Nursery Location Map

The Lot
In order to plan its nursery, the school must find a suitable a vacant lot for its use. The lot directly to the northeast should be considered as a prime location for the nursery for the following reasons:
It has a directly adjacent relationship to the school
The existing vegetation there is relatively sparse when compared with other area lots. (This is probably due to it's having recently been an occupied site.) Limited vegetation allows for easy property clean-up.
It is likely to be an easier site to find owners for as a result of the fact that it was more recently developed than other vacant lots in the area.
As is, this property is an eyesore. Whereas other vacant lands are experiencing interesting secondary vegetative growth with wild flowers and native shrubs, the property northeast of the school will see the most improvement through transformance into a functional place.
The site is also highly visible, which will guard it somewhat against vandalism in addition to providing a visual amenity to the largest number of area residents.
The next step is to gain permission for the use of this lot. This involves going down to the department of deeds in city hall to inquire as to who owns the land. Often, the city will own the vacant property and will be willing to have it put to a constructive use that will increase the land value. The next step is to ask the owner (city or private) for permission to use the property. If it is not possible to use the choice site or if its impossible to identify or locate the owner(s) then go through the inquiry process again with lot options "B" and "C" as indicated on the location plan.
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