petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
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Returns the compressed row storage i and j indices for sequential matrices.


#include "petscmat.h" 
PetscErrorCode MatGetRowIJ(Mat mat,PetscInt shift,PetscBool symmetric,PetscBool inodecompressed,PetscInt *n,const PetscInt *ia[],const PetscInt *ja[],PetscBool  *done)
Collective on Mat

Input Parameters

mat - the matrix
shift - 0 or 1 indicating we want the indices starting at 0 or 1
symmetric - PETSC_TRUE or PETSC_FALSE indicating the matrix data structure should be symmetrized
inodecompressed - PETSC_TRUE or PETSC_FALSE indicating if the nonzero structure of the inodes or the nonzero elements is wanted. For BAIJ matrices the compressed version is always used.

Output Parameters

n - number of rows in the (possibly compressed) matrix
ia - the row pointers [of length n+1]
ja - the column indices
done - indicates if the routine actually worked and returned appropriate ia[] and ja[] arrays; callers are responsible for handling the case when done == PETSC_FALSE and ia and ja are not set

Notes: You CANNOT change any of the ia[] or ja[] values.

Use MatRestoreRowIJ() when you are finished accessing the ia[] and ja[] values

Fortran Node

In Fortran use

          PetscInt ia(1), ja(1)
          PetscOffset iia, jja
     call MatGetRowIJ(mat,shift,symmetric,inodecompressed,n,ia,iia,ja,jja,done,ierr)
     Acess the ith and jth entries via ia(iia + i) and ja(jja + j)


          PetscInt, pointer :: ia(:),ja(:)
   call  MatGetRowIJF90(mat,shift,symmetric,inodecompressed,n,ia,ja,done,ierr)
     Acess the ith and jth entries via ia(i) and ja(j)

See Also

MatGetColumnIJ(), MatRestoreRowIJ(), MatSeqAIJGetArray()

Index of all Mat routines
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