kept informed about the workshop-meeting.

Title(s) of my presentation(s):

I wish to contribute to the written proceedings of the workshop.

I do NOT wish to contribute to the written proceedings of the workshop.

My arrival time in Kosice is:

My departure time from Kosice is:

I will arrange my accommodation myself and notify the LOC where I am staying.

I request the LOC to help me arrange accommodation in the hostel/student dormitories.

You may when done, or if you want to start over.


David Sibeck (,
tel. 1-240-228-8545, fax 1-240-228-6670)

Karel Kudela (,
tel. ++421-95-6224554, fax ++421-95-6336292)

For additional details, see the MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT and information about LOCAL ACCOMMODATIONS .