What to submit - Description & Photos/Videos & the Legal Stuff
Description: Please submit the following information with your photos/videos:
Name - please let us know if you would prefer us to put anonymous on the actual display with your photo/video.
Title - when in doubt, you can put "Untitled" or a simple name representing the peice.
Location - where you took this picture/video.
Date - when you took your photo/video.
Description (optional) - what your photo/video is all about (limit 100 words).
Content: We are looking for digital photos or videos (limit 10 seconds each) that are your orignal content and show us how you see the relative beauty of MIT.
Format: We'll take just about any digital formatted photo or video. Some common examples are:
Photos - .JPEG, .TIFF, .RAW
Videos - .MOV, .AVI, .MP4, .WMV
If you aren't sure what format your photo or video is, send it our way anyway and we will see what we can do with it.
Quality of Submission: We would prefer the highest quality of your photo/video that you have. When in doubt, send us the original file.
How to send it: The easiest way is to send it over email. Simply attach your photo/video file/s to an email and send it to If you are sending several larger files, you may want to send them in individual emails. If you run into any trouble sending files, please contact us for help.
What we will do with it: We can't gaurantee that we will use every submission. Our intent is to compile the widest range of images that provide a representative sampling of the MIT experience. This compilation video will be screened during the last week of IAP and made available for viewing on MIT TechTV. We also hope to create from photos submitted, an on -line silde show with descriptors.
Legal Stuff: Don't forget, if you are using recognizable people in your photos/videos, please meake sure you get thier permission and have them sign a release. Also, you cannot use any copyrighted material in your photos/videos. For more leagally helpful information and guidlines, check out our Legal Stuff page.
Send your submissions (photos/videos) to