Journal - Week 10

To prepare for the end of semester presentations, I must identify the central theme of the Bulfinch Triangle. Based on what I have learned about the site over the course of the semester, it seems obvious that the theme of the Triangle is the role of new technology in transportation as an agent of change. Transportation has played a major role in the site since it was developed. Originally, a series of railroads cut across the site. Since this plot of land was owned by the city of Boston, it has always been susceptible to changes in infrastructure. As such, we see that the infrastructure of this plot of land changes whenever there is a new dominant method of transportation. This structure occupies roughly 20% of the total space in the site. This means that any changes to this structure are immediately reflected in the surrounding urban landscape. Therefore, the surrounding landscape’s response to changes in transportation is amplified, making it very clear exactly what these changes are. Over the coming weeks, I will continue to develop my presentation using this as the central theme of the Bulfinch Triangle, and pick out examples from each assignment that support this theme.

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