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Center for Transportation & Logistics
Sloan School of Management
Home  »  Events  »  Archive  » 1995  »  ISCM Best Practice Collaboration Meeting
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North Andover, New Hampshire

ISCM Best Practice Collaboration Meeting

Meeting Summary

Wednesday, May 8, 1996
North Andover, New Hampshire
 » Coordinated Science Learnings Review
Fred Luconi - MIT
Greg Nagler - MIT Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM) Program

Supply Chain Collaboration
Bob Van Saun, Vice President of Global Logistics - Lucent Technologies
Tony Olender, Cash Management Project Director - Lucent Technologie

Thursday, May 9, 1996
North Andover, New Hampshire

Analytical Modeling Working/Analytical Modeling Proposal Discussions
Steve Graves, Co-Director of LFM - MIT Sloan School of Management


The Five Box Supply Chain Tradeoff Model
Bruce Arntzen - Digital
Stu Sharpe - Digital


Thesis Presentation - Supply Chain Integration
Michelle Franciose - MIT


  Copyright© 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Comments and questions to Christopher A. Barajas