Site policies:
Anyone wishing to download the data or any other material from this website must electronically acknowledge the same. An access to the data and other downloadable material is provided only after the user electronically signs an acknowledgment. We save the IP address of the computer used to access the website when the acknowledgment is signed.
We are releasing the attached datasets and information on an "AS-IS" basis. We do not represent, warrant, or otherwise guarantee, expressly or impliedly, the merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability, accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this data or information or the products, materials, or processes described. Each recipient or user is solely responsible for all determinations regarding any use of the data or information in its areas of interest. We expressly disclaim liability for any loss, damage, or injury directly or indirectly suffered or incurred as a result of or related to anyone using or relying on any of the attached data or information. Each recipient or user is solely responsible for obtaining any necessary, third-party software or other license to use the data and information. Through this release, we grant no express or implied license under any patent rights regarding the use of this data and information. We will at our sole discretion determine whether to discuss any specific questions or issues regarding the data and information. There is no endorsement of any product or process, and we expressly disclaim any contrary implication.
Data guidelines: