companies : CAREER FAIR

The 1999 Fall Career Fair is now over, to learn about what happened, please read on. 

This fall, for the first time ever, what had previously been three separate career fairs will be merged to create the Fall "Career Week". The highlight of this unified recruiting event will be the Career Fair, which will span the course of two days. MITSWE is a major co-sponsor of this event. The MIT Fall Career Fair web page may provide additional information.

MIT will of course still be hosting our popular annual MITSWE Career Fair Banquet during this week. This traditional event provides an excellent forum for interaction between company representatives and SWE members, allowing both groups to gain maximum benefit from their Career Week efforts. This year, we are proud to present Millie Dresselhaus and Irene Greif as our guest speakers. With one a distinguished MIT professor, and the other, Director of Lotus Research, they will have many things to say about academia and industry. 

Career Week Event Details: 

21st Annual MITSWE Career Fair Banquet
TIME: Thursday, September 30th, 6 pm - 10 pm
LOCATION: Westin Hotel in Copley Plaza (Boston)
VENUE: Reception and dinner with 175 MITSWE members
PARKING: Copley parking validated at the banquet
TRANSPORTATION: Free shuttle service is also available from the MIT campus and back. It runs every fifteen minutes from the front of Johnson Athletic Center on Vassar Street from 5:30 through 7:30pm, and continuously from the banquet afterwards. Please visit our banquet page for more information about sponsorship and invitations.

1999 Fall Career Fair co-sponsored by MIT Society of Women Engineers, Graduate Students Council & Class of 2000
Thursday, September 30th, 10 AM - 4 PM (geared toward Graduate Students)
Friday, October 1st, 10 AM - 4 PM (geared toward Undergraduates)

You can request registration to the Fall Career Fair from our SWE career fair chairs, Margaret Wang <> and Sarah Wu <>. They can also provide you with information about ordering the MITSWE resume book. Invitation for the MITSWE career fair banquet are on an additional page. 

Updated March 14, 2001 

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maintained by Chaitra Chandrasekhar and Janette Fong, 2001 webmasters
created by Jocelyn Lin & Arundhati Singh, 1999 communcations co-chairs