Bio-Inspired Artificial Lateral-Line MEMS Flow Sensor


The project is towards developing an artificial lateral-line MEMS sensor array bio-mimicking the functional implications of superficial neuromasts (SNs) present in the blind fish Astyanax mexicanus fasciatus. High aspect ratio polymer 3D standing structures resembling SN of fish will greatly benefit AUVs performing underwater surveillance. 



Figure 1. Photographs of blind cave characin that completely relies on lateral-line of sensors for object detection and efficient maneuvering in water. (a) Atrophied eyes and pale pink skin are evident due to survival in deep dark caves (b) Optical microscopic image of lateral-line (line of sensors that can be visualized below the indicative red line).  (c) SEM image of a section of the lateral-line at the anteroposterior axis of the fish.


Figure 2. Biomimetic MEMS artificial neuromast sensor. (a) Shown here is an optical image of 600 mm tall 3D standing pillar resembling a superficial neuromast fabricated by SU-8 polymer patterning (b) Optical image of arrays of LCP MEMS pressure sensors.