Vector Calculus Independent
Study Path
Unit 2: Parametric Curves
Parametric Curves are vector valued functions of one variable, and
can be thought of as describing the path through space of a particle.
In this unit you should/will learn about:
- How to parametrize curves.
- How to find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of a curve.
- How to find the arc length of a curve.
- How to find the path integral of a function of a curve.
- How to find the work done by a particle moving along a curve
through some force field.
For more detailed instructions, see the Xdvi
or PDF pages.
Suggested Procedure
- Read and do some problems from
- Rogers Chapters 6, 7 and 20,
- Marsden and Tromba 3rd edition sections 3.1, 3.2, 7.1, and 7.2,
- Marsden and Tromba 4th edition sections 2.4, 4.1, 4.2, 7.1, and 7.2,
- Thomas & Finney chapters 13 and 14,
- Simmons chapter 17 and section 21.1, or
- World Web Math pages (currently being revised) regarding
- Curves,
- Velocity,
- Arc Length,
- Path Integrals, and
- Work Integrals.
- Take the Sample Test, Xdvi or PDF.
- Take a unit test.
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Last Modified November 5, 1998