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New Zealand

kids in cave suits Waitomo caves

We were outfitted by our guides with these
haute coutour suits to travel underground.

  The ceilings of the Waitomo
  Caves glittered with tens of
  thousands of glow worms.


mineral springs
Some of us braved the heated mineral springs
   all the way up to our knees!


sheila and don frankel

Gorge hiking at Waitomo Caves with Instructors Sheila Frankel, Assistant Director of Parsons Lab, CEE & Don Frankel (Ph.D. 1974).

fume tour fumes

    The thermal activity made  
    breathing very difficult.  


  The fumes, located in the center
  of Rotorua, New Zealand, consisted
  of Hydrogen Sulfide, boiling ground
  water and mud, and highly acidic surface
  waters (pH of 2).

rich sampling Lake Rotorua

Taking the pH of Lake Rotorua. The levels are at pH 2; your stomach acid is at pH 1.