Here are the people who put the whole system together!
Jim Billings, Consultant, Student Information Systems
email: jbilling@MIT.EDU
Raisa Budman, Sr. Analyst Programmer, Student Information Systems
email: raisa@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 253-3774
Mary Callahan, Associate Registrar, Registrar's Office
email: mcallahan@MITSIS.MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-6432
Huey Chan, Sr. Analyst Programmer, Student Information Systems
email: hschan@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-6423
Shawn Dunn, Analyst Programmer, Office of the Bursar
email: sdunn@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-5668
Carrie Groves, Network Administrator, Student Information Systems
email: cgroves@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-0714
Barbara Johnson, Associate Bursar, Office of the Bursar
email: bdoyle@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-5667
Todd Markley, Administrative Assistant, UESA Operations and Administration
email: markley@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-5991
Andy Oakland, Analyst Programmer, MIT Information Systems
email: sao@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 253-1308
Jagruti Patel, Student, Sloan School of Management
email: jag@alum.MIT.EDU
Iria Romano, Assistant Registrar, Office of the Registrar
email: rromano@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-6436
Joanne Stevenson, Sr. Analyst Programmer, Student Information Systems
email: jsteven@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-7870
Steven Turner, Sr. Analyst Programmer, MIT Information Systems
email: sturner@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 253-1921
Robert Weinerman, Assistant Director, Student Financial Aid Office
email: weinerma@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 258-5612
Elena Zhitnikov, Data Administrator, MIT Information Systems
email: elena@MIT.EDU
phone: (617) 253-7672
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