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Australia -- Field Work

calibrating in classroom
Calibrating all of our instruments in preparation for four days of field work, with Teaching Assistant Enrique Vivoni supervising. Professor Willgoose hosted us at the Univ. of Newcastle




Our five vehicle reseach caravan. The truck with the large antenna was our roving server. All data from handheld computers was transmitted to the server.


Recording water quality data (pH, conductivity, temperature, depth, dissolved oxygen, & turbidity) on our handheld computer field notebooks.


measuring Measuring water currents with a digital current meter. river study  

  boat pic   filtering water samples

Transects of the lower Williams River were taken by students on the boat.



Filtering water samples for E. coli and total coliform analyses.



Rich Camilli and Garry Willgoose Professor Garry Willgoose (PhD, 1989) from University of Newcastle visiting a field site on the Williams River with Teaching Assistant Rich Camilli.

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