Hypertext "Anchor" Object

An anchor represents a region of a hypertext document which is linked to another anchor in the same or a different document.
#ifndef HTANCHOR_H
#define HTANCHOR_H

/* Version 0 (TBL) written in Objective-C for the NeXT browser */
/* Version 1 of 24-Oct-1991 (JFG), written in C, browser-independant */

#include "HTList.h"
#include "HTAtom.h"

Short names

#define HTAnchor_findChild			HTAnFiCh
#define HTAnchor_findChildAndLink		HTAnFiLi
#define HTAnchor_findAddress			HTAnFiAd
#define HTAnchor_delete				HTAnDele
#define HTAnchor_makeLastChild			HTAnMaLa
#define HTAnchor_parent				HTAnPare
#define HTAnchor_setDocument			HTAnSeDo
#define HTAnchor_document			HTAnDocu
#define HTAnchor_setFormat			HTAnSeFo
#define HTAnchor_format				HTAnForm
#define HTAnchor_setIndex			HTAnSeIn
#define HTAnchor_isIndex			HTAnIsIn
#define HTAnchor_address			HTAnAddr
#define HTAnchor_hasChildren			HTAnHaCh
#define HTAnchor_title				HTAnTitl
#define HTAnchor_setTitle			HTAnSeTi
#define HTAnchor_appendTitle			HTAnApTi
#define HTAnchor_link				HTAnLink
#define HTAnchor_followMainLink			HTAnFoMa
#define HTAnchor_followTypedLink		HTAnFoTy
#define HTAnchor_makeMainLink			HTAnMaMa
#define HTAnchor_setProtocol			HTAnSePr
#define HTAnchor_protocol			HTAnProt
#define HTAnchor_physical			HTAnPhys
#define HTAnchor_setPhysical			HTAnSePh
#define HTAnchor_methods			HtAnMeth

Anchor data structures

typedef struct _HyperDoc HyperDoc;  /* Ready for forward references */
typedef struct _HTAnchor HTAnchor;
typedef struct _HTParentAnchor HTParentAnchor;
typedef struct _HTChildAnchor HTChildAnchor;

Must be AFTER definition of HTAnchor:
#include "HTFormat.h"

typedef HTAtom HTLinkType;

typedef struct {
  HTAnchor *	dest;		/* The anchor to which this leads */
  HTLinkType *	type;		/* Semantics of this link */
} HTLink;

Generic Anchor type

struct _HTAnchor {		/* Generic anchor : just links */
  HTLink	mainLink;	/* Main (or default) destination of this */
  HTList *	links;  	/* List of extra links from this, if any */
  /* We separate the first link from the others to avoid too many small mallocs
     involved by a list creation. Most anchors only point to one place. */
  HTParentAnchor * parent;	/* Parent of this anchor (self for adults) */

Anchor for a whole object

struct _HTParentAnchor {
  /* Common part from the generic anchor structure */
  HTLink	mainLink;	/* Main (or default) destination of this */
  HTList *	links;  	/* List of extra links from this, if any */
  HTParentAnchor * parent;	/* Parent of this anchor (self) */

  /* ParentAnchor-specific information */
  HTList *	children;	/* Subanchors of this, if any */
  HTList *	sources;	/* List of anchors pointing to this, if any */
  HyperDoc *	document;	/* The document within which this is an anchor */
  char * 	address;	/* Absolute address of this node */
  HTFormat	format; 	/* Pointer to node format descriptor */
  BOOL		isIndex;	/* Acceptance of a keyword search */
  char *	title;		/* Title of document */
  HTList*	methods;	/* Methods available as HTAtoms */
  void *	protocol;	/* Protocol object */
  char *	physical;	/* Physical address */
  HTList *	cacheItems ;	/* Cache hits (see HTFWriter ) for this URL */
  long int      size;           /* Indicative size only if multiformat */ 

Anchor for a fragment of an object

struct _HTChildAnchor {
  /* Common part from the generic anchor structure */
  HTLink	mainLink;	/* Main (or default) destination of this */
  HTList *	links;  	/* List of extra links from this, if any */
  HTParentAnchor * parent;	/* Parent of this anchor */

  /* ChildAnchor-specific information */
  char * 	tag;		/* Address of this anchor relative to parent */

Class methods

HTAnchor_findChild: Create new or find old sub-anchor

This one is for a new anchor being edited into an existing document. The parent anchor must already exist.
extern HTChildAnchor * HTAnchor_findChild
     (HTParentAnchor *parent,
      CONST char *tag)

HTAnchor_findChildAndLink: Create or find a child anchor with a possible link

Create new anchor with a given parent and possibly a name, and possibly a link to a _relatively_ named anchor.
extern HTChildAnchor * HTAnchor_findChildAndLink
      HTParentAnchor * parent,	/* May not be 0 */
      CONST char * tag,         /* May be "" or 0 */
      CONST char * href,	/* May be "" or 0 */
      HTLinkType * ltype	/* May be 0 */

Create new or find old named anchor

This one is for a reference which
is found in a document, and might
not be already loaded. Note: You
are not guaranteed a new anchor --
you might get an old one, like with
extern HTAnchor * HTAnchor_findAddress
     (CONST char * address)

HTAnchor_delete: Delete an anchor

Also possibly delete related things (auto garbage collection)

The anchor is only deleted if the corresponding document is not loaded. All outgoing links from parent and children are deleted, and this anchor is removed from the sources list of all its targets. We also try to delete the targets whose documents are not loaded. If this anchor's source list is empty, we delete it and its children.

extern BOOL HTAnchor_delete
     (HTParentAnchor *me)

HTAnchor_makeLastChild: Move an anchor to the head of the list of its siblings

This is to ensure that an anchor which might have already existed is put in the correct order as we load the document.
extern void HTAnchor_makeLastChild
     (HTChildAnchor *me)

Accessing Properties of the Anchor

extern HTParentAnchor * HTAnchor_parent
     (HTAnchor *me)

extern void HTAnchor_setDocument
     (HTParentAnchor *me, HyperDoc *doc)

extern HyperDoc * HTAnchor_document
     (HTParentAnchor *me)
/* We don't want code to change an address after anchor creation... yet ?
extern void HTAnchor_setAddress
     (HTAnchor *me, char *addr)


Returns the full URI of the anchor, child or parent as a malloc'd string to be freed by the caller.
extern char * HTAnchor_address
     (HTAnchor *me)

Format of source

extern void HTAnchor_setFormat
     (HTParentAnchor *me, HTFormat form)

extern HTFormat HTAnchor_format
     (HTParentAnchor *me)

Is it searchable?

extern void HTAnchor_clearIndex PARAMS((HTParentAnchor *me));
extern void HTAnchor_setIndex PARAMS((HTParentAnchor *me));
extern BOOL HTAnchor_isIndex PARAMS((HTParentAnchor *me));

Does it have any anchors within it?

extern BOOL HTAnchor_hasChildren
     (HTParentAnchor *me)

List of methods which can operate on object

extern HTList * HTAnchor_methods PARAMS((HTParentAnchor *me));


extern void * HTAnchor_protocol PARAMS((HTParentAnchor * me));
extern void HTAnchor_setProtocol PARAMS((HTParentAnchor * me,
					void* protocol));

Physical address

extern char * HTAnchor_physical PARAMS((HTParentAnchor * me));
extern void HTAnchor_setPhysical PARAMS((HTParentAnchor * me,
					char * protocol));

Title handling

extern CONST char * HTAnchor_title
     (HTParentAnchor *me)

extern void HTAnchor_setTitle
     (HTParentAnchor *me, CONST char * title)

extern void HTAnchor_appendTitle
     (HTParentAnchor *me, CONST char * title)

Manipulation of Links

Link this Anchor to another given one

extern BOOL HTAnchor_link
     (HTAnchor *source, HTAnchor *destination, HTLinkType *type)

Find destination of link

extern HTAnchor * HTAnchor_followMainLink
     (HTAnchor *me)

Find destination with given relationship

extern HTAnchor * HTAnchor_followTypedLink
     (HTAnchor *me, HTLinkType *type)

Make a particular link the main link

extern BOOL HTAnchor_makeMainLink
     (HTAnchor *me, HTLink *movingLink)

#endif /* HTANCHOR_H */