#include "petscdmnetwork.h" PetscErrorCode DMNetworkGetComponentTypeOffset(DM dm,PetscInt p, PetscInt compnum, PetscInt *compkey, PetscInt *offset)Not Collective
dm | - The DMNetwork object | |
p | - vertex/edge point | |
compnum | - component number |
compkey | - the key obtained when registering the component | |
offset | - offset into the component data array associated with the vertex/edge point |
DMNetworkGetComponentDataArray(dm, &arr); DMNetworkGetVertex/EdgeRange(dm,&Start,&End); Loop over vertices or edges DMNetworkGetNumComponents(dm,v,&numcomps); Loop over numcomps DMNetworkGetComponentTypeOffset(dm,v,compnum,&key,&offset); compdata = (UserCompDataType)(arr+offset);
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