Grade Report

This screen shows the grades of all subjects completed, in chronological order by term.

Subject Number
Audit Info

Fall Term 1995-1996
Year: R 1 
5.12 12 U P Chemistry
8.01 12 U P Physics I
18.01 12 U S Calculus I
HE.01 9 U S HASS Elect
21F.022J 12 U P HASS-D 4 / HASS Elect
Units Earned: 75 Term GPA: ACADEMIC:

Spring Term 1995-1996
Year: R 1 
5.13 12 U P Chemistry
8.02 12 U P Physics II
18.02 12 U P Calculus II
18.03 12 U P Rest Elect
21F.049 12 U P HASS-D 1 / HASS Elect
Units Earned: 60 Term GPA: ACADEMIC:

Fall Term 1996-1997
Year: R 2     Course:    6 3
6.001 15 U B Rest Elect
6.042 12 U B+
21F.072J 12 U A HASS-D 3 / HASS Elect
21M.301 6 U A
Units Earned: 45 Term GPA: 4.4 ACADEMIC:

Cumulative Undergraduate GPA: 4.4 Minor:

Degree Audit

Proj Undergrad Audit in Course 6 3 -- Assumes successful completion of Current Registration -- Institute Requirements not complete: Conc Comp Form, Write 2, 1 HASS subj plus 30 units beyond GIRs Complete: 14.0 GIR subjects (17 req'd) plus 120 units beyond GIRs (189 req'd)

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