Class Accum2Image

  extended bycore.image.ScalarImage
      extended bycore.image.AccumImage
          extended bycore.image.Accum2Image

public class Accum2Image
extends AccumImage

Stores a float image with alpha^2 = < width, height, float-buffer, alpha-buffer, minalpha, coverage >. An Accum2Image extends AccumImage so that the samples contribute in a such a way that the output variance is normalized. The float channel stores the sample sum with the alpha premultiplied, and the alpha channel stores the sum of the squares of the alpha amounts. This way, computing the final sample value is simple: sample = Sum(s[i]*sa[i])/Sqrt(Sum(sa[i]^2)) = f/Sqrt(a) If the samples accumulated have a Gaussian distribution, the final sample will have the same distribution.

Andreas Sundquist

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class core.image.AccumImage
a, coverage, minalpha
Fields inherited from class core.image.ScalarImage
f, height, offset, size, width
Constructor Summary
Accum2Image(int width, int height)
          Constructs a new Accum2Image = < width, height, zero-buffer, zero-buffer, 1.0, 0 >
Method Summary
 void Accumulate(int x, int y, double s, double sa)
          Adds "s" and "sa"^2 to the scalar and alpha values at (x, y) if it is in-bounds.
 void Clear()
          Clears both the scalar and alpha components in "this"
 double get(int x, int y)
          Returns: the value at (x, y) with the alpha divided out.
 void Normalize()
          Divides out the alpha component in "this", renormalizing it to 1.0.
 void Normalize(int x, int y)
          Normalize the alpha value of a particular pixel, dividing out the square root of the alpha channel.
 void Set(int x, int y, double s, double sa)
          Sets the scalar and alpha value at (x, y) to (s, sa^2).
 void SetAlpha()
          Sets the scalar component of "this" to the alpha component
 void SetZero()
          Sets the samples in "this" to zero, with an alpha of 1.0
Methods inherited from class core.image.AccumImage
Accumulate, AccumulateBilinear, AccumulateBilinear, Copy, Copy, getAlpha, hasSingularity
Methods inherited from class core.image.ScalarImage
Add, Clamp, Convolve3x3, Copy, Copy, getBilinear, getBilinear, inBounds, inBounds, inBounds, Modulate, Power, Rescale, Set, SetRandom, SetRandom, StretchBilinear, Vec2FieldMagnitude, Vec2FieldZero
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Accum2Image(int width,
                   int height)
Constructs a new Accum2Image = < width, height, zero-buffer, zero-buffer, 1.0, 0 >

Method Detail


public void SetZero()
Sets the samples in "this" to zero, with an alpha of 1.0

SetZero in class AccumImage


public void Clear()
Clears both the scalar and alpha components in "this"

Clear in class AccumImage


public void SetAlpha()
Sets the scalar component of "this" to the alpha component

SetAlpha in class AccumImage


public void Normalize()
Divides out the alpha component in "this", renormalizing it to 1.0. Since the alpha channel stores the sum of the squares of the alphas, we actually divide out the square root of the alpha value.

Normalize in class AccumImage


public void Normalize(int x,
                      int y)
Normalize the alpha value of a particular pixel, dividing out the square root of the alpha channel.

Normalize in class AccumImage


public double get(int x,
                  int y)
Returns: the value at (x, y) with the alpha divided out. Requires: 0<=x
get in class AccumImage


public void Set(int x,
                int y,
                double s,
                double sa)
Sets the scalar and alpha value at (x, y) to (s, sa^2). If (x, y) is out-of-bounds, this has no effect.

Set in class AccumImage


public void Accumulate(int x,
                       int y,
                       double s,
                       double sa)
Adds "s" and "sa"^2 to the scalar and alpha values at (x, y) if it is in-bounds.

Accumulate in class AccumImage