University of Chicago
Department ofPolitical Science
Dissertation Advisor: David Greenstone
Dissertation: "Consumer Justice: Massachusetts Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection, 1968-1974"
Brandeis University
Department of Sociology
Training in Sociological Theory and Ethnomethodology Seminar
Advisor: Egon Bittner
University of Chicago
Department ofPolitical Science
Thesis Advisor: David Easton
Thesis: "A Systems Analysis of the Islamic Caliphate, 750-1258"
CUNY, Brooklyn College
Department ofPolitical Science
Honors Advisor: Martin Landau

2008- Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities. M.I.T.
2006- Head, Department of Anthropology, M.I.T.
2000-2007Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Science
1974-2000Wellesley College, Department of Sociology, Instructor – Professor
1997-1999Wellesley College, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Sociology
1996 Maison des Sciences de L'Homme, Paris, Directeur d'Etudes

2008-2012 Editorial Board, Annual Review of Law and Social Science
2008- Editorial Board, American Political Science Review
2006- Editorial Board, Regulation & Governance
2003-2005 Consulting Editor, Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
2002-2004 Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology
1998-2000 Editor, Law and Society Review, Volumes 32-34
1995-present Editor, Cambridge University Press, Studies in Law and Society, a book series
1994-1999 Editorial Board, Law and Politics Review
1994-1996 External Advisory Board, Northeastern University Press
1993-1996 Advisory Panel on Symposia, Law and Society Review
1991-1999 Editorial Board, Law and Social Inquiry
1988-1996 Co-Editor, Studies in Law, Politics and Society, JAI Press
1988 Editorial Collective, Law and Society Review, Special Issue on Law and Ideology
1987-1992 External Advisory Board, Northeastern University Press
1987-1988 Editorial Board, Research in Law, Deviance and Social Control
1985-1999 Editorial Board, Legal Studies Forum
1985-1986 Editorial Board, Law and Society Review
1984-2006 Editorial Board, Law & Policy

1996 U.S.Federal Court, First Ciruit, Gender and Race & Ethnic Bias Task Forces, Research Consultant.
1994 - present Meiklejohn Institute for Legal Studies, Amherst College, Advisory Board
1992-1995 National Science Foundation, Social and Economic Sciences Division, Program on Law and Social Science, Advisory Panel
1992-1995 Harvard Program on Negotiation, Steering Committee
1993 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, "Initiatives for Children Project: Children's Legal Consiousness", Research Consultant
1988-1993 New Jersey Supreme Court Task Force on Minority Concerns, Research Consultant
1991-1992 Massachusetts Supreme Court Race and Ethnic Bias Commission, Research Consultant
1992-1994 Ford Foundation, Work Family Project, Advisory Panel
1982-1995 Amherst Seminar on Legal Ideology and Legal Process
1987-1992 Harvard Program on Negotiation, Working Group "Developing Theory From Practice"
1987-1991 Fund for Research on Dispute Resolution, Governing Council
1990-1991 National Science Foundation, Social and Economic Sciences Division, Program on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Advisory Panel
1985 National Research Council, Committee on Basic Research in The Behavioral and Social Sciences, Ten-Year Outlook on Research Opportunities, Working Group on Legalization
1981 Research Consultant, Children's Hearings Project, Cambridge MA, funded by W.T. Grant Foundation
1982 U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Improvements in the Administration of Justice, Council on the Role of Courts: National Meeting, Reporter

