Frequently Asked Questions

When does the club practice?
There are practices held on Monday and Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00pm and Fridays from 7:30-9:30pm in DuPont Court 1. When PE classes are in session, Monday and Wednesday practices are from 8:30-9:30pm. More info can be found on our practices page.

How often do members attend classes?
Most people attend about two classes a week, but many come to all the practices each week. Members are encouraged to come as often as possible to get the most out of the club.

How much does it cost to join the club?
First off, all fees are waived for those who can't pay them. Just talk to Master Chuang or club president Akila Saravanan if you have any questions about that. Semester dues are usually around $50, and tournament fees are between $45 and $60 based on transportation costs.

Do I need my own uniform or any equipment?
If you want to compete with the club at any of our tournaments, you will need your own uniform. A basic uniform is FREE with your first club dues. Having your own sparring equipment is not necessary because you can borrow club gear. However, most people do have their own gear because, in that case he/she's the only person sweating in it.

How often does the club compete in tournaments?
There are five ECTC league tournaments a year, three in the fall and two in the spring. We also compete at the NCTA Collegiate Nationals, usually held in April at a different college each year. The tournament schedule is listed on the Calendar page.

Do I have to compete to be in the club?
Not at all. While we do encourage all club members to compete or just watch tournaments (they're always high energy and a TON of fun!), there is no official requirement.