NOTE: Beginning Summer 2015, responsibility for WIND plasma data has moved
to the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysics Lab, and current data can be
accessed at
The WIND-SWE Home Page
is maintained by
The MIT Space Plasma Group
The SWE experiment is a collaborative effort of
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC),
University of New Hampshire (UNH), and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Data available via ftp as monthly ASCII files
International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program
WIND satellite
Today's Space Weather
For more information,
please contact:
Dr. Keith W. Ogilvie, Keith.W.Ogilvie@nasa.gov, 301-286-5904
Dr. John D. Richardson, jdr@space.mit.edu, 617-253-6112.
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for email comments.