2008-2009 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship.
2008 Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study Center Residency (declined).
2006 Doctor Honoris Causa, Ecole Normale Superieure Cachan, France.
2006-2008NSF (National Science Foundation), research award, "Safe Science: An Experiment in Group Ethnography.
2005-2008 NSF, research award, "Governing Green Laboratories: Trust and Surveillance in the Cultures of Science."
2005 American Sociological Association, Best article prize in Sociology of Law.
2005 Awarded honorable mention for best article in Law & Society Association, "Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal Authority."
2004-2005 American Council of Learned Societies, Fellowship.
2004 Best article in Sociology of Culture, American Sociological Association, "Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal Authority," AJS 2003.
2004 Best article in Political Sociology, American Sociological Association, "Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal Authority," AJS 2003.
2003-2008 National Science Foundation, research award, "Developing Diverse Leadership for Engineering."
National Science Foundation, research award, "Safe Science: Governing Green Laboratories."
2002-2005 National Science Foundation, research award, "Information Technologies and Professional Identity: A Comparative Analysis of Virtuality and its Discontents."
2002 Award for teaching innovation from M.I. T. Class of '51 Fund for '55 Fund for Excellence in Teaching, and Claass of '72 Fund for Educational nnovation
2001 School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, MIT, research award, "Comparative Study of Innovations in Engineering Education."
2001 American Academy of Political and Social Science, Fellow.
2000 American Sociological Association,Special Recognition for publication of The Common Place of Law. Sociology of Law Section
2000-2001 Brachman Hoffman Fund, research on expert witnesses.
1999 American Sociological Association, Special Recognition Award for contributions to undergraduate teaching of sociology.
1997-2000 Brachman Hoffman Fund, research on scientific elites.
1997-1998 Barnet Miller Fund, comparative research on legal consciousness.
1996 Wellesley College Experimental Teaching and Curriculum Development, "Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods: Studies of Time."
1996 National Science Foundation, research award, "RUI: Collaborative Research on Varieties of Legal Consciousness."
1995-1996 American Association of University Women, American Fellow.
1995 Wellesley College, Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
1995 National Science foundation, supplemental funding to 1992 award, "Varieties of Legal Consciousness."
1995 Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study Center Resident.
1993-1994 American Council of Learned Societies, Fellowship.
1993-1994 Harvard Law School, Fellowship in Law and the Liberal Arts.
1992-1994 National Science Foundation, research award, "Varieties of Legal Consciousness: The Place of Law in the Lives of Ordinary Americans."
1989-1991 State Justice Institute, research award, "Differential Court Usage Among Minority and Non-Minority Populations."
1989 Co-recipient, Center for Public Resources, 1989 Award for Excellence and Innovation in Alternative Dispute Resolution – Book Prize, for contribution to Quality of Dispute Resolution Symposium Issue (66 Denver University Law Review).
1985-1986 Harvard Law School, Fellowship in Law and the Liberal Arts.
1985-1986 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Fellowship in the New Liberal Arts.
1982 Wellesley College Experimental Teaching and Curriculum Development, "Power: Interpersonal, Organizational and Community Dimensions."
1981 W.T.Grant Foundation, research award, "Mediation of Parent Child Conflicts."
1980-1983 National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Justice, research award, "Legitimacy and Coercion in Informal Community Justice."
1980 Mellon Foundation, faculty development award, "A Feminist Reconception of Political Sociology."
1979 U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Improvements in the Administration of Justice, Council on the Role of Courts, research award, "The Work and Role of Courts of Limited Jurisdiction."

2009"Governing the Gap" New Governance of Business Organizations, a workshop, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 26, 2009.

"Law & Space: The signs of law in everyday life", Law & Society Annual Meeting, Denver, May 30, 2009.

"Talk of Safety Culture: The Neo-Liberal Legacy," Law & Society Annual Meeting, Denver, May 30, 2009.

"Tracking the Rule of Law: How to Build Theory from Qualitative Data," Yale School of Management, April 23, 2009: Northeastern University, Law, Policy and Society Graduate Program, April 9, 2009.

"Rotten Apples or a Rotting Barrel: Unchallengeable Orthodoxies in Science," Arizona State University Law School, March 19-20, 2009.

"A Font of Civic Virtue, A Buzzing, Argumentative, Tendentious Engagement", Plenary Presentation, Three Campus Science and Technology Studies Graduate Student Workshop, MIT, February 21, 2009.

