The first place of water for revealing its
        feeling and power is the forest. Humans can
        use water in natural way, we can play
        with its movement in a waterfall .
        We can drink, we can
        wash our face in a small stream.,
        Then, we grow up gradually.
        We live together in a small village along
        the river. We still use water.
        People use water along the river.
        The first human settlement
        place was along the way of water
        Where does this water go ?
        Where does this water come from?
        Now, we do not use it alone
        We use it with other families
        In this part,
        This is the first water place
        that we will teach our kids about
        water and nature.

        Not far from 3,000 years ago,
        we have known the way to cultivate
        our food, to rise up our agricultural
        product. We channel irrigation water to our arable
        area. Water still is the most important
        factor in farm land.
        This is the second place for
        teaching our children about
        water and agriculture.

        At this time, we come so far
        from a deep forest, a small village
        a farm house in green land.
        We live in the city.
        We live with electricity.
        and we still need water and
        use it, contaminate it .
        How can we tell our offspring
        about the way to treat it?
        This is the place for telling them
        about water and urban architecture.

        Finally, water runs through the
        oceans . We will teach our kids
        about water and the world.

      The theme of discovery is the main concept of
      play ground .
      The wall is the place for kids to play.
      They would like to know what 's behind the wall.
      The wall evokes the feeling for discovery.

This page is maintained by Worrasit at the Graduate School of Fine Arts
Please mail any comments to:
Last Update:27 nov 1996