Nonlinear mechanics of wave-wave and wave-body interactions
Dynamics of steep and breaking waves
Extreme loads and large motions of ships and offshore platforms
Reconstruction, assimilation and prediction of nonlinear wavefield evolutions
including effects of winds and currents
Hydrodynamics of rogue waves
Dynamics of wave-bottom interactions,
resonant wave reflection/ refraction and wave localization
Nonlinear ship waves and ambient ship-wave interactions
Nonlinear forces and control of near-surface submarines
Water-entry and impact dynamics
Stability of standing waves
Free-surface vortical and turbulent flows
Mechanics of the coupled air-sea boundary layers
Interaction of vortices with a free surface
Structures and mechanisms of free surface turbulence
Near-surface turbulent diffusion and transport of dissolved substances
Viscous and turbulent flows around ship hulls
Dynamics of spray, jets, and wave breaking
Surfactant hydrodynamics; resonant interaction of dilatational (surfactant)
and transverse waves
DNS, LES and RANS modeling of steep breaking waves
Unsteady propulsion and hydrodynamics of fish like swimming
Vorticity control
Fish propulsion
Effect of moving boundaries on turbulent and separated flow
Fluid mechanics of flapping foils
Research areas