"Comments on Erin Leahey’s Explaining Influence", Harvard University Sociology Department, Culture Seminar, February 2, 2009.

Sociological Citizen: Interdependencies in Law and Organizations" a workshop, MIT, January 22-23, 2009.

2008"Comments on The Public Deliberation Industry: Old Wine in New Bottles", New England Law & Society Meeting, October 31-November 1, 2008.

"Rotten Apples or a Rotting Barrel," Workshop on Ethics Education, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Science, National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., August 25-26, 2008.

"Trust and Surveillance in the Technologically Structured Workplace," Droit et Regulations des activites economiques, ENS, IDHE, Cachan, France, October 5-6, 2008.

"Sociological Citizen: Observing Relational Interdependence in Law and Organizations," Second biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulation and Governance, Utrecht University, June 5-7, 2008; SASE, Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Costa Rica, July, 2008.

"Governing Green Laboratories: Trust and Surveillance in the Cultures of Science" ENS Cachan, France, May 2008; Molecular Nano and Bio-Photonics, Erasmus Mundus Master Course, Porquerolles, Hyeres France, June 24, 2008; American Sociological Association, Boston, August; Brown University Legal Studies Workshop, November 14, 2008.

"Ethnographic Excursions in Law and Science", EHESS, ENS Paris, April, 2008.

"How to observe and analyze popular legal consciousness", Rijksuniveriteit Groningen, School of Law, February 5, 2008; ENS Cachan, France, April, 2008.

2007Regulation and Resistance: Desire for and fear of transparency in the design of a compliance database," Law and Society Association annual meeting, Berlin, July, 2007.

"Governing Green Laboratories: Trust and Surveillance in the Cultures of Science," Center for the Study of Law and Society, Jurisprudence and Social Policy, January 2007; University of California, Berkeley, American Bar Foundation, April 2007; Northwestern University Department of Sociology, April 2007; Plenary Address, CSHEMA (College Safety Health Environmental Managers Association) annual meeting, Boston, July 2007; Science Technology and Society Colloquium, October 2007.

"Inventing Engineers: An Opportunistic (Natural) Experiment", Google Corporation, January 2007.

2006 "The Rule of Law as Everyday Practice" , accepting Doctor Honoris Causa, Ecole Normale Superieure, Cachan, France, November 2006.

"Governing Green Laboratories" University of California Irvine, April 2006; Carleton University Ottawa Canada,, November 2006; Edwards Memorial Lecture, University of Toronto, Canada, November 2006.

"The Institutionalization of Crisis and Reform in Engineering Education: Professional Aspirations and Commercial Constraints", International Network for Engineering Studies, Virginia Tech, September 2006.

"Legal Regulation of Technoscience," Law & Society Association annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, July 2006.

"What We Think About When We Think About Law: Contested and Conventional Legality" Clifford Symposium, De Paul Law School, April 2006.

"Legal Consciousness and the Sociology of Justice," Harvard University, Department of Sociology, March 2006.

2005"After Legal Consciousness," Research Committee on the Sociology of Law, Paris, July 2005, Northeastern University Law School, November 2005.

"Gaming the Law", Law & Society Association, annual meeting, June 2005.

"The Common Place of Law," Suffolk Law School, February 2005.

"Governing Green Laboratories: Trust and Surveillance in the Cultures of Science," Maxwell School of Public Affairs, Syracuse University, March 2005; Bielefeld Germany, July 2005.

2004"Governing Green Laboratories: Trust and Surveillance in the Cultures of Science," New York University Law School, November 2004.
2004 "Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal Authority," Faculty Symposium, MIT, September 2004.

"A Day in the Life: Growing Engineers," Society for Social Studies of Science, annual meeting, Paris, August 2004.

"Designing Qualitative Research and Developing Fundable Proposals," American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 2004.

"Managing Risk and Safety in Scientific Laboratories," Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 2004. "Marking the Boundaries of Science Differential Responses to Legal Regulation of Laboratory Science," Cornell University, March 1, 2004.

"Power, Resistance and Narrative: Concept, Theory and Method" M.I.T., Sloan School of Management, March 2004.

2003 "Designing Qualitative Research", National Science Foundation, July 2003.
"Marking the Boundaries of Science Differential Responses to Legal Regulation of Laboratory Science," Society for Social Studies of Science, October 2003; Harvard University, Sociology of Culture Seminar, December 2003.
"Ethnographic Research", M.I.T. Sloan School of Management, November 2003.
"Safe Science: Differential Responses to Legal Regulation of Research Laboratories," Law Culture and Humanities Conference, Cardozo Law School, March 2003; M.I.T. Sloan School of Management, April 3, 2003; Yale Legal Theory Workshop, May 8, 2003, American Sociological Association, August.
2002 "Ethnography: Access to everyday life." M.I.T. Sloan School of Management, November 22, 2002.
"The Double Life of Reason and Law," University of Miami Law School, February 2002.
"The Place of Law in the Space of Science," Columbia University Law School, April 9, 2002.
"Defending the Liberal Arts Against Law," Amherst College, April 27, 2002.
Comments on "Theorizing Legal Knowledge Practices in Science Studies and Legal Studies - Technologies of Regulation and Analysis," Law and Society Association annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada, May 2002.
2001 "Athena on the Charles," Yale Women Faculty Forum, December 12, 2001: Tufts University, March 13, 2002.
"Making Resistance Thinkable: Desired Disturbance of Everyday Legal Transactions," New York Law School, December 2001.
"Anthropologists Talk Back: Commentary on Globalization Narratives," M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, October 2001.
"Social Responsibilities of Social Scientists," American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Washington, DC, June 2001.
" Narrative analysis of social movements and social change," American Sociological Association, annual meeting, Anaheim CA, August 2001.
"Resistance and Narrative," Law and Society Association annual meeting, Budapest, July 2001.
Subversive Stories and Hegemonic Tales: Narrative Analysis," Faculty Seminar on Narrative, Wellesley College, February, 2001.
"The Architecture of Authority: The Place of Law in the Space of Science," Law, Culture and the Humanities Conference, University of Texas, March 2001; Law and Society Association, annual meeting, Budapest, July 2001; University of Minnesota, Sociology Department 100th anniversary celebration, October 2001; Society for Social Study of Science, annual meeting, Cambridge Mass, October 2001.
2000 "The Architecture of Authority: The Place of Law in the Space of Science," Keck Lecture, Amherst College, November 6, 2000.
"Slippages, Adversarial Analyses, and the Plaited Structure of Culture and Cultural Analyses," Culture Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia, August 2000.
"The Structure of Legality: Contradiction, Narrative and Social Structure," Conference on Philip Selznick and The Study of Legality. Center for the Study of Law and Society, April 14-15, 2000, University of California, Berkeley.
"No Laughing Matter: Humor and Contradiction in Stories of Law," Conference on Law and Popular Culture, Clifford Symposium on Tort and Public Policy, DePaul University Law School, Chicago, March 31- April 1, 2000.
"Desired Disturbances: Strategies and Stories of Resistance," March 21, 2000, Law & Society Program, University of California, Santa Barbara; Department of Sociology, Princeton University, April 3, 2000.
"Narrative Streams and Legal Scholarship," Law, Culture and the Humanities, Third Annual Conference, March 10-12, 2000, Georgetown University Law School.
1999 "Popular Legal Consciousness: Narrative Contradictions and Privacy," American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 1999.
"Mutual Engagement: Criminology and the Sociology of Law," American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 1999.
"Doing Theory and Struggling with Politics: Mapping Everyday Resistance to Legality," American Sociological Association Annual Meeeting, August 1999.
"Cutural Analyses of Law," Commentator, Law and Society Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 1999.
"Science and the Law: Competing Normative Ordering and Discourse," Law and Society Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 1999.
"The Common Place of Law: Stories From Everyday Life," Department of Political Science, Washington University, March 23, 1999.
"Stories, Structures and Social Theory: Narratives of Law and Science,"
Law, Culture and the Humanities, Second Annual Conference, March 12-14, 1999, Wake Forest University School of Law.
1998 "The Common Place of Law: Stories From Everyday Life," Harvard Law School February 1998; Boston University Graduate Student Colloquium, March 1998; Georgetown University Law School, March 1998; Gruyter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, June 1998; Keynote address, Conference on Judicial Politics, Michigan State University, October 1998.
"Desired Disturbances: Stories and Strategies of Resistance to Legal Authority," Law, Culture and Humanities Conference, Washington, D.C. March 1998.
"Common Knowledge and Ideological Critique: The Significance of Knowing that the 'Haves' Come Out Ahead," University of Wisconsin, May 1, 1998.
"Globalization and the Possibilities of Justice," Jackson School, University of Washington, Seattle, May 7, 1998.
Urbino, Italy, May 1998. Public Lecture and Graduate Student Workshops.
Author meets Critics, "The Common Place of Law," Law & Society Association, annual meeting, Aspen, June 4-7, 1998.
"Narratives of Law," Law & Society Association annual meeting, chair and discussant, Aspen, June 4-7, 1998.
"Authorship, Collaboration, and Publication: an analysis of the Law & Society Review," Graduate Student Workshop, Law & Society annual meeting, Aspen, June 4-7, 1998.
"Teaching the Sociology of Law, " American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 1998.
1997 "Consciousness and Contradiction: resisting the urge to make sense of it all," Law and Society Association, annual meeting, St. Louis, May 28 - June 1, 1997.
"Commentary on Handler's Down from Bureaucracy," Law and Society Association, annual meeting, St. Louis, May 28 - June 1, 1997.
"Varieties of Legal Consciousness", University of Macerata, Departments of Law and Sociology, Italy, June 1997.
"Culture and the Sociology of Law," American Sociological Association, annual meeting, Toronto, August 12, 1997.
"Globalization and The Rule of Law," University of California, Santa Barbara, November 1997.
1996 "Socio-Legal Scholarship at the Turn of the Century", Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France, April, 1996; Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, April 1996.
"The Social Construction of Legality", invited presentation at a conference of the European Union on Legal Consciousness from a Global Perspective, C.N.R.S. Paris Prance, May 22, 1996.
"Let Them Eat Cake: Globalization, Postmodern Colonialism and the, Possibilities of Justice", Presidential Address, Law and Society Association, annual meeting, University of Strathclyde Glasgow, July 10-14, 1996.
"The Social Construction of Legality: Varieties and Dimensions of Legal Consciousness", Law and Society Association , annual meeting, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, July 10-14, 1996.
1995 "Social Theory: Inventing a Narrative About Disputing", Conference on diversity, Multi-culturalism, Dispute Resolution and Democratic Theory", Keynote speaker, University of California at Los Angeles, March 31-April 1, 1995.
"Before the Law: Reification of Legal Institutions", Law and Society Association annual meeting, Toronto, June 1-4, 1995; Research Committee on the Sociology of Law, annual meeting, Tokyo, August 1-4, 1995; invited lecturer, School of Law and Legal Studies, La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia, September 7, 1995.
"Social Science and Policy: The Pull of the Policy Audience Revisited", Law and Society Association annual meeting, Toronto, June 1-4, 1995.
"Before, With and Against the Law: An Account of Legal Consciousness", Villa Serbelloni, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy, November 1, 1995.
1994 Keynote Address, American Bar Association Commission on College and University Legal Studies, Annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 17-18, 1994.
"The Coming of Age of Mediation: Emerging Challenges," Keynote Speaker, Massachusetts Association of Mediation Programs, April 29, 1994.
"Cultural Analyses of Law", Conference on Critical Research in the Sociology of Law, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, June 7-10, 1994.
"Subversive Stories and Hegemonic Tales: The Limits of Social Transformation Through Narrative", Law and Society Association annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 16-20, 1994.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors: Law and The Scriptural Economy", Law and Society Association annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, June 16-20, 1994.
"The Concept of Rights in American Law: A Brief Introduction", Nonviolence or Nonexistence" A Conference on Nonviolent Strategies for Life in the 21st Century", October 1, 1994.
"Civil Justice Review", Ontario Law Reform Commission, Toronto Ontario, November 19, 1994.
1993 "Developing Indicators for Civil Litigation," A Workshop at the American Bar Foundation, February 1993.
"Writing Sociology", Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA, March, 1993.
"Problems in Legal Theory: Subjectivity and Structure in a Post-Modern World", Law and Society Association, annual meeting, Chicago, IL, June 1993.
"Observing Differences in Disputing Research", Law and Society Association, annual meeting, Chicago, IL, June 1993.
"An Interpretation of Verbal Accounts of Mental Processes", Workshop on Legal Consciousness, American Bar Foundation, Chicago, IL, June 1993.
Sociology and Society", American Sociological Association, Miami, FL, August, 1993.
"Broadening the Tort Liability Debate: Toward a New Research Agenda", Institute for Civil Justice, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. October 8-10.
1992 "Narratives of Conformity, Contestation and Resistance", Rice University, Program on Cultural Studies, February 4, 1992.
"Varieties of Legal Consciousness: Agency and Structure in Legal Scholarship", Eastern Sociological Society, Arlington VA, April 4, 1992.
"How to turn Research into Publication", Presentation to Graduate Student Workshop, Law and Society Association, Philadelphia PA, May 27, 1992.
"Between Desire and the Law: Narratives of Legal Consciousness", Law and Society Association, Philadelphia PA, May 28-30, 1992.
"Maigret's Law", Law and Society Association, Philadelphia, PA, May 28-30, 1992.
1991 "Critical Traditions in American Socio-Legal Scholarship", Faculty of Law, University of Madrid, June 3, 1992.
"Power, Justice, and Ideology in Socio-Legal Research", Summer Institute, Law and Society Association, Amherst MA, July 8-13, 1992.
"Mediators and Other Facilitative Roles in Dispute Resolution: Developing a Critical Interpretation", The Cronkite Graduate Center, Radcliffe College, February 13, 1991.
"Perspectives on Legal Consciousness", Roundtable on Socialization Research: Attitudes Towards Law in Adolescence and Youth in East and West, C.N.R.S., Paris-Ivry, March 26-27, 1991.
"Child's Play: The Origins of Hegemony, Acquiescence, and Obligation in Adolescents' Studies of Law", A Colloquium in Honor of Egon Bittner, Brandeis University, May 11.
"Mediation", Law and Society Association annual meeting, University of Amsterdam, June 25-29, 1991.
"Negotiating Subjectivities: Conformity, Contestation, and Resistance in Narratives of Legal Consciousness," Law and Society Association annual meeting, University of Amsterdam, June 25-29, 1991; Amherst Seminar, September 20, 1991.
1990 "Child's Play: The Origins of Hegemony, Acquiescence, and Obligation in Adolescents' Studies of Law", Stanford University Law School, February 1990

Hearing Officer, Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers, 1999-2005.
Federal Courts Project, Mock Juror, May 2002.
Hearing Officer, Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers, 1999-2002.
Newton Democratic Committee, Ward 4, 1978 - 1994.
Chair, Labor Negotiation Subcommittee, Newton School Committee, 1983-1985.
Newton School Committee, 1980 - 1985.
Newton Cable Foundation, 1985 - 1986.
Mayor's Task Force for Commonwealth Avenue, 1989.

Head, Department of Anthropology, M.I.T, 2006-.
Steering Committee, Graduate Program, HASTS, History and Anthropology of Science, Technology and Society, M.I.T. 2001-2002; 2006-.
Director, American Studies Program, Wellesley College, 1996-1999.
Chair, Department of Sociology, Wellesley College, 1990-1993, 1998-2001.
Director, Technology Studies Program, Wellesley College, 1985-86; 1987-1990.
Chair, Faculty Benefits Committee, Wellesley College, 1987-1990.
Chair, Task Force on Racism, Wellesley College, 1987-89.
President, Wellesley College chapter, AAUP, 1987-1989.

Bucknell College, Visiting Committee, 2002.
Middlebury College, Visiting Committee, 1997.
Board of Overseers, Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College, 1989-1992.
Amherst College, Program on Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought, Visiting Committee, 1992.
Macalester College, Law and Society Program, Visiting Committee, 1992.
Eastern Sociological Society, Committee on Women in Sociology, 1992.
American Society of Criminology, Program Committee, 1988.
Suffolk University, Department of Sociology, Visiting Committee, 1987.
Sloan Foundation: Technology Studies Conference, August 1983; Engineering Concepts Group, 1984.
Harvard Law School, Dispute Resolution Colloquium, 1983-1986.
Society for the Study of Social Problems: Permanent Organization Committee, 1983-1984.
Dispute Resolution Colloquium, Harvard Law School, 1983-1986.
National Endowment for the Humanities: National Conference on Undergraduate Legal Education, 1979.
Sloan Foundation: Faculty Seminar on Computer Literary, 1978.
Massachusetts Sociological Association, Program Committee, 1978.
      Book Prize Committee, Sociological Theory Section, Chair, 2008
      Article Prize Committee, Sociology of Law, Chair, 2007.
      Merton Prize Committee, Science Knowledge and Technology, Chair, 2006.
      Article Prize Committee, Sociology of Law, 2005.
      Student Paper Prize Committee, Science Knowledge and Technology, 2004.
      Task Force on Current Knowledge on Hate/Bias Acts on College and
      University Campuses, 1999-2001.
      Mediator, Committee on Professional Ethics, 1991, 1996-present.
      Chair, Section on the Sociology of Law, 1998-1999.
      Program Chair, Section on the Sociology of Law, 1997-1998.
      Council, Section on Law, Deviance and Social Control, 1996-1999.
      Nominations Committee, Law Section, 1997.
      Program Committee, 1995.
      Chair, Student Prize Committee, Crime, Law and Deviance Section, 1995.
      Paper selection panel, 1992-1993.

      Chair, Publications Committee, 2003-2005.
      Article Prize Committee, 2005.
      Chair, Kalven Prize Committee, 2003.
      Chair, Editorial Search Committee, 2002.
      Chair, Dissertation Prize Committee, 2002.
      Committee to evaluate executive office, 2001.
      President 1995-1996.
      President Elect 1993-1995.
      International Planning Committee, 1993-1996.
      Program Committee, 1992-1993.
      Long Range Planning Committee, 1992-1993.
      Dues Committee Chair, 1991-1992.
      Treasurer, 1990-1991.
      Students Awards Committee Chair, 1988-89.
      Board of Trustees, 1984-1987.
      Program Chairperson, 1987.
      Nominations Chairperson, 1985.
      Local Arrangements Chair, 1984.

Technical Advisory Group, MIT Task Force on Race and Diversity, 2008-present.
Budget Task Force, Dean of Undergraduate Education; Procurement, 2009.
General Institute Requirement, Subcommittee on HASS GIR, 2008.
MIT Energy Initiative Education Task Force 2007-.
MIT in France Committee, 2008.
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Science (SHASS), Education Committee, 2007-2008.
SHASS, Levitan Prize Committee, Dean's Awards Committee, 2007.
Edgerton Prize Committee, 2007.
Committee to Search for Vice President of Human Resources, 2006.
Committee for Five-Year Evaluation of Engineering Systems Division, 2005-2006.
Curriculum Committee, HASTS (History, Anthropology, Science Technology and Society) 2004-2006.
Graduate Student Writing Workshop, HASTS, 2004-2006.
Equal Opportunity Committee, SHASS, 2001 - 2006.
Transfer Credit, Anthropology Department, 2001-2006.
Equal Opportunity Committee, SHASS, 2001-present.
Committee on Academic Performance, Spring 2002.
Committee on Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects, 2002-2006.

Methods for Graduate Research in the Social Sciences
Qualitative Research Methods
Identity and Difference
Anthropological Theory and Methods
Power: Interpersonal, Organizational and Global Dimensions
Power and Resistance
Sociology of Law
Law and Society
Social Organization of Law
American Legal Thought and Institutions
Social Construction of Conformity and Deviance
Topics in Law, Deviance and Social Control
Methods of Sociological Research
Research Projects and Important Texts: Theory and Methods in Sociology
Classic Social Research: Seminar on Contemporary Social Theory and Research
Social Institutions at Work: Ethnographic Exploration Through Documentary Film
Class, Status and Power: An exploration through Documentary Film
American Society
Political Sociology
Popular Culture
Introductory Sociology

Bonnie Hausmann, "Mandates Without Money," Political Science, Brandeis University, 1986.
Estelle Lau, Sociology, "Paper Families: Identity, Immigration and Chinese Exclusion," University of Chicago, 2001.
Hyun Im, "Temporal Coordination in Distributed Work", HASTS, MIT, 2007.
Masahiro Matsurra, "Localizing Public Dispute Resolution in Japan," Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 2006.
Heather MacIndoe, "Public Goods and Public Claims: Philanthropy, Nonprofit Organizations and Urban Inequality," Sociology, University of Chicago, 2007.
Brian Rubineau,"Gendering Professions: An Analysis of Peer Effects," Sloan School of Management, MIT, 2007.
Jason Bartolomei, "Qualitative Knowledge Construction for Engineering Systems: Etending the Design Structure Matrix Methodology in Scope and Procedure," Engineering Systems Division, MIT, 2007.
Tanu Agrawal, "Fear and Desire in Database Design," Sloan School of Management, MIT. 2008.
Natasha Myers, "Modeling Proteins, Making Scientists : An Ethnography of Pedagogy and Visual Cultures in Contemporary Structural Biology", HASTS (History and Anthropology of Science, Technology and Society), MIT, 2008.
Esra Ozkan, "Executive Coaching: Crafting a Versatile Self in Corporate America", HASTS, MIT, 2008.
Ruthanne Huising, "The Pursuit of Organizational Change: Becoming and Being an Agent for Change." Sloan School of Management, MIT, 2008.
Anita Chan, "The Promiscuity of Freedom: Development and Governance the Age of Neoliberal Networks," HASTS, MIT, 2009.
Zev Eigen, "The Behavioral Theory of Contract," Sloan School of Management, MIT, 2009.
Kieran Downes, "From Enthusiasm to Practice: Users, Systems, and Technology in High-End Audio," HASTS, MIT, 2009.
Xaq Frohlich, HASTS, MIT.
Nick Buchannan, HASTS, MIT.
Sophia Roosth, HASTS, MIT.
Sara Wylie, HASTS, MIT.
Salo Vincour Coslovsky, Urban Studies, MIT.
Roberto Pires, Urban Studies, MIT.
Roberto Franco-Perez, Engineering Systems Division, MIT.
Joelle Evans, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Jason Jay, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Stella Styliani Kounelaki, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Seth Pipkin, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Kate Parrot, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Kiri Gurd, Department of Sociology, Boston University.
Todd Bridges, Department of Sociology, Brown University.

American Sociological Association
Law & Society Association
Society for the Social Studies of Science
American Political Science Association
The Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities
Research Committee on the Sociology of Law
International Sociological Association