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DownloadsGoogle Earth Tool Available!Measure Heights of Objects with calculateObjectFromShadowRecent versions of GoogleEarth, show a date stamp of scenes that are close enough to the Earth’s surface for the scene appearing on the screen to come from a single image. If the day, month and year are given, it is possible to use the compass heading of the shadow itself to determine the effective local “time”, much like a sun dial can be used to determine the time at a given position. CalculateHeightFromShadow uses this heading, together with the latitude, longitude, and date of the scene, to determine the Sun’s elevation and from that to return the length of the object being studied. Click here to download the program. (Note: you MUST have GUI_Missile_Flyout already installed for this program to work!) Click here to download the help file for the program calculateObjectFromShadow GUI_Missile_FlyoutVersion 3.0 now available!GUI_Missile_Flyout:
A General Program for Simulating Ballistic Missiles Download the program by clicking here. Download the Landareas file here. Please “register” by sending your name, email address, and institution (if applicable) to dmancini@MIT.EDU. This will help us continue to provide information and services to the arms control and national security community. You can also request a help file. If you use this program for a publication, please reference: Geoffrey Forden, GUI_Missile Flyout: A General Program for Simulating Ballistic Missiles, Science and Global Security, Vol. 15, No. 2, December 2006, pp. 133-146. A Quick Guide to Using GUI_Missile_Flyout: Running the program: