Research @ MIT

Vehicle Sharing Network Design (2013.09 - Present)

Vehicle sharing is now a hot topic, and service providers can use systematic optimal strategic design. Currently, we are collaborating with Zipcar, a major carsharing service provider in the world. We hope to find a fleet assignment startegy that can benefit both the company and the public. Previously, we studied a network based on MBTA and Hubway data. We hoped to find a design that can help save people's intermodal travel time over the integrated network consisting of the road network, the transit service and vehicle sharing service.

Our work is featured on MIT News.

Main methodology for me: Optimization, Simulation, Statistical Learning, Spacial Analysis

Research @ Tsinghua

Shake & Ride (2012.03-2013.03)

The research group of Professor Hai Jiang developed Shake & Ride - a transit trip planner using locally stored transit data. My main tasks were design and implementation of route generation and route selection algorithms. By employing several special indexing, sorting and searching strategies in the design, our App is able to give good plans in very short time. Shake & Ride now has more than 200,000 downloads and is rated high (4+) in the App Store.


77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 1-245

Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Email and Telephone


Work: +1 (617) 252-1111

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