Rennyo Speaks: “How Should We Have Faith In Amida Buddha?”

Clarity. Simplicity. Sincerity.

This is how Rennyo instructed the Sangha in a time when it was dying…a time just like today.

Here are some of his words.

The essence of the principle taught by Shinran Shonin is centered EXCLUSIVELY on the Teachings of the Faith of the Other-Power through which all laymen of this Closing Third Era (beclouded with defilements and unaware of Truth) can easily and quickly obtain rebirth in the Pure Land without any anxiety.

Thus, it is generally well known that Amida Tathagata SHALL deliver all ignorant men encumbered by the Ten Major Evils and the Five Cardinal Sins, and women with Five Obstacles and Three Reliances.

How should we unenlightened beings have Faith in Amida Buddha and in what manner should we place reliance that we shall be reborn in Amidas World of Bliss?


  • complete faith in Amida Tathagata,
  • and by discarding all else by single-minded reliance on Amida,
  • and a single-hearted Faith in the Original Vow.

If there is no doubt whatever with respect to Amida Tathagata, we SHALL be reborn without fail in the Land of Bliss.

In other words, these elements constitute the true nature of the devotee who has received the Faith of the Other-Power.

It has been said already that Faith is the thorough comprehension of the essence of the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha and the placement of single-hearted reliance on Him.

He who does this is said to have received the Determined-Faith of the Other-Power.

Therefore, the thorough understanding of the six characters Na-Mu-A-Mi-Da and Butsu IS the substance of Determined Faith.

  1. Thus, the two characters Na and Mu are the manifestation of their self-awareness in placing Faith in Amida Buddha by sentient beings.
  2. Then, the meaning of the four remaining words A-Mi-Da and Butsu is the Dharma of Amida Tathagata that delivers sentient beings.

For this reason the term Namu Amida Butsu of the unification of sentient beings and the Dharma is used to designate this essence.

Based on this, Zendo Daishi (Shan-Tao) has pointed out the melding of the Three Actions of sentient beings and the Three Actions of Amida Buddha into one as “The Three Actions of Amida and the Three Actions of sentient beings; inseparable, indistinguishable…”

Thus, there should be no doubt that those with the Determined-Faith at that simultaneous instant of complete reliance upon Amida will be reborn in the Land of Compensation without fail.

Those who…

  • cast aside all inclination of any devotions to self-centered efforts with a strong conscious awareness
  • and who believe deeply with a singleness of heart in Amida that the factor of deliverance for them lies solely in the Power of the Vow that is beyond conceptual understanding…

shall be reborn in the True Land of Compensation.

Following THIS, realising ONLY the depth of the gratitude owed to Amida Tathagata, we should repeat the Nenbutsu of Thanksgiving.